
  • Thread starter Deleted Member 1156
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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I wonder if the SNP have defined what a Leave referendum result actually means? Is it a hard or soft Joxit? Will everyone get a vote on the terms of deal? Can we comment on the outcome of the deal before a result or any negotiation. If you cant see a link between Joxit and Trump you must be daft! Does your vote on a ScotRef give an indication of your love or hatred for Trump or tennis or Cornish Pasties? Surely a Leave Vote means a world wide haggis shortage, or is that a Remain outcome .... can a lady from British Guyana who now has UK citizenship go to court to stop it... or does the UK citizen have to be a Scot to be allowed to take court action ? Can Sean Connery remember where Scotland is? Should I boycott St Andrews Old Course cos the 1st Minister is racist and sexist against Englishmen?

Gosh................................... it's all so complicated.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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I wonder if the SNP have defined what a Leave referendum result actually means? Is it a hard or soft Joxit? Will everyone get a vote on the terms of deal? Can we comment on the outcome of the deal before a result or any negotiation. If you cant see a link between Joxit and Trump you must be daft! Does your vote on a ScotRef give an indication of your love or hatred for Trump or tennis or Cornish Pasties? Surely a Leave Vote means a world wide haggis shortage, or is that a Remain outcome .... can a lady from British Guyana who now has UK citizenship go to court to stop it... or does the UK citizen have to be a Scot to be allowed to take court action ? Can Sean Connery remember where Scotland is? Should I boycott St Andrews Old Course cos the 1st Minister is racist and sexist against Englishmen?

Gosh................................... it's all so complicated.



That would still be a better option for Scotland than the wastelands they would inhabit if they went it alone.

If you'd been around then I expect you'd have said same thing that about every single former colony of the British Empire that has struck out on its own over the last 100+ years including Ireland which has some parallels with Scotland? There can be difficulties but transitions were/are made over time.
Peoples adapt and maybe aren't as wealthy as they might have been staying but you dont see any calls for Ireland or any other former colony to rejoin the 'Empire'. Although the UK is a Union and Scotland is not a colony, for many it feels like it is.
Times move on, UK is not working as a Union politically, I feel change is inevitable, it's a generational and confidence thing. That is not anti English which seems to be a convenient retort, just natural progress for many/perhaps soon to be most Scots and other people living in Scotland (including many of the 500k English people up here)....imo.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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maxfli65;1648749 Times move on said:
I think you'll find most English people would not argue with anything you have stated. Self determination is important and few would argue with Scotlands right to go it alone if that is the will of the people. No one from England is holding Scotland back. Unfortunately many of the arguments, not yours, end in anti English sentiments which just annoy the heck out of people south of the border. As with many discussions the sensible comments get lost in the rhetoric and the insults fly.


I think you'll find most English people would not argue with anything you have stated. Self determination is important and few would argue with Scotlands right to go it alone if that is the will of the people. No one from England is holding Scotland back. Unfortunately many of the arguments, not yours, end in anti English sentiments which just annoy the heck out of people south of the border. As with many discussions the sensible comments get lost in the rhetoric and the insults fly.

Agree wholeheartedly with these sentiments, seems like insults get reciprocated in equal measure. :(


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Listening to Nigel Farage yesterday evening - boy was he doing his bit for the SNP.

He was ranting about those who were likely to vote against the Art50 bill - calling them - and explicitly the SNP - as enemies of the people; enemies of democracy. ##

And folk were calling in and agreeing with him - calling all who would vote against the bill traitors and worse - and demanding they stand down - and he was laughing, relishing it, whooping it up - egging them on to ever greater abuse of these MPs - who - after all - are only doing their job - voting as their conscience demanded and for what they felt was best for their constituents and the country.

Pretty grim listening to be honest. Unless you are a Scottish nationalist.

And this from the guy who was instrumental in getting the referendum called; and the leading persuader for many who chose to vote to leave. And as it happens yesterday evening he admitted and blithely and laughingly dismissed the £350m a day for the NHS as not that important, just a little white lie and no big deal - when for many the £350m a day for the NHS was a killer fact that made them vote the way they did.
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Aug 19, 2011
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I understand that Germany would be quite keen on an independent Scotland joining the EU as a replacement for the rest of the UK.


Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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Listening to Nigel Farage yesterday evening - boy was he doing his bit for the SNP.

He was ranting about those who were likely to vote against the Art50 bill - calling them - and explicitly the SNP - as enemies of the people; enemies of democracy. ##

And folk were calling in and agreeing with him - calling all who would vote against the bill traitors and worse - and demanding they stand down - and he was laughing, relishing it, whooping it up - egging them on to ever greater abuse of these MPs - who - after all - are only doing their job - voting as their conscience demanded and for what they felt was best for their constituents and the country.

Pretty grim listening to be honest. Unless you are a Scottish nationalist.

In exactly the same manner that the MP's who voted to pass the Art 50 bill, the majority of the MP's who voted against did so because that's what their party told them to do, it has nothing to do with their conscience.

And I suspect some of the Labour rebel MP's were voting against Corbyn, again nothing to do with their consciences...


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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In exactly the same manner that the MP's who voted to pass the Art 50 bill, the majority of the MP's who voted against did so because that's what their party told them to do, it has nothing to do with their conscience.

And I suspect some of the Labour rebel MP's were voting against Corbyn, again nothing to do with their consciences...

I am talking about the way Farage talked about them - and did great bit of rabble-rousing - enemies of the people - enemies of democracy - traitors. Everyone should utterly condemn that sort of language. But for reasons I cannot fathom some do not.

But it would have made great listening for nationalists hearing their representatives in Westminster so described.


Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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I am talking about the way Farage talked about them - and did great bit of rabble-rousing - enemies of the people - enemies of democracy - traitors. Everyone should utterly condemn that sort of language. But for reasons I cannot fathom some do not.

But it would have made great listening for nationalists hearing their representatives in Westminster so described.

I was replying to your point that the MP's voted according to their conscience - the vast majority did not...

Deleted member 1418

Listening to Nigel Farage yesterday evening - boy was he doing his bit for the SNP.

He was ranting about those who were likely to vote against the Art50 bill - calling them - and explicitly the SNP - as enemies of the people; enemies of democracy. ##

And folk were calling in and agreeing with him - calling all who would vote against the bill traitors and worse - and demanding they stand down - and he was laughing, relishing it, whooping it up - egging them on to ever greater abuse of these MPs - who - after all - are only doing their job - voting as their conscience demanded and for what they felt was best for their constituents and the country.

Pretty grim listening to be honest. Unless you are a Scottish nationalist.

And this from the guy who was instrumental in getting the referendum called; and the leading persuader for many who chose to vote to leave. And as it happens yesterday evening he admitted and blithely and laughingly dismissed the £350m a day for the NHS as not that important, just a little white lie and no big deal - when for many the £350m a day for the NHS was a killer fact that made them vote the way they did.

To be fair there are also 'extremists' on the remain side who also told their fair share of porkie-pies before the referendum and continue to rant and rave against the decision to leave the EU.

I'm no admirer of Farage's politics (he is like Trump in that he isn't a career politician) but I do respect the fact that he isn't afraid to say what he thinks and is prepared to give an answer to a question. Unfortunately politicians nowadays don't do that which is why there is so much ill-feeling towards the political establishment.

As for Scottish Independence, ultimately I cannot see the Westminster Government agreeing to another one anytime soon and certainly not before we have exited the EU. Obviously this is potentially dangerous for the SNP if EU Exit is not as bad as some fear as it could see their support dwindle, particularly if the administration of their devolved responsibilities takes a turn for the worse; or Labour gets their act together and start to become a serious opposition.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I understand that Germany would be quite keen on an independent Scotland joining the EU as a replacement for the rest of the UK.
And what makes you 'Understand' that then?

Would Scotland be a net contributor or recipient? Remind me what percentage of Scotland's trade is with the EU?
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Sep 11, 2011
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I understand that Germany would be quite keen on an independent Scotland joining the EU as a replacement for the rest of the UK.

..oh yes...I bet they really want another "net withdrawer" to pay for! What makes you "understand" this then?

It is 'documented' that two of the political parties and the head of the German Civil Service have said they're open to discussion for this to happen...

Surprised at France saying no, but not surprised at Spain with its Basque/Catalonia problems saying no.