Masters 2023


Deleted member 15344

Several reasons. Firstly DataGolf is a better measure of who are the best players "right now" (which is relevant to Phil's claim) - OWGR is a tapered two year rolling average that enables players to maintain erroneously high rankings for an extended period. Secondly, DataGolf has a broader scope compared to OWGR. Thirdly, OWGR is skewed by some very bizarre calculations and points allocations that do not accurately represent relative performances (e.g. awarding more points for a distant last place in a very small field in the US than top 5 in a big field in Asia/Japan/Australia/South Africa/Europe/etc.).
Says who ?

And did you really take 99.9% that literally and fail to understand that it was more of a saying as opposed to a statistical fact 🙄


Apr 4, 2023
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Masters Fun Fact #2

Just heard that Sandy Lyle is making his 42nd appearance and has only had one top ten finish, when he won.
He has, however, announced that it'll be his last! FWIW, If I had the opportunity to be there every year, I'm pretty sure I would - even if I had to play the course a few times!


Apr 4, 2023
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Interesting but why when it’s got 99.9% of the best golfers in the world right now
As a maths grad, I have to challenge your very suspect arithmetic! It would have to have a field of at least 999 for that to be correct, let alone the hangers on like Sandy Lyle et al! FWIW, Wjemather is correct about DataGolf's weighting of recent results - it actually states that - and it's quite reasonable to do so as it's target market is betting folk, so interested in current form cf old results!
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Deleted member 15344

As a maths grad, I have to challenge your very suspect arithmetic! It would have to have a field of at least 999 for that to be correct, let alone the hangers on like Sandy Lyle et al! FWIW, Wjemather is correct about DataGolf's weighting of recent results - it actually states that - and it's quite reasonable to do so as it's target market is betting folk, so interested in current form cf old results!

As a maths grad you appear to have lost all common sense

and “Data Golf” is irrelevant - none of the tours use it