Having your guts ripped out


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
Really sorry to hear that. I hope that your Mrs is doing okay. I understand about not being there though. My ex walked into her top floor flat and fount two 'undesirables' in there going through all her and my stuff. With nowhere to go they just shoved her aside and ran with nothing. I just wish that it had been me that walked in on them, they would have got beat to a pulp, regardless of what the law says, it's my house, my stuff, my family, and they're uninvited and trespassing, these people get whatever any householder is prepared to give to them. Agreed it is one hell of a risk nowadays with this people being tooled up with who knows what.

I'm not going to get involved in the immagrant argument as it could go on forever, but needless to say EVERY society has it's problem element.

As for jails and this government, don't get me started!!


Head Pro
Apr 2, 2008
Chipping Sodbury
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Its not about comparing problems, save it mate cos I aren't interested. You have enough money to play golf and have an internet connection etc so if you need 10k get saving.


Q-School Graduate
Nov 2, 2007
York, England
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Thank you all for your kind words of support. Naturally, we are having all the fun of the fair trying to get all the insurance parties to talk to each other and actually produce something for us...

I know what you mean Jon about the 'tools' by the bed. Whilst I have previously pleaded for civilised actions, that was in the cold light of day. I truly believe if it's in the moment, then you're trying to ignore millenia of primal instinct. Had I been in when they broke in, I would have had no qualms about taking my weighted swing trainer to them. I wouldn't do it now though.

I can sort of understand why people wouldn't apprehend now; it's just symptomatic of modern society that good citizens are in fear of doing a good deed (i.e. stop a crook) for fear of being prosecuted (i.e. ABH).

Having walked around the most feared prison in the Hapsburg empire this weekend, I can honestly say that if you took a 10 year sentence and commuted it to 1 year in that place, you would achieve a hell of a lot more. Prison should be something that you are terrified of and would never, ever want to go back to.

As someone said, if they are caught, what really is the most likely punishment they would get, if any?

In the words of the great Alan Partridge:

"This country..."


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Re the tools, I always say that it is better to have a weapon around and never need it than to not have one on the day you do.

Hope the insurance claim gets sorted out for you pronto and that the emotional turmoil of the incident wears off quickly.

You are spot on about the prison comments, prison isn't a tough place to be at all for most cons, half the reason is that the screws are people that you could knock over with a well aimed fart so the hardened cons have them petrified.


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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sorry to hear that Toonarmy, I was frustrated enough when I was burgled (similar story to Parmo...everyone in the back of the house, and the front door was left unlocked as we had just had new doors fitted that no longer had an auto locking mechanism- some scumbag just walks in and grabs what he first sees and runs, including a camera with undeveloped film of pictures of me and Michael Owen) so being out of the country with your wife and child at home must have been a right temperature riser. Anyway I hope it didn't spoil your weekend completely.

You say someone did your boot lock in Jon, was it purely vandalism or did they nick anything?


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
million "Russians" who died without who we would be living in a dictatorship where no kind of freedom would ever be allowed.

not being funny but it was 35 million and many people wonder who where worst the Nazi's or the Russians who murdered millions as well.

I beleive that we should have a US style justice system, if you commit murder its 25 years no questions and for rape its the same, they have the right idea.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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I beleive that we should have a US style justice system, if you commit murder its 25 years no questions and for rape its the same, they have the right idea.

Firstly, commiserations, toon.

Parmo, the US may have a better sentencing policy but as a justice system it stinks. Plea bargaining allows the well off to avoid almost all punishment (and that served at an agreed institution), allows serious offenders to plead guilty to a minor offence and escape the serious charge, and virtually forces those at the bottom of the heap to plead guilty even when totally innocent.

As for us, ALL jail sentences should be hard labour.

The basis for any successful punishment is humilation (or pain) therefore Community sentences should be served in public, wearing hi-visibility overalls doing really shitty work - but first and foremost they should be served.

I would also bring back the stocks for shoplifters - any bets as to how long that would take to work?


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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Toonarmy. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope HID can, with your help, put it behind her soon. I sympathise - been done twice ourselves.

On a lighter side, on our second time, as well as all the usual stuff, they nicked my Rolex. Not sure who was most upset - me cos it had gone, or them cos it was a fake. Suspect they had trouble flogging it what with all the rust on it.

As to the who/what/why/how expressed so far, I only say that its encouraging to learn that the british golfer's reactionary reputation is not entirely without foundation.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 12, 2007
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sorry to read about your misfortune toon, they are nothing but low lifes mate, as long as your family are ok and were not harmed thats all that matters buddy


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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Bad luck Toonarmy......

When I lived in sleepy Herefordshire we were burgled 3 times in 3 months, first one was through the back window and they half inched the computer and cash.
next 2 times it was the Xr3i that was targeted , broke into it and used locking wheel nut thingy to steal the alloys then 2 weeks later they came back for the rear screen and 1/4 lights, soon sold car after that.

Here in New Zealand the neighbours would of probably stopped them walking away with the telly as they're always reports in the paper that Joe Bloggs was caught by a member of the public and held till police arrived.

What surprises me it that again when a crime is reported here invariably within days the culprits are apprehended, any crime from shoplifting to murder, although the sentencing in the courts could be harsher.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Sorry to hear that toon.

Got burgled when i was young lad. Didnt really bother me that all my stuff had gone but just the sceane we came down stairs too in the morning.

Old girl got out of bed for a pee, looked out of bedroom window and seen gate open. Wakes old man up, he runs down stairs and on the bottom stair, he steps on a carving knife! Lucky it was laydown so the only shock he got was the cold blade under his foot.

Couldnt get into the front room because they had piled all the furniture behind the doors. We had to go through the kitchen and through some double doors that had a second knife close by.

And the other thing that really freaked my sister out was the fact that they had used her slippers as gloves to move stuff about.

They took everythin form the medicine box, chicken in the fridge to the toilet paper out the bog. Worst thing is we knew who it was but the police wouldnt do anythin. My old man and all the fella's on the estate set up there own vigilante group of about 60 strong and they took it in turns to police the estate them selves.

There was some 'rough' justice to follow i tell ya but crime dropped dramatically, and funnily enough, the skinny, yellow faced little bagheads started to appear less frequently.

My old girl couldnt stand the thought of living in the house so we ended up moving. But the house is like fort knox and i dread to think what my little mutt would do to the next intruder.

Hope all works out toon and the mrs is ok.

What goes around comes around!