How do you like your Greens?


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
Visit site
Been looking at a fair few of the course websites on the other 'list your course' thread and it reminded me of the variations in types of green & got me wondering what folks have and what they prefer

1. Current courses I play the greens are mostly elevated (some a little some a lot) or if not elevated then they are very distinct and separate to the fairway with well defined thick fringes etc (so lots of chipping going on) and plenty of approach hazards protecting anything short
2. Previous courses played back in the UK very often the greens were an extension of the fairway only cut shorter (i.e on the same level, slope etc) and more uniformed in the general shape, so even on parkland type you could simply run the ball in, still hazards of course but I remember there was usually a ‘door left open’ so you could still play short and run on with the right line

As a high h/capper type two were far easier for me to play into but I do get more satisfaction if I can make it onto an elevated green in reg

What’s your preference?

There’s more than 2 types of course so feel free to add in your own
We've got a rolling Parkland course......Very undulating and the back 9 is pretty hilly.....You rarely have a level lie of any sort......
Greens when i first joined a few years ago were very generous...Since then though they have tightened them all in by a few yards making them harder to hit....

I think all bar maybe 6 are tiered..... Some have three so club choice is critical when deciding where to land the land the ball......Almost all have run off areas too so miss them in the summer and they can be pretty tough to up and down....

At the moment though there in a shocking state....Months of rain after christmas and up to it havent really given them a chance....Add to that hollow coring and sand and no sun and you can imaging how they are....They were sanded about 8 weeks ago and its still on them....Any place that the sand fell heavy the grass isnt growing on them and places it missed the grass is hairy...So putting is basically a lottery.....
Preferably not covered in sand and full of holes. :angry:

On a serious note. Soft enough to hold a 5 iron being hit into it but firm enough to roll true.

Not too much to ask eh? :mad:
We lost our greens in a big way over the last few years. Installed a new greenkeeper last year and he has done a fantastic job already and has a three year plan to get them as good as they can be. Still have some with patches of moss but they putt true and have a pace that will get quicker.
Our greens are very good, its said that they are as good as any in the Manchester area, they are certainly better than most of the parland courses I have played, they are generally pretty fast, and like class when they have been rolled.
As long as they're true - thats the most important thing they can be quick or slow and you can make adjustments for it - try making adjustments for wobbly bobbly greens!
Very very good :) Some of the best in the UK according to GM.

Last year when the BMW was on at Wentworth, we had people coming down just to have a putt (despite it being 30 mins away). Greenkeeper was pretty controversial, cutting at a much lower height than recommended, but has produced unbelievable surfaces.

He's got some pretty good qualifications and despite the flack he got a few years back when he first proposed cutting at 2mm, he's starting to get the credit he deserves from his peers apparently.

course is here -

his blog is here -
Speed has already come up a couple of times so as an extra question...

Does your course regularly post the current stimpmeter reading and if not would you want them to?
Speed has already come up a couple of times so as an extra question...

Does your course regularly post the current stimpmeter reading and if not would you want them to?

He'll usually put it on his blog but will also tell us quite proudly for the bigger comps when he's got them to something daft like last year's scratch open - 14.25!!!
What's Staining Lodge like now its a few years older Dave? Grew up in Blackpool and was a member of North Shore as a junior. Only been on the range at Staining Lodge as a friend was working behind the bar but seems to be getting a better reputation?

It's getting better, took a battering last summer with the rain but they've expanded the ponds and added loads of drainage over winter. Greens aren't the greatest but trees are maturing and no two holes are the same so it's a decent knock, i prefer it to stanley park which gets boring!

Still plenty to improve though. It's just best for me with proximity to work/home. Been a member since beginning of March and even with temps of 1/2 degrees the course is fully open no temp greens or tees! Sooner it can be made private members the better though, lots of visitors don't look after it.
I don't mind fast or slow but they must be true....

Some of the best, and fastest, I've played on were at the Centenary Gig at Hanbury Manor - virtually the only thing I did well that day was putt - and at Blackmoor 1st time round, the day after a big Amateur event. Holy Cow they were fast but they were so true - put it on the right line and it would go in. Sadly another occasion where all I did well was putt..!

And take the rise out of Aztecs......:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ours are bumpy, patchy and just plain Yuck!
I've realised I'm useless at 'seeing' a grain on the green and its really important to know it on one of the courses I play where the putt will travel what seems twice as far when its with the grain

After putting out I can 'feel' it no problem but too late then, guess I'll just have to take notes on the next visit unless anyone has tips on how to see it?
Very very good :) Some of the best in the UK according to GM.

Last year when the BMW was on at Wentworth, we had people coming down just to have a putt (despite it being 30 mins away). Greenkeeper was pretty controversial, cutting at a much lower height than recommended, but has produced unbelievable surfaces.

He's got some pretty good qualifications and despite the flack he got a few years back when he first proposed cutting at 2mm, he's starting to get the credit he deserves from his peers apparently.

course is here -

his blog is here -

nice blog Jimbo - looks like some great work going on on the course - always nice to see improvement and dedication
the greens at foyle back home were the best they had been in the 5 years i was a member. not top class by any means but no bad either.

ive played 15 courses in and around liverpool since september. the best by far has been formby hall. i just can't wait to play their again in the summer. my bro and nephew are coming over for a golfing weekend and thats my first port of call. OUTSTANDING !

i cannot comment on my soon to be new home lee park, as ive never play on its greens during the summer. looking forward to it though!
I've realised I'm useless at 'seeing' a grain on the green and its really important to know it on one of the courses I play where the putt will travel what seems twice as far when its with the grain

After putting out I can 'feel' it no problem but too late then, guess I'll just have to take notes on the next visit unless anyone has tips on how to see it?

i cant really tell unless the sun is out. which isnt very often.

i was close to marking a card with the grain direction on it for every hole at my old course but never got around to it. plus im unsure if the grain will change throughout the year or every time the green is cut. does anyone know?
i cant really tell unless the sun is out. which isnt very often.

i was close to marking a card with the grain direction on it for every hole at my old course but never got around to it. plus im unsure if the grain will change throughout the year or every time the green is cut. does anyone know?

I was told at the course I'm referring to that the grain always went towards the clubhouse, so sounds like they keep the direction consistent there

Also I guess asking another player, or fellow competitor about the grain direction before putting wouldn't be seen as seeking advice and therefore no penalty for doing so?