Intermittent fasting


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Anyone given Intermittent fasting a go? Any tips. It’s on my to-do for this year. Can it be combined with cardio + weights?


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Are you looking to lose weight
Are you finding it hard to fit in meals
What is your overall reason for doing IF
I did it for 2 years
Found something that gave better results in 6 months


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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It’s not quite fasting but I’ve done the 5-2 approach and it lost me a couple of stone without too much pain. I was strict about what I ate on the 5 non-’fasting’ days - pretty much cutting out completely all carbohydrates and most dairy that contributed hugely to the weight loss and to my thinking on my diet and what I eat. I absolutely get the assertion that a diet is almost a waste of time if at the same time you don’t try and change your thinking.

I‘ve put on maybe half a stone in last 4-5months as I lost some of my discipline, and so I am going to go back onto 5-2 in a couple of weeks time. I fully expect to get rid of the 7lbs fairly quickly (by end Feb will be target) and I’ll be looking to reset my thinking.
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Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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The annual mudball i need to get fit Thread!

MikeH is a whizz at IF. Its something I have read up on a little, still considering whether to try it, but I am deep into Ironman training, and don't think messing with IF right now is the best idea.

Oh, have a look at reading this:

Funny man.. actually quiet the opposite... Thanks to your advice on SPR, i think i am doing alright. Cardio a few times a week and now added weights to it..
Cant seem to shift weight. I did lose about 7kg with SPR, but have put it back on. That is a case of bad diet + Christmas + (dare i say) a bit of muscle mass. Love handles have nearly disappered!!
@MikeH had a good write up about his routine (some of which i copied). I could not google and find it. I found his Youtube video. Havent seen much of his IF piece

Are you looking to lose weight
Are you finding it hard to fit in meals
What is your overall reason for doing IF
I did it for 2 years
Found something that gave better results in 6 months

Intriguing. Pl share.

To add to the above point, I did go on a health spree last year. Besides the physical bit, it was a great way of handling mental stress of WFH.
I was into small portions but 6 of them + plenty of water, exercise etc. Unfortunately, we had a situation of having 2 kitchens. One for me doing the good (but slightly bland) stuff, while the others continuing as usual.

Unfortunately, later in the year, my MIL (who is with us) got diagnosed with cancer. That kind of threw everything out of the window. I still do my exercise, but meals/diet is out of the window. Erratic eating & timing.
So my plan for 2022 is 'if I cant control what i can eat, at least i can control how much and when I eat' without having 2 types of diets at home.


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Hard exercise like weight lifting does not take weight off you.
Dieting does not take weight off you.
You are naturally fasting when asleep, so try and get more sleep.
You will still burn calories while sleeping.

Don't get lured into take-aways and eating establishments.
Your brain is there to regulate your metabolism, and not for you to indulge in food.
Never clear your plate.
Miss a meal occasionally.

Commercial interests want you to overeat.
Eat simply.
Help yourself to fast by going for a soft exercise like walking.
Humans did not evolve to walk. They walked to evolve.


Nov 16, 2011
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Dieting does not take weight off you.
Don't get lured into take-aways and eating establishments.
Your brain is there to regulate your metabolism, and not for you to indulge in food.
Never clear your plate.
Miss a meal occasionally.

Eat simply.
Help yourself to fast by going for a soft exercise like walking....
Then why is almost all the rest of the post about 'Dieting'?:eek:


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Then why is almost all the rest of the post about 'Dieting'?:eek:
To clarify then, commercial diets do not take weight off you in the long term.
That's because all they are after is your money.
They have let down so many people in the past these books should have a 'Beware' notice attached to them.
Instead, try reading I Can Make You Thin by Paul McKenna for more detailed information.

And too many chefs on TV only add to the problem.


Nov 16, 2011
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To clarify then, commercial diets do not take weight off you in the long term.
That's because all they are after is your money.
They have let down so many people in the past these books should have a 'Beware' notice attached to them.
Instead, try reading I Can Make You Thin by Paul McKenna for more detailed information.

And too many chefs on TV only add to the problem.
You forgot to include his 'Ph D'! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
And at around a tenner for 170-ish pages, I'd suggest he's 'after your money' too!


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Do you mind me asking your age Mudball.
Pretty obvious really but the older you get the harder it gets,however it can be done by everyone.
Anyone that mentions the word “diet “ is purely talking about short term because in their head they just want to lose weight fast,but so many times the bounce back is worse and they gain more weight.
A lifestyle is what your looking for if your being serious imo because it becomes 2nd nature.
I was 15-2 and started IF and lost a stone in a year but wasn’t 100% on it so it was inconsistent and I plateaued.
I then started to track my Macros and once again started to lose more weight.
All whilst IF I was weight training fairly light but using progressive overload 4 times a week and also cycling 3 times a week for an hour or so-still not 100% clean on the eating.
Did this for 2 years.
For 6 months after plateauing again I took it really serious.
Weights,biking but the main ingredient was tracking my macros,using the formula of 1g of protein per 1lb of weight and 250 calorie deficit,unbelievable gains in a quarter of the time.
Biggest word of all in this is Willpower if you haven’t got it forget it.


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
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My lad does it, although maybe not according to any plan. He doesn't eat between 7pm and and 12pm the next day, never has breakfast, only eats lunch, and evening meal around 18:00. He's skinny as a rake......
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Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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That’s unhealthy
How so?
I'm imagining that through millions of years of human evolution, getting 3 square meals a day has been a pretty unusual phenomenon...
The only timing based advice which seems to make some sense is to avoid eating late in the day, as the stomach is unlikely to digest the food well during sleep.

Deleted member 29109

How so?
I'm imagining that through millions of years of human evolution, getting 3 square meals a day has been a pretty unusual phenomenon...
The only timing based advice which seems to make some sense is to avoid eating late in the day, as the stomach is unlikely to digest the food well during sleep.

I’m pretty sure most of the food advice we’ve had in the last century has come from the marketing departments of companies who want us to buy their products.


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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Hard exercise like weight lifting does not take weight off you.
Dieting does not take weight off you.

Hard exercise in any shape of form and dieting creates a deficit. That does take the weight off you. It's like saying driving you car fast doesn't burn more fuel!!!! Of course it burns more fuel. The fact you go straight to the petrol station and put it back in is irrelevant.

IIntermittent fasting is excellent if it suits you lifestyle. Forget all the science because for one study saying one thing you'll find another that says another.

No matter what way you spin it. Its down to calories in vs calories out. Personally I get the most success with my clients by switching their diets to high volume low calorie options. Feeling a bit peckish? You can have two chicken wraps to one chicken sandwich and alot more volume to keep you fuller for longer.
Look on YouTube for high volume low calorie food