Lesson confusion !!!

Hi all.
I've just had a lesson to sort out my slicey driver and I mentioned that I suffer from a lack of weight shift through the swing.
After a few shots he gave me three things to work on ............................ none of which concerned weight shift.
1. Strengthen my left hand grip, which I totally get.
2. Start my takeaway outside the line to encourage me to drop onto the inside on the way down, which I sort of get.
3. Position the ball 2 or 3 inches inside my left heel, which kind of caught me by surprise a bit.
After hitting a few shots I'd lost my horrid high slice and was hitting gentle fades, which was just what I was after.
But something is nagging away at the back of my brain about the ball position.
It certainly seemed to work, but ................

Any thoughts?
Out of interest, who says you have an issue with weight shift?
Out of interest, who says you have an issue with weight shift?

The general manager of the club I play at.
He was the teaching pro until his recent promotion and, after 18 holes in a club competition with him a couple of weeks ago, he mentioned I over swing and don't shift my weight correctly.
He's been away recently, otherwise I'd have got a lesson from him.
When you say he asked you to put the ball 2-3 inches inside your heel you do not say where it was previously positioned!!

2 inches inside left heel seems to be a god position on the basis that it should never be further forward than the left heel in the first place (at least that is what I was taught).
When you say he asked you to put the ball 2-3 inches inside your heel you do not say where it was previously positioned!!

2 inches inside left heel seems to be a god position on the basis that it should never be further forward than the left heel in the first place (at least that is what I was taught).

I was wondering that until post no.4 where he said moving the ball back
When you say he asked you to put the ball 2-3 inches inside your heel you do not say where it was previously positioned!!

2 inches inside left heel seems to be a god position on the basis that it should never be further forward than the left heel in the first place (at least that is what I was taught).

It was somewhere on a line between my left heel and left big toe.
I was always led to believe it should be opposite my left heel ............. ish.
It was somewhere on a line between my left heel and left big toe.
I was always led to believe it should be opposite my left heel ............. ish.
Opposite left chest pocket I was taught.
But that was with a persimmon driver.
There has been a trend to get the ball futher forward to lower spin over the years with modern drivers.
Hitting up on it works for some but not all.
Do you know your angle of attack.
Mine was -4 so I struggled to hit up on it.
Tried to change it but failed so back to my normal position.
Opposite left chest pocket I was taught.
But that was with a persimmon driver.
There has been a trend to get the ball futher forward to lower spin over the years with modern drivers.
Hitting up on it works for some but not all.
Do you know your angle of attack.
Mine was -4 so I struggled to hit up on it.
Tried to change it but failed so back to my normal position.

I have no idea, I'll try and get on a proper monitor as soon as I can.
I was going tp put this in the 'I played today' thread, but that's descended into another silly bickerfest so I'll post here as it still has relevance.
I played yesterday. The weather was gorgeous, but I felt awful and I'm also struggling with tennis elbow right now.
Despite all that my driving was certainly better than it has been of late.
The horrid high slice never appeared.
My drives either had a slight fade or I pulled the ball left and arrow straight.
My pulled drives went like bloody exocets and went miles.
The course was in reasonable condition, too.
Got home yesterday at 3.00pm and went straight to bed, have just got up!
So slight out to in swingpath.
Face square to path bullet left.
Face slightly open to path nice fade.

How did the ball position feel.?

So all I need is a consistent face to path angle.
Ball position felt very strange to begin with, but it soon felt, or more importantly looked, okay