I have One shot to win £150,000!!


Club Champion
Jan 23, 2008
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Okay. Wait to you hear this.

I entered a competition through a golf magazine, and have been pulled out the hat as one of ten competitors.

Next Friday (4th July) I will have one shot at the Par 3 18th at Murrayshall, Perthshire. If I get a hole in one I win a Range Rover and £100,000 cash.

I know this is the stuff of dreams, but hey, you never know.

Any advice?
get some serious par 3 practice in! If it were me I'd play a local par 3 course I know every night in a week to ensure I am hitting every green and at least giving myself a chance. Find out about the hole you are playing as well so you can pre decide roughly what club you will use if the wind is moderate (if it is anything else you will have to change on the day) then practice solidly with this club and make sure you can hit it accurately and solidly. I would say don't aim for the pin as you are more likely to mess up this way and through hitting the green it could end up running in but this doesn't really make any sense. If it is a long green (perhaps 2 or 3 clubs difference front to back) make sure you take the longer club to ensure you do reach the flag, no point being dead online if you are going to come up short. Best of luck anyway- because at the end of the day luck will decide if you are to win or not.
Make sure you know what club you need. Work out the carry and the roll distances. No point taking a 7 iron at 150 yards if you carry 150 yards. You need something that is going land short and roll upto and past the hole, to give it a chance of dropping.

Unless you can spin it back!

Good luck, keep us posted!
Lets face it the law of averages would indicate that if ten shots are fired in there is likely to be ten misses. If each participant hit 10 balls each it is still unlikely that one would go in the hole but you never know when lady luck is smiling on you.

To give yourself the best chance find out as much as you can about the hole. Elevation,, slope of green, distance etc.

Go to your local course and find a green that best matches the one with the prize. go back down the fairway to the distance of the comp hole and practice like never before. You have to give yourself a sporting chance and just hope it's your day.
Tough hole the 18th 200yards off the white and 170 off the yellows.
Chances are most of you will be lucky to get to 10 feet but good luck anyway.
See if Marko77 can give you some advice as it's his home course.
meh Homer: pessimistic yet realistic can't argue with that to be honest. Whoever has arranged the competition will not be worrying about loosing at all it is a bit unfair actually as it seems like they are offering a really generous prize but in conjunction with the probability of a hole in one occurring they have made a very insignificant outlay. I hope someone makes it just to shock them as they won't be expecting 10 amateurs to get any where near.
Oh and I forgot to say you know why you get £100,000 and a range rover- so you have a chance of actually being able to afford to fill it up this time next year- the way prices are going. ;) :p
question: I am a man of faith, so do you think asking for some divine assistance in this hole-in-one venture would be considered cheating???? ;)