Having your guts ripped out


Q-School Graduate
Nov 2, 2007
York, England
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So I've gone to Brno in the Czech Republic for a mate's stag do on Thursday. All is well with the world, all the boys are happy and we are merrily winding our way around the streets of this little city when I get a call from my wife.

"We've been burgled" :eek:

And there go my innards. :(

I have never felt so useless, angry, impotent and upset at the same time. We are having the windows renovated at the moment, so she was already a little jittery about being in the house on her own and then this happens.

To her eternal credit, she point-blank refused to let me come home early but I couldn't wait to get back. Thankfully, she missed the little scrotes by about 20mins and I suppose I should be grateful that they only took a couple of laptops, iRiver and the TV. However, I have only had the TV a month and hadn't even got all the gear wired up yet. :(

The bit that really sticks in the craw is that people phoned the police to say they had seen two people walking down the alley carrying a TV. When did British people become so spineless and rather than apprehend obvious thieves, choose to phone the police instead? Can you imagine that happening in the 60s? :mad:

Both the police and the insurance companies have been very good. Apparently, ours was the 8th incident in our area in a short space of time.

None of the stuff going bothered me though. It was just that gut-wrenching moment of not being there for my wife when she most needed me. That's one of the things you're meant to do as a bloke and I was hundreds of miles away.

And this morning they are talking about prisoners needing more money to pay for TVs and phones in their cells... :mad:

The sooner I can get out of this country, the better. If I'm not even safe to leave my wife in York for a few days, then what's the point? :( :( :(


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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Sorry to hear about this mate, It must have been awful for you.

How about you golf clubs? Are they safe?


Q-School Graduate
Nov 2, 2007
York, England
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Sorry to hear about this mate, It must have been awful for you.

How about you golf clubs? Are they safe?

Thanks htl. I hope you never have to experience the feeling.

It was amazing what they didn't take really, but they were obviously on the quick smash 'n' grab. No golf stuff taken.

Like I said, it's not the theft that cuts me up, it's the intrusion and how it made my wife feel.


Assistant Pro
Mar 28, 2008
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None of the stuff going bothered me though. It was just that gut-wrenching moment of not being there for my wife when she most needed me. That's one of the things you're meant to do as a bloke and I was hundreds of miles away.

I wouldn't beat yourself up about it,mate. You obviously didn't know it was going to happen.

I've been burgled in the past & the worst thing for me was knowing some little **** has been walking about in your gaff. We moved about 2 months later.


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
Sorry to hear about that Toon, they will get whats coming to them.

We got robbed whilst in the front room, they came in the back door and I only heard them because of their greed, we had put my step sons £2.20 dinner money down on the table and as they tried to lift it with gloves on it slipped, boy they where fast with a smoggy in PJs chasing them with a knifve, they nicked the wifes bag and about £40 grr I never leave any door unlocked now, even if we bring the shopping in I put that down and lock the door first.

We need Spanish police in this country, not scared to give someone a kicking.


Head Pro
Feb 28, 2007
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You are having exactly the same feelings as I had whilst in the Falklands Islands. I had been sent on a 4 month tour of duty down there when my first son was only 6 months old. Newly married wife in a strange town where she knew noone and me 8,000 bloody miles away from them. Little boy was taken ill and there was absolutely nothing I could do to help them. Talk about feeling totally useless. I understand how you feel, but it seems like your wife is made of strong stuff. You will both get over this invasion into your personal space. Good luck to you both.


Bad luck Toon, many reasons for society's ills that we can't go into here but bottom line is there is no deterrent to criminals.
I expect the burglars that did your place were young and if caught after 'background reports' some social worker would probabaly say they've had a difficult upbringing and need a trip to Africa at the taxpayers expense. Unbelievable isn't it!
When is someone going to get a grip of law and order and immigration in the UK, they all talk the talk but neither Labour or Tories seem able to address it for fear of upsetting the liberal pc do-gooders.
You can't blame the public for not intervening, if you did intervene and tackled the crooks no doubt you'd end up 'inside' yourself for assault, sad but true.
Drives us all mad but it seems nothing will change. Just make sure you have insurance on everything.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2007
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Death is too good for these people. It really is the lowest of the low. Stealing. Thievery. UTTER,UTTER, UTTER SCUM.
Really feel for you just now mate.
I guess the reason that your neighbours didn't confront the pond life is that they've heard and seen too many accounts of prople that have in the past and paid the price for it.
ie Garry Newlove.
Insurance will pay out for a new telly, but you can't bring that guy back unfortunatley.
"Tough on crime, Tough on the causes of crime" HA! Don't make me laugh. We're going to hell in a handcart and no-one seems to be doing anything about it. We've sleepwalked into this situation and it's time we all woke up.
Sorry to go off on a tangent Toon.
Hope it all works out for you and your family.
I really do.


