How best to practice? [An achieveable practice routine]


Sep 16, 2011
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I have been playing golf for 2 and a half years now and I have got my handicap down from 26 to it now fluctuating between 19/20 with my society.

I have joined my first club last month, and one of the things I was looking forward to most was being able to consistently practice on a proper pitching area and practice green. There is also a 150 yard practice ground which I can hit an up to an 8/9 iron on depending on wind direction.

Problem is, I seem to just waste time when I go down there by just aimlessly hitting my bag of balls to a target and then chipping onto the green, and then putting a few from 4/6/8/10 yards. In total, I would say I have been going down for about 45 minutes at a time and just practicing without a purpose. Because of this, it feels a bit boring and like I am not getting any benefit from it.

I have googled online about practice routines and I have seen a few target based ideas, but I wanted to speak with people who have actually had solid results from their practice and to find out what seems to work best for people?

My bad shots were always traditionally a fade/slice with the longer irons and woods, but lately this has developed to a straight left shot [I think I am now closing the face, but still have my out to in swing path and so the ball flies off the face left] I need to develope the consistent swing path, and also work on not collapsing by wrists at the top of the backswing [this admittedly feels hard to do on a 150 yard practice ground].

My wedge play is, like most of my game, inconsistet. Some days its great, other days I fluff and duff everything.

The inconsistency in my play is getting me down, and because I am reasonably long with most clubs [not huge, but long enough] I find that when I do have an off day, the shots seem to go even worse because of the power Im hitting the ball at. My inconsistency means that I can shoot 4/5 zero's on my card [if playing stableford] and stroke play is an absolute nightmare.

I am prepared to put the work in, I just need some direction on how best to practice.

Many thanks.


Head Pro
Jan 30, 2014
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Me the same as you want to go range and fix the faults but just find it boring. Due to not going to practice anything in particular.And just end up seeing how far I can smash the driver.would love a proper routine.hence why still off 17.


Tour Rookie
Aug 22, 2012
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When I'm at the range I play a round in my head. Start off on the first which is a driver then 5/6 iron in. Pick targets that are roughly the distances you would have in on a real round. I switch sides of the range to make sure I'm lining everything up for each shot. I find it helps me focus and put more effort into each shot rather than just hitting 10 of the same in a row.