It's a lot less bother with a Hover


Q-School Graduate
Jan 31, 2012
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Well I can't remember if it was this month mag or a rival one that said if you suffer from a early wrist hinge try hovering the club. This stops the tension and the early hinge. So took this idea to the range and all I can say is wow wow wow I normally suffer a early wrist break which can result in laying the club off and producing the odd shank. Well using the hover technique this is swing feels so much more on plane. I'm not talking just my driver but the whole set. I was hitting the ball so well when I looked up a group of people were watching.highly recommend this technique to try.
cracking news! might have to give it a try next time I am on the range.
That must have been embarrasing for you ... having an audience!

Not embarrassing at all. But I had abit of a big head when I left. Can't wait to try in on the course.
Not embarrassing at all. But I had abit of a big head when I left. Can't wait to try in on the course.

You're going to be ready for the pro game soon as you clearly enjoy the attention.
I sometimes find it quite (embarrasing isn't the word but it's something related) when people comment on how well you hit it at the range. This could be to do with the fact that my course management is so poor (and short game is average) that my scores don't often reflect the impression I might make when on the range.

Good luck with your next round, I bet you can not wait!
I've procrastinated with this for some time now.... :p I like the theory but I cant understand how your forearms can be less tense when you've got to lift the club and hover behind the ball?! After a few sherberts the night before it must be a nightmare keeping the bloody thing from wobbling all over the place!! :smirk:
So that hover the club and hum a tune.

I love how daft things like this makes us swing better.
I've always had a forward press before taking my backswing, sometimes its small sometimes its very noticable and ive tinkered with doing this for ages, too busy playing to practice though.
I was hitting the ball so well when I looked up a group of people were watching..

reminded me of last Sunday where I was really hitting the R1 so high and long at the range 2 guys came up to ask about it and said I must be off scratch:eek: does the ego a lot of good but I'm still struggling to beat 80 on the course with silly shots
Tried it, didn't like it, tried it again, still didn't like it, gave it one more go in the winter and STILL didn't like it.
Didn't help my shots, didn't feel comfortable and caused me all sorts of other problems.
I know it works for some people but it's not for me. Try it and see how it goes on the range, if it goes well practice it for quiet a while before you take it out on the course.
Though I've not been playing long, I've never done anything but hover and I'm still rubbish. A pro on a demo told me to try grounding the club instead, but I just hit fat shots because I'm too used to hovering.
Is this just for Tee shots? I can't imagine doing this when the ball is sitting in the rough. Going to try it tomorrow night as I really could do with help off the tee - with all clubs, feel comfortable elsewhere on the course.
I've tried hovering and it doesn't work for me. I find I take it away too quick and snatchy and completely against what it is trying to solve. Others seem to find it helps so clearly just me (again). I might dabble again at some point for a bit of fun but can't see me changing. I certainly wouldn't do it with irons off the fairway.
Tried it at range tonight with the irons and hit 5 Consecutive shanks and 2 thinned wedges! Went back to grounding the club and was hitting it sweet.

Moved onto driver and again tried hovering hit pushes, pulls, hooks and slices. Back to grounding club and hit the ball well again.

Seems it doesn't work for me found it less relaxing at address and unstable on takeAway