I have One shot to win £150,000!!

practice with three clubs? the one for the distance then one up/one down to allow for conditions.
check up on weather patterns for that time of year as well, typical wind strength and direction.

(came across something similar in Spain, only there a hole-in-one got you a trip to LA to take part in a $1,000,000 hole-in-one comp. I stayed on the green so got a sleeve of 333's)
Any one ever see the Hole-in-one comp they were running at Alton Towers couple years back, not sure if it is still going but, on the lake they had an island with a green on. Think it was about 10 balls for 3 quid. Proper bent pitch and putt 7 iron and balls that floated on water. Brand new car was the prize. Didn't manage to reach the green once because the wind kept blowing the balls back. Rip off!
What is this business about turning pro with a hole in 1???
Tony, you can only win £500 in an amateur event.
To accept this money you enter a sort of no mans land where you have no official handicap and cannot take part in amateur events, but you do not become a professional as in teaching for money or entering pro competitions.
This happened to Bobby Charlton a few years back.
What is this business about turning pro with a hole in 1???
Tony, you can only win £500 in an amateur event.
To accept this money you enter a sort of no mans land where you have no official handicap and cannot take part in amateur events, but you do not become a professional as in teaching for money or entering pro competitions.
This happened to Bobby Charlton a few years back.
But surely a hole-in-one competition can't be classed as a proper event can it ? Its a bit of fun , not something thats going to affect any handicap and i'm guessing anyone could have entered the initial comptetion . What would happen if a non-golfer entered and won with a flukey shot into the cup ?
I think they are being a bit tight only offering 100k + car. The odds if there are only 10 are pretty long.
Did someone say "Murray to win W'don" 20-1? What a joke....
I reckon I could offer a quarter of a million and get underwritten for about 50p! (on purely statistical grounds)

The chances are 13,000 - 1 supposedly.
But surely a hole-in-one competition can't be classed as a proper event can it ? Its a bit of fun , not something thats going to affect any handicap and i'm guessing anyone could have entered the initial comptetion . What would happen if a non-golfer entered and won with a flukey shot into the cup ?

I totally agree with you on this, but the R & A have spoken!!!
Odds are round about 12,000 to 1 for an amateur to hole out in one. That's a hell of a lot better odds than winning the lottery jackpot at 17 million to one so why not have a go! :D

I wouldn't bother personally unless it was at my own course and I was playing there anyway. :(
How did you get on...if I had been keeping a more regular eye on the boards I would have told you to aim left as everything bounces right.

I had a chance at this a couple of years ago probably thru the same publication you were invited by.

Hope you enjoyed it - did you get the brekki and the free round of golf afterwards?
How did you get on...if I had been keeping a more regular eye on the boards I would have told you to aim left as everything bounces right.

I had a chance at this a couple of years ago probably thru the same publication you were invited by.

Hope you enjoyed it - did you get the brekki and the free round of golf afterwards?

Marko , there's an update here hole-in-one attempt update