I'll have no nails left by this time tomorrow

CSS didn't stay at 72. :(

It went up to 73! And on top of the 0.8 cut to 9.1, I had an ESR of 0.5 so my new exact is 8.6, well chuffed!
Surprised it went up as I didn't think conditions were that hard, although there were a few tricky pin positions. I also came thrid in a field of exactly 100, which was nice.

Congratulations on the big cut and great round, well done.

Stop holding out on what we really want to know though, did you use the 9 wood in that round? If so, then talk us through it :thup:
Thanks all.

Stop holding out on what we really want to know though, did you use the 9 wood in that round? If so, then talk us through it :thup:

And as to the question on everybodies lips, I'm afarid to say that I didn't use the 9 wood, which is very unusual as it usually gets an airing at least once a round and rarely disappoints.
Thinking back over the round there were only two times I even considered using it and that was for my second shot out the rough on the first hole and the same on the 18th hole, on both occasions I opted for a 6 iron instead.

But be assured, it will definitely be in play at H4H. :thup:
CSS didn't stay at 72. :(

It went up to 73! And on top of the 0.8 cut to 9.1, I had an ESR of 0.5 so my new exact is 8.6, well chuffed!
Surprised it went up as I didn't think conditions were that hard, although there were a few tricky pin positions. I also came thrid in a field of exactly 100, which was nice.

Great stuff! Huge congrats on making the promised land hope your stay is long and prosperous. :clap: :clap: