
  • Thread starter Deleted Member 1156
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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

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Deleted member 1418

Why is Nigel Farage not a career politician? He is an elected MEP and has stood as a candidate in several UK elections! He also spent a number of years as the UKIP Party leader.

Sorry - should've clarified that he didn't enter politics straight from University. I've also been to hear him speak and he said at the event he doesn't see himself as a career politician.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Farage has worked in a job outside of politics before entering politics. Career politicians tend to go straight from education into working for a politician / party / local govt, progress into becoming a councillor or MP and work their way up. Their whole working lives have been within the political bubble. Farage is not of that ilk. He had a non political job for many years and so has experience of real world work and life outside of politics. I think that is part of his appeal to people. He doesn't talk in the same trained manner that career politicians do. Heavens, he even admits his mistakes, laughs about them and holds his hands up when he doesn't know the answer to a question.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I cant say I have ever heard Farage 'Rant' or 'Rage'

Just tune in one day next week Monday - Thursday at 7pm and have a listen and you may then agree with me - or not. He doesn't do Fridays - but Andrew Pierce does. AP is almost as bad as NF if not worse. Just try listening. I would like to hear what you thought.

BTW - in case you are wondering - LBC is no longer London-focussed - it's national and takes callers from all over the country (they rebranded it so that LBC stands for Leading Britains Conversation).

There is a lot of good debate on it, but sometimes it does open your eyes (make your jaw drop) listening to the views of a large minority of the folks who call in.


Head Pro
Jun 12, 2015
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Don't be ridiculous. There is no such thing as a queue to join the EU.
Please look into things a bit more before posting, rather than just believing what you read in the Express. Jeez.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Don't be ridiculous. There is no such thing as a queue to join the EU.
Please look into things a bit more before posting, rather than just believing what you read in the Express. Jeez.

So are you saying it's simply a case of asking and being excepted, I don't think so, otherwise why all the fuss now!

If there are a host of countries that need to obtain and reach certain criterias to obtain membership then that surely creates a queue? I'd say Scotland are from 1st choice and there are very few arms being held out saying, 'come and join us'?

A politician being asked to be honest to its electorate, that'll be a first!

Official figures show Scotland's deficit is the highest in the EU at 9.5 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), behind Greece on 7.2 per cent and Spain on 5.1 per cent. Brussels penalises countries and doesn't want members under 3.0, so how are Scotland going to address the £15b deficit they have to be considered?

Surely they'd also have to adopt the Euro then, that won't be cheap to implement, I think it all looks a bit boom & bust to me!

I can't see them ever being accepted personally from what I've read & watched, they just don't tick any boxes and is all just a rabble rousing pipe dream.


Sep 11, 2011
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I never get past the headlines.
Most of the political headlines are full of aggressive hateful bile, as Hobbit probably knows.

Headlines are the hook that draws you in. In a half decent paper 90% of an article is opinion, with only 10% facts if you're lucky. Opinions create beliefs, sadly, and end up being viewed as facts.

A perfect example is the SNP's twisting of the drop in Barnett funding. They continually leave out the bit about the changes in where income tax goes in Scotland. All of a sudden everyone and their dog believes the nasty UK govt is reducing money going to Scotland, also partly because they want to believe it. Yes they are reducing the funding to Scotland but they've also agreed that a percentage of income tax raised in Scotland stays in Scotland, balancing the drop in funding... but hey, lets all believe that the political party that has managed to create a massive deficit and a GDP worse than Greece and Spain, buying votes with our money, is in it for us. They are buying the chance of independence, and bankrupting a country to achieve it.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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Okay, hypothetically, Scotland wins independant, we ask to join the EU, they say yes, how long would this process take and how much will membership cost us ?