Intermittent fasting


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Sep 21, 2017
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Never drink calories. It's just a waste when you can be eating them. Calories from liquid don't give you a sense of fulfilment. However, some people find protein drinks to be very filling (not me personally)
What do you mean by "find a way to get calories deficient"? Finding time?
30-40 mins Daily bike/rowing/weights burn about 300-500 cals (as per Apple Watch)

So need to find how to get deficient. I see this is 3 ways
1) Reduce intake (IF should help with that as I m missing a meal)
2) Reduce portion size for those I have
3) change what is on the menu itself. Greens, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt etc etc. (tasty stuff), reduce alcohol et al

Hope that makes sense


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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30-40 mins Daily bike/rowing/weights burn about 300-500 cals (as per Apple Watch)

So need to find how to get deficient. I see this is 3 ways
1) Reduce intake (IF should help with that as I m missing a meal)
2) Reduce portion size for those I have
3) change what is on the menu itself. Greens, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt etc etc. (tasty stuff), reduce alcohol et al

Hope that makes sense

Not sure if it's been mentioned but an accurate way to make sure you're in a deficit is to use something like My Fitness Pal. The conversation about butter is the sort of thing people get caught out on so, boring and time consuming it is, weigh/measure everything until you're better at eyeballing portion sizes.


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Aug 13, 2010
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30-40 mins Daily bike/rowing/weights burn about 300-500 cals (as per Apple Watch)

So need to find how to get deficient. I see this is 3 ways
1) Reduce intake (IF should help with that as I m missing a meal)
2) Reduce portion size for those I have
3) change what is on the menu itself. Greens, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt etc etc. (tasty stuff), reduce alcohol et al

Hope that makes sense
Like Amanda said. My fitness pal is very good. If you want to maintain a 500 cal deficit for eg you have to track and weigh your food. Eyeballing is not gonna work for you. I might sound like a ball ache but it's not once you get into a routine. All I would say is keep your activities as high as possible. Walking to the shops, walking the dog. Anything you can do above your norm would be a help. Personally I don't do cardio but I walk the dog for 6 miles each day and 3 times a week walk another 5 miles around the golf course. That's 57 miles a week without breaking a sweat


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Apr 1, 2007
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I did a 22 hour fasting for a few months last year, took 2 stone off and felt great. I would have my two hour eating window around 4pm to 6pm used to play a round of golf in morning then go to gym no problem. I found I had more energy but ended up going on holiday and coming off it and never got back on it. Think I’ll give it a go on Monday again, only takes me two three days to get into it then i just kind of don’t think about eating outside my window.

Ive done 16/8 a few times with some success. Never tried 22/2. What did you eat in the 2 hours ? Did you stay healthy or avoid refined carbs etc ?


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Jul 22, 2021
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Ive done 16/8 a few times with some success. Never tried 22/2. What did you eat in the 2 hours ? Did you stay healthy or avoid refined carbs etc ?
Lol no definitely didn’t eat healthy. My problem is my diet I don’t drink or smoke but my diet is really quite bad and so I’ve put on a few stone as I’ve got older.
I would do the 22/2 fasting as a cheat to get weight off. So in my two hour window I would eat maybe eat a Chinese two cokes and then have some crisps/chocolate before my window shut. It got two stone off fast and I could eat as much crap as I wanted. I am probably still two stone away from my ideal weight so need to get on the two hour window but eat clean next time but I really do struggle eating clean for any length of time unfortunately


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Lol no definitely didn’t eat healthy. My problem is my diet I don’t drink or smoke but my diet is really quite bad and so I’ve put on a few stone as I’ve got older.
I would do the 22/2 fasting as a cheat to get weight off. So in my two hour window I would eat maybe eat a Chinese two cokes and then have some crisps/chocolate before my window shut. It got two stone off fast and I could eat as much crap as I wanted. I am probably still two stone away from my ideal weight so need to get on the two hour window but eat clean next time but I really do struggle eating clean for any length of time unfortunately

Please be careful as your body needs better fuel than that - especially fuel on a deficit. Don't try to eat clean for any length of time - just try and eat clean today. Then maybe tomorrow will be equally clean or better BUT your not setting yourself up to fail and also think "well that's messed that up so might as well carry on as I've blown it". Or perhaps in that two hour window set a target for 5 pieces of fruit or vegetable and around that have what you want...


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Remind me what all this dieting and exercise culture has done for the citizens of a nation that is now 2/3rds overweight.
I am unsettled that the leader of the UK is an overweight sausage.
What message does that send out?

Once upon a time being overweight was a sign of success, and this still seems to be embedded in our culture.

