I played today and..(Rolling) -originally created by JohnnyDee


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Club Champs first round today. God, the weather was bad. I doubled the first, then steady bogeys for much of the front nine. I just couldn't buy a par, well I made one, but missed a couple of 3 or 4 foot par putts - the kind I've been rolling in recently. Kept over-reading on the quick greens and hitting through the break, missing high.

The first torrential downpour coincided with the 9th hole, and I struggled in the conditions, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong and I ended up writing down a 9. Managed to follow it up with a birdie 2 on the 10th though, so all hope wasn't gone yet. (It's the hope that kills you.) Back nine was more steady bogeys, two doubles and just the one further par added unfortunately. The second even more torrential downpour hit on the 12th, but it was that bad everyone just stood under their umbrellas for ten minutes.

In the end I shot a gross 88. I said before the round I'd be fairly happy with 85-89, and particularly considering the conditions plus a quad bogey, I didn't think that was too bad. Nett 75 so 7 over. I'm mid-table in the nett and gross leaderboards, with plenty of scores out there worse than mine.

Hoping that tomorrow the weather is better (I think it is), I can roll a couple more putts in, not have a quad bogey and therefore beat my score from today, then I'll be pretty satisfied with my club champs this year.


Club Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Milton Keynes
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Monthly Medal today, blooming tough conditions. Going from winter to summer in minutes, several times over and the wind was persistently strong.

I was 3 over after 7 then put a ball OOB on the 8th and ended up with an 8. Felt like I played really well for the back 9 but some silly mistakes meant I finished with a gross 90, net 79.

Frustrating but still lots of positive things to take from the round.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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@GG26 a shame that the weather wasn't kinder, also that it had prevented Moor Allerton being in as good condition as it can be. They are all quality courses, I haven't played Fulford but I'll assume it's good.

Do you think you became a little numb by the end, playing them one after another? I've played the other 4 and really enjoyed them, a cut above the norm.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Shot 75 net today .
Quite pleased with that as the weather was shocking for 10 holes.
Greens were borderline unplayable about midday it put a lot of water down.
But no thunder that was forecast.


Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2010
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monthly medal, played poorly, lost interest after the third hole due to the rain, cleared up until on the 15th when thunder and lightening came will a storm, only lasted 10 minutes, but by then wet through, no siren despite the lightening, many NR in the clubhouse

97 nett 77


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 3, 2015
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@GG26 a shame that the weather wasn't kinder, also that it had prevented Moor Allerton being in as good condition as it can be. They are all quality courses, I haven't played Fulford but I'll assume it's good.

Do you think you became a little numb by the end, playing them one after another? I've played the other 4 and really enjoyed them, a cut above the norm.
I agree all great courses and can definitely recommend Fulford if you get the opportunity to play it.

In some ways it was a bit of being spoilt day after day and I can understand not being able to fully appreciate the courses playing them back to back. However, playing them in the package made them more affordable.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Decent round today. Turned in 1 over. 3 over on the back.
Didn't have a best stuff but short game bailed me out over and over.
Best greens of the year so far so that made things easier as you could trust them.
Decided pre round I would be more aggressive putting. Kept it going all of the round. Been too timid of late. Gave them a run and made some good come backers. Just a better all round attitude on the greens.


Active member
Feb 20, 2022
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Played my Foursomes KO this morning. It didn’t start off well for me . Warming up in the the nets with a 7 iron I shanked one , hit the stantion and rebounded straight back into my forehead just above left eye . Blood everywhere, got patched up and big plaster on my cut and carried a little shaken .. I played well , probably best I’ve played this season :). . Then ,,, we were 2 up with 4 to play , my mates turn to tee off on a 140yrd Par 3 . He hits a slightly thin 7 iron straight and on the green but it’s elevated green and we can’t see bottom of the flag . Opponent off 6 hits a cracker very close to the flag . Gets up to the green and only 1 ball on the green. I check the hole and low& behold there’s my mates ball in the hole !!! We won 4&2 pretty boring Sunday


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Bad board competition round, just never got going kept just missing fairways or finding poor lies. When I did find good lies I struck the ball poorly..
By the end the last few drives were good but I guess this is the result of doing over 50 hrs and flying home late Friday night and then running around making guests welcome.. Should have told them to hop it and gone down the range ! The winter is for socialising.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Club Champs first round today. God, the weather was bad. I doubled the first, then steady bogeys for much of the front nine. I just couldn't buy a par, well I made one, but missed a couple of 3 or 4 foot par putts - the kind I've been rolling in recently. Kept over-reading on the quick greens and hitting through the break, missing high.

