Neck Ties


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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They seem to have gone out of, well not fashion, but use in general. Grandson got a job in an office just before xmas and I offeed him a few of my (funny) ties. He looked at me with a puzzled face saying, " er they don't wear them grandad". Eh? I put them on e bay. Seems he was right. They are still there.
They seem to have gone out of, well not fashion, but use in general. Grandson got a job in an office just before xmas and I offeed him a few of my (funny) ties. He looked at me with a puzzled face saying, " er they don't wear them grandad". Eh? I put them on e bay. Seems he was right. They are still there.
I occasionally wear one at work. It always gets remarked upon.
My dad used to wear a tie even after he retired and was spending the day digging the allotment. That was a step down from his dad, who would've been doing it in a 3 piece suit.
My son works partly in an office environment, doesn't own a tie. Chinos, smart shirt, a couple of single colour jumpers in winter. That's the standard office uniform nowadays. Much more comfortable to work in.

I own a couple, historical items now. At a guess I'd say I last wore one 10yrs ago but it could be longer than that. I expect to never wear one again, always hated wearing them (just realised I wore one 2 years ago at a posh golf course. Part of the invitation, eating there and a tie was the rule. It was a rubbish tie, badly made and as loose as I could get away with 😂)
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Hatches, matches and despatches.......the only time you'll see me in a tie.....and even then I'll try and get away without one
Possibly at some golf clubs but unlikely these days....
Hatches, matches and despatches.......the only time you'll see me in a tie.....and even then I'll try and get away without one
Possibly at some golf clubs but unlikely these days....
I’ve been to a wedding and a funeral in the last couple of months. Didn’t wear a tie to either. Thought I might be the odd one out, but there was a sizeable minority at both who didn’t bother either.

Can’t see myself ever wearing one again tbh.
Last time I wore a tie I had to think for a little while how to do it up and I wore a tie every day for work.

Finally got rid of loads of them to the charity shop last year.

Not sure I even have a 'dress shirt' that fits.
My old Electrician back in the 80s used to wear slacks, shirt and tie every day. He would put a boiler suit and a beret on and climb up into lofts to do the wiring!

Now even though I’m more office based I only wear a tie for a wedding or a funeral.
A tie and jacket is required to enter certain parts of the clubhouse at one of the clubs I belong to- no problem for me and all members to comply. I also wear a tie while refereeing at specific events.
I wouldn't dream of going to a funeral without wearing a tie. Would also wear one for a wedding especially if a close relative. Don't have an issue with them, I like to look stylish :cool:
I occasionally wear one at work. It always gets remarked upon.
My dad used to wear a tie even after he retired and was spending the day digging the allotment. That was a step down from his dad, who would've been doing it in a 3 piece suit.
Love that 👍🏻
In the 1950's it was normal to see all the greenkeepers wearing a jacket and tie as they cycled to work
Dungarees under a jacket was also common.

Strange how in 2025 we still insist on children wearing a tie to many schools
I wore suit and tie all my working life. I still have about 30+ ties. I retired in 2008 and have only worn one to a handful of formal occasions since.
Pre Covid, jacket and tie after a shower was compulsory at every club we played at after a Seniors match, and dine only when all 16 were back in and changed. Now they all go with straight in in your golf gear with a change of shoes.