Anyone heard of Edward De Bono and his six thinking hats? I'm sure you have. Well, think of the 'doubters', 'naysayers' and 'smartarses' along the lines of 'Black Hat' thinkers,Merely pointing out the flaws in order that those who are so eager to charge on are aware of them and consider them.
In actual fact they/we could be helping those people using the book by making them think a wee bit more and possibly sorting the wheat from the chaff. No?
The 'Black Hat' thinkers are usually considered to be the most important in these situations btw.
In actual fact they/we could be helping those people using the book by making them think a wee bit more and possibly sorting the wheat from the chaff. No?

The 'Black Hat' thinkers are usually considered to be the most important in these situations btw.