i need some lift

Try moving the ball slightly further back in your stance (at least equal distance from both feet) and move your hands an inch ahead of the ball at address, being careful not to close the clubhead

Works for me
Severiano - it sounds like he is delofting the clubface. I would suggest he played the ball in the middle of his stance but with his hands level with the clubhead. He may also have his weight stuck on his left foot - make sure you transfer your weight onto your right foot at the top of the backswing and through onto your left during the down and through-swings.
If he is hitting the ball slightly thin (which may be why it isn't lifting high off the ground) then the 'hands forward an inch' is the best tip I've had to cure that

Obviously it only works with irons and not woods and also rarely works in office chipping competitions

It's impossible to tell what the problem is without looking at the swing/strike....but the weight transfer is crucial as well, I agree