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Need some tip


Assistant Pro
Apr 19, 2013
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Okay had a 9-hole game yesterday which went pretty well. Needed to warm up but after the third hole i was striking the ball very well. The only issue i've got is my aiming; it's shockingly bad.

I feel i'm hitting the ball straight but my aiming to the green is just wrong - how can i fix this? Any tips?


Tour Winner
May 8, 2012
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First thing I would do is go to the range, pick a target, set yourself to what you think is right and then put a club along your toes to see if your feet are pointing in the right direction. If that's right then work up your body to see what is offline and start to correct it.
I have a bad habit of letting my shoulders fall open which ends up with me pulling shots to the left, a quick reboot in the brain to get the shoulders round and back on line with the target.
If your lined up properly then have a word with your pro, a quick session should get it sorted.


Tour Rookie
Apr 4, 2013
Okay had a 9-hole game yesterday which went pretty well. Needed to warm up but after the third hole i was striking the ball very well. The only issue i've got is my aiming; it's shockingly bad.

I feel i'm hitting the ball straight but my aiming to the green is just wrong - how can i fix this? Any tips?

Maybe you could try aiming the club face at the target first before setting your feet.
If you then line your feet up with the ball and the club face you may feel like you are actually aiming a couple of feet to the left of the pin (if you are right handed).

Your current problem may be (might not be) that your feet and club face are both aiming straight at your target, which shouldn't be the case if you are aligned correctly.

If you are hitting your ball with a slight fade or draw, you have a different problem.


Assistant Pro
Apr 19, 2013
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Maybe you could try aiming the club face at the target first before setting your feet.
If you then line your feet up with the ball and the club face you may feel like you are actually aiming a couple of feet to the left of the pin (if you are right handed).

I'll give this a go


Nov 16, 2011
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Could be any number of reasons why, but, assuming rightey and alignment is correct, straight left simply means face is closed to the target and swing path is same direction - out to in.

Without actually seeing the swing, it's hard to tell why, but getting the downswing more in-to-out would be my suggestion. That's normally a case of getting the sequencing correct and not allowing the arms to get out of sync with the body.


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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Pick the spot you're aiming at by holding the club in front of you over the ball, then look back from that spot to a point just in front of the ball, which could be a spot of dirt, blade of grass, discoloured patch, whatever.

Then, set the club behind the ball, aligned to that spot, and then square your feet and body against the face.

If you've done this properly, then you're aligned correctly and any deviation is down to your swing.