The first torrential downpour coincided with the 9th hole, and I struggled in the conditions, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong and I ended up writing down a 9. Managed to follow it up with a birdie 2 on the 10th though, so all hope wasn't gone yet. (It's the hope that kills you.) Back nine was more steady bogeys, two doubles and just the one further par added unfortunately. The second even more torrential downpour hit on the 12th, but it was that bad everyone just stood under their umbrellas for ten minutes.

In the end I shot a gross 88. I said before the round I'd be fairly happy with 85-89, and particularly considering the conditions plus a quad bogey, I didn't think that was too bad. Nett 75 so 7 over. I'm mid-table in the nett and gross leaderboards, with plenty of scores out there worse than mine.

Hoping that tomorrow the weather is better (I think it is), I can roll a couple more putts in, not have a quad bogey and therefore beat my score from today, then I'll be pretty satisfied with my club champs this year.
Second round today. Just had the target of beating yesterday's score. That didn't look on the cards when I doubled the first three holes (two sliced drives and a missed two footer the culprits). But that probably took the pressure off a little, and I had mainly bogeys after that - only added one more double to the pile, and nothing worse. Still couldn't buy a putt - started off allowing too much break, then when I finally stopped doing that they were missing low instead, so everything I did was wrong really. Despite the poor driving and putting, just keeping those big numbers off the card* did the job in the end, and I parred the last to score 86, two better than yesterday.

Ultimately I'm happy I broke 90 on both days, and improved on my score today despite not playing great. Last two years I've had car crashes on the first day so was nice to do better this time as well. Overall pretty satisfied.

*I did have a huge slice of luck to thank on the 4th (our 13th since we played back nine first) though. Just past the out of bounds markers on the right there's a large building with a tin roof, my awful slice of a drive pinged off that, flew up in the air and landed back in bounds. I didn't even see it happen, I was already bending down to tee up my second ball. 😂

Edit: results are up, I finished 25th in the gross and 21st in the nett, so a solid top half finish with 70 players taking part.


Head Pro
Oct 24, 2012
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Surprise round of golf this morning with a mate, our wives organised it as a Fathers Day gift, we played at Marlborough, which I’ve driven past loads of times but never played - it was millionaire’s golf and I really enjoyed the course. I played pretty well overall, lost a couple of balls early on but then played pretty well.

A nice beer on the balcony afterwards was a great finish to a cracking morning.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Second again in division 1 of the monthly stableford with 38 points (including the now obligatory blob on one hole). Drove it nicely but didn't feel like my approaches were that good. Short game shows 2.5 strokes gained but I am guessing that is the shaved run off areas letting me get a putter on it more often that helped that. Still feels there is a lot of room for improvement with the Eureka swing but definitely more consistent. Weather was brutal in places with short, very sharp showers including a bit of hail and brolley up, brolley down


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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Board comp Sunday. Smashed the ball well with my driver but second shots were poor. Putting non existent. The two blokes I was out with both were going very well until the last and both made a complete hash of it. One had a simple chip over a bunker, third shot onto the green on a par five. Decided to play safe a bump it in left of the bunker. Bumped it into the bunker. Came off with a seven. Me? 95. Enjoyed the round. Didn't get in till 1.30am that morning after brilliant family retirement do, mine, so not too bad.


Head Pro
Jun 16, 2015
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I know you all know this already but this game is so frustrating.
On Friday, I played holes 9-18 in four over par and scored mid-80s for the round. For me, as a 17-handicapper, this is a good round.
Yesterday, it was like I'd never picked up a golf club. Slicing, hooking, topping, chunking, over-hitting putts, under-hitting putts, the only thing missing was an air shot. 🤬


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Donna and I played Borth & Ynyslas today. £35 with a 241 voucher. Lots of fun to be has there. A few holes we had no idea where we were going. So very narrow parts and great sea and hill views. Lots of humps and bumps along the way.

Well pleased with my 35 points....although Mrs M beat me with 37😁😁😁

Pro shop was full of stuff @Crow and @Voyager EMH would be after. Quite unusual. Has anyone else be there and see what I mean?