Mark Sampson


Deleted member 16999

The questions he asks above are excellent and very relevant regardless of whether you are worried or not. Something really stinks in the FA and the people stinking have the full support of the board who also stink if they think all is rosy in the garden.

The FA needs a deep clean but who to bring in
As in, why ask me the questions, I explained I can only answer what I’ve seen and read.

I totally agree the FA needs rooting out top to bottom, but that adds nothing to the information currently available to the public.

Deleted member 16999

Haven’t been following this closely so might have missed something but sampson has admitted making racist comments to a black player? If so, in what sense is he not a racist and why should we have an ounce of pity for him?
He admitted making the comments Aluko stated, he made them, according to him, as banter.

The Lawyer investigating said they were racist comments, but he’s not a racist.

I see what you’re asking, but does 2 or 3 comments label a person for life, or do we put it down to a lack of intelligence or awareness.

The goalkeeping coach is now being investigated as he would talk to the African born players in a caribbean accent, you couldn’t make it up!

Lord Tyrion

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Sep 9, 2014
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Yes, I saw that. I was pointing out that Sampson himself did not admit to them being racist as was stated in the post. Your previous post covered it regarding the comment but then whether the person himself was racist.