How do you like your Greens?

Steamed, not boiled to death!

OHHH you mean GOLF.... I will play on anything that is more than half fair to putt on, as long as my putts generally go where intended I have fun.
I've realised I'm useless at 'seeing' a grain on the green and its really important to know it on one of the courses I play where the putt will travel what seems twice as far when its with the grain

After putting out I can 'feel' it no problem but too late then, guess I'll just have to take notes on the next visit unless anyone has tips on how to see it?

Commentators are always on about whether it looks shiny or not, like rubbing the cloth on a snooker table against the nap makes it look darker.

Logic would say it would grow towards the sun but then that's always moving!
i cant really tell unless the sun is out. which isnt very often.

i was close to marking a card with the grain direction on it for every hole at my old course but never got around to it. plus im unsure if the grain will change throughout the year or every time the green is cut. does anyone know?

Do you play on bermuda greens? I didn't think greens in this country had enough of a grain to make a difference?
Flat and easy please :)

Seriously, I like the green to be defined, elevated is fine. You should be able to at least get to the hole with a putt from anywhere on the green, these kidney shaped greens with tucked pins, what are supposed to do? Use a wedge? Fine for the pros but happy hackers on a weekend medal? Carnage.
Someone was talking on here a while back about a green and hole position that if you missed the ball just rolled back to your feet because of the slope and speed. That's not golf, it's crazy golf.
From the 3 rounds I've played so far they seem in pretty good nick. Fast for this time of year and some very subtle breaks around the holes.
Could see some very interesting pin positions later on this year for major comps
Hard and fast, they have been good all winter and will be better this weekend with the lead up to the Scottish Champion of Champions final next week.

You just gotta love Links golf, never missed a weekends golf for years...........
If there is a grain, you can tell by looking at the hole. One side will have grass growing over the edge, the other will be a bit bald.

Unusual in the uk I'd have thought.
I like them fast and true as these are when i putt best. Dont mind after that if they are flat or undulating etc.
If there is a grain, you can tell by looking at the hole. One side will have grass growing over the edge, the other will be a bit bald.

Unusual in the uk I'd have thought.

Thanks, good tip, I'll look for this at the weekend

I'm not in the UK just now, fortunately (considering the weather)
I like to see the hole on a flat part of the green. Too many of our greens are completely on the slope and there are no flat positions to put the hole.

It then puts too much emphasis on positioning your approach shot below the hole, not too bad if you're accurate enough but for most it means you can find GIR but it's then all too easy to three putt and spoil an otherwise well played hole. (Or maybe I'm just a useless putter)
at least 14 on the stimp meter and a slight slope from left to right or right to left and a little hump half way down,then all the practise i have been doing on the wooden floors ( must fix that loose board ) in my hall might do me some good.