
  • Thread starter Deleted Member 1156
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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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I know that he can defend himself but I think I've just discovered where some of the high horses that the Remainers had to climb down from after the referendum have gone. Lots of holier than thou attitudes on this thread and I suspect that some of the comments are directed at the poster rather than the posts. DelC has done nothing wrong. He had a couple of pints, got breathalysed and was under the legal limit. Yes his driving might have been impaired but it was impaired within the limit that the laws allow, therefore he hasn't done anything wrong. If you want to criticise anyone over this then aim it at the government as they set the limits to which DelC has stuck.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I know that he can defend himself but I think I've just discovered where some of the high horses that the Remainers had to climb down from after the referendum have gone. Lots of holier than thou attitudes on this thread and I suspect that some of the comments are directed at the poster rather than the posts. DelC has done nothing wrong. He had a couple of pints, got breathalysed and was under the legal limit. Yes his driving might have been impaired but it was impaired within the limit that the laws allow, therefore he hasn't done anything wrong. If you want to criticise anyone over this then aim it at the government as they set the limits to which DelC has stuck.

I agree that it's a governmental issue. As I said earlier I'd prefer zero tolerance and everyone knows where they stand there. I grant Delc did nothing wrong legally, but a couple of pints one day may not react the same way the next. How does anyone know?

Deleted member 16999

What was funny a few years ago, I drove to a pub in a friend's village on New Year's Eve for a private party there. I only drank soft drinks all evening and didn't touch a drop of alcohol. When the party finished in the small hours of the morning we all drove out to find a Police car waiting just down the road. And who did they stop? Me! The young policeman 👮 who breathalysed me looked most disappointed when I registered zero! In the meantime loads of really drunken drivers drove past without being stopped. I nearly gave my profession as 'professional decoy', but thought better of it! :)
I actually understand ColchesterFC's post, what I can't understand is you thinking all the drunk drivers not being caught and sober guy being stopped being funny, I find it anything but funny how many lives could've been ruined that night!


Ryder Cup Winner
Dec 31, 2011
Central Scotland
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I know that he can defend himself but I think I've just discovered where some of the high horses that the Remainers had to climb down from after the referendum have gone. Lots of holier than thou attitudes on this thread and I suspect that some of the comments are directed at the poster rather than the posts. DelC has done nothing wrong. He had a couple of pints, got breathalysed and was under the legal limit. Yes his driving might have been impaired but it was impaired within the limit that the laws allow, therefore he hasn't done anything wrong. If you want to criticise anyone over this then aim it at the government as they set the limits to which DelC has stuck.

I stand by what I said, anyone who thinks an increase in alcohol driving limits is a good thing is a fool. It's not the laws im criticising it's his attitude.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Whats Delc's drinking got to do with Indyref2?

I think it's got something to do with the fact that only people who have been drinking heavily think that Scottish independence is a good idea. :D

P.S. To be totally fair to our Scottish brethren I also accept that they might have been snorting, smoking or injecting something to reach the same conclusion.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I think it's got something to do with the fact that only people who have been drinking heavily think that Scottish independence is a good idea. :D

P.S. To be totally fair to our Scottish brethren I also accept that they might have been snorting, smoking or injecting something to reach the same conclusion.
Probably a deadly mix of tartan shortbread and haggis. ;)


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Hmm! I spent a week in Scotland recently and forget all about their much stricter drink drive limits for several days until somebody pointed it out to me. Fortunately I got away with it. Would pleading being English have got me off? Generally I only drank about a pint of beer and a glass of wine with a meal, which is OK in the rest of the UK.

I know that he can defend himself but I think I've just discovered where some of the high horses that the Remainers had to climb down from after the referendum have gone. Lots of holier than thou attitudes on this thread and I suspect that some of the comments are directed at the poster rather than the posts. DelC has done nothing wrong. He had a couple of pints, got breathalysed and was under the legal limit. Yes his driving might have been impaired but it was impaired within the limit that the laws allow, therefore he hasn't done anything wrong. If you want to criticise anyone over this then aim it at the government as they set the limits to which DelC has stuck.
not stickily true though is it, heres dels post where he states he "got away with it"

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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One of the big changes I have noticed is peoples attitude to drink in the later evenings.
Both my daughters do not drink after 9pm if they are driving the following morning.

The new unit prices make a lot of sense, it hits the white cider/cheap wine drinkers who are mainly teenagers and alcoholics.
Sadly it will not affect Buckfast which [I am informed ;)] now costs about £9 a bottle.


Nov 16, 2011
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It's allegorical.

'Allegorical' would be like interpreting the meaning of the Scots using the Thistle as their symbol! Colourful and Prickly! :whistle:

Sorry FD. The aberration in your normally succinct vocabulary was too conspicuous to ignore! :rolleyes: That's my ration of long words for the day! Now should it have been 'in', 'of' or 'to'? ;)