Being overweight means that your internal organs have more stress.
Fat is now the new thin and no amount of dieting and exercise is foreseeably going to change it.

How many more people am I going to meet who have told me they were once fine sports' people but now have big problems with joints.


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Feb 8, 2019
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300 calorie breakfast? Two slices of toast is 400. Average breakfast including drinks Is 700-900 calories.

That is simply not true. Anyone who eats a 900 calorie breakfast will be obese and a drain on the NHS. Even a full English won't come to 900 calories! Unless you're a fat b**tard and have two of everything. Two slices of standard toast is 150-200 max.


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Aug 13, 2010
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That is simply not true. Anyone who eats a 900 calorie breakfast will be obese and a drain on the NHS. Even a full English won't come to 900 calories! Unless you're a fat b**tard and have two of everything. Two slices of standard toast is 150-200 max.
And this is why people are overweight because people like you have no idea how many calories you are eating. First of all I said 700/900 not 900. And that was being Conservative too
Yes Two slices of bread is150-220 calories but you do have butter right? Jam or any other spread too? . Butter adds 150 to 200 calories

Two slices of toast 300 let's say
Two sausage 220
Two bacon 160
Beans 100
One egg 80
Cup of tea with 2 sugars 50
Thats 810 cals and a very small breakfast as far as a "full English" goes. Now include Hash browns, black pudding fried bread. A full English can hit a 1000 cals easy.
Two slices of toast with chocolate spread is 700 cals if you have butter too


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Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Thats 810 cals and a very small breakfast as far as a "full English" goes. Now include Hash browns, black pudding fried bread. A full English can hit a 1000 cals easy.
Two slices of toast with chocolate spread is 700 cals if you have butter too
Having a good breakfast might make you feel less hungry later and adult males can consume up to 2500 calories a day without putting on weight.
Only worry about what you eat and drink in the evening.
It's easy to input calories but very difficult to take them off if you overeat.
Exercise never takes enough calories off unless you are a super athlete and they can only be like that for so long.
After midday only eat if you feel hungry. If you do have hunger try and put off eating until later.


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Aug 13, 2010
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Having a good breakfast might make you feel less hungry later and adult males can consume up to 2500 calories a day without putting on weight.
Only worry about what you eat and drink in the evening.
It's easy to input calories but very difficult to take them off if you overeat.
Exercise never takes enough calories off unless you are a super athlete and they can only be like that for so long.
After midday only eat if you feel hungry. If you do have hunger try and put off eating until later.
2500 a day is very broad. If you worked behind a desk I'd wager you'd put on weight on that amount of calories.
I agree with it being hard to take calories away but don't forget a round of golf for example is 600 calories "ish". Of course that's not going to scratch the surface if you've just smashed a large dominos pizza. still alot better than nothing though


Nov 16, 2011
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And this is why people are overweight because people like you have no idea how many calories you are eating. First of all I said 700/900 not 900. And that was being Conservative too
Yes Two slices of bread is150-220 calories but you do have butter right? Jam or any other spread too? . Butter adds 150 to 200 calories

Two slices of toast 300 let's say
Two sausage 220
Two bacon 160
Beans 100
One egg 80
Cup of tea with 2 sugars 50
Thats 810 cals and a very small breakfast as far as a "full English" goes. Now include Hash browns, black pudding fried bread. A full English can hit a 1000 cals easy.
Just what's needed before a round of Golf these days!(y)


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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2500 a day is very broad. If you worked behind a desk I'd wager you'd put on weight on that amount of calories.
2500 is about right to maintain your energy levels. Sitting and thinking only burns off about 320 calories.
I agree with it being hard to take calories away but don't forget a round of golf for example is 600 calories "ish".
You might burn off twice that amount if you carry your clubs.
Of course that's not going to scratch the surface if you've just smashed a large dominos pizza.
I'm not sure why the thought of that actually makes me feel sick. I had a medium sized pizza last night and I could only eat half.

Did you know you have a second brain and it's in your gut.
Formerly proposed by Chinese medicine it's now accepted by science. Check it out.
I'm guessing it has a sort of body clock which will send a message to your head brain to eat at a certain time, but you can override it by delaying a meal.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Aldi and Lidl do some amazing protein yoghurts for 75p a pack.

148 calories - very thick yogurts and very filling!

Great option for low cal but filling breakfasts or snacks!


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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Did you know you have a second brain and it's in your gut.
Formerly proposed by Chinese medicine it's now accepted by science. Check it out.
I'm guessing it has a sort of body clock which will send a message to your head brain to eat at a certain time, but you can override it by delaying a meal.

Well, you don't have a second brain on your gut. A hormone is produced in the gut call ghrelin. That signals you to eat. And yes it can be an habitual release