Head Pro
Apr 2, 2008
Chipping Sodbury
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Some people don't like apprehending criminals because of what happened to Gary Newlove. I think he died doing what any good man wouldve and he died a hero to me. I'm not afraid to go out in the street in my jim jams to confront the scum on a night if their putting my family at risk and I bet most of you would do the same cos its about standing up for whats right. This countries f***ed tho, its never gonna get any better - I don't want my kid to have to go to school in a few years. Theres no hope left in England, looks like the real men who faught to keep us free did so for nothing. It'll never get better tho and I'll tell you why.
Black music that makes kids think they need knives. 24 hour boozing. Soaps that are set predominantly around Pubs. [****] police. Blue Peter presenters with their bits half out on the telly. Pop songs with videos that are unfit for children being on the tv from 6am everyday. Multi-culturalism. Government not clamping down on scum. Too many people, not enough houses. X Factor/Big Brother instant fame for no talent. Footballers getting paid too much. All these things and many more are in kids heads already, they think this is the right path and no-bodys stopping it. England is worse now than it was under Thatcher and if I could leave now for Sweden or somewhere you'd be eating dust brother.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2007
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Benny, I've disagreed with pretty much everything you've written on this forum..... until now.

PS. I'll give you this one mate as you were on a rant, but you still have to control your language.


Head Pro
Mar 25, 2008
North Oxfordshire
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Tough luck Toonarmy,
I can only imagine how you feel as I haven't experienced that and hope I never will, I agree with all of the comments made and hope the police and insurance company do everything in their power to make this better.
Hope your wife is ok and not too distressed, my husband worries about me just going out at night as he says you can't trust anyone in todays society.
keep your chin up.


Tour Rookie
Jan 16, 2008
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Benny some of your points are valid but others.........

multi culturalsim is to blame for the decline of society?? how? I've got news for you mate your great great great grandparents were probably French, Nordic, Celtic or one of the many other nations that occupied britain over the years.This country has always relied on immigration and will continue to do so.Whilst I'm not saying it should be an open door policy we are a declining ,aging population that in 75 years will rely on immigrants even more.........

There are many things to be proud of living in this country the fact that we accept people for who they are not what they are should be held up as a shining example.

You talk about those men who kept this country free, that included people like the Polish (most dangerous airforce in the Battle of Britain)the Indians who volunteered to fight for Britain and the 20 million "Russians" who died without who we would be living in a dictatorship where no kind of freedom would ever be allowed.

Yes this country has problems but in a league table of places i would choose to live in the world there are a whole lot more places below the UK I can guarantee that!


Tour Rookie
Jan 16, 2008
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Apologies Toonarmy I didn't express my sympathy has happened to me twice I moved after both times. As you said it's the feeling of utter helplesness that gets you more.


Head Pro
Apr 2, 2008
Chipping Sodbury
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I know all about the war and you make some good points but I don't feel I explained myself too well, i know we all came from somewhere but my point is maybe more to do with a loss of English identity and a certain drop in moral standards and values. It is an irrefutable fact that since Black people and Asians began taking over our inner cities that crime has spread over ground and is bringing the UK to its knees. Its not all ethnic minorities tho - the whites are just as much to blame - most of our teenagers are trying to emulate modern black culture and raising hell on the streets. I'm not a racist and I love the fact that each citizen of the UK is treated as an individual - but I am a realist and i can see the problems first hand.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
By the way, the scrote who broke into my car is literally pooping himself so I have heard. Apprarently he didnt realise it was my car, obviously can't read a number plate that says JON P with my name underneath it. Duh.

He is also one of our eastern european cousins as I first suspected.

Shame as they all get tarred with the same brush near me, I know quite a few poles, lithuanians and russians who are hard-working and decent folk but because of the scum element they get dubbed scum themselves.


Tour Winner
Jan 15, 2007
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Nightmare, Alex. Sorry to hear about this, mate.

Had a break in to one of my flats while I was away on a golf trip last year and had to come home early to sort if out!

The neighbour upstairs, a burly rugby player, thought someone had been moving furniture in the stair, whilst my front door was being unceremoniously kicked in. It took 15 minutes and he didn't call the police!

Luckily nothing stolen as flat was empty ready to be sold but pain in the backside when this happens.

Crucifiction's too good for them!

P.S. Look on the bright side. Your letter was published in the Mag this month so hopefully a free gift will be winging it's way to you. Know it's no consolation but you need some good luck.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Can't imagine what I would do if I caught somebody in the house toonarmy and glad your wife missed them.

This may sound ridiculous but I always have a couple of weapons in the bedroom to cover this eventuality and if it came to protecting my mrs & daughter I would commit murders, what choice is there?


Tour Rookie
Jan 16, 2008
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Sorry I don't think it's anything to do with black culture, don't know how old you are Benny but I remember similar problems in the 80's with casuals ,in the 60's it was mods and rockers. Every generation of teenagers causes problems for the rest of us it's what they do I'm afraid.

Have you ever stopped to think that some of these problems began during the iron ladies reign? Go round where I was brought up in Yorkshire my friend and you'll see entire communities that had their hearts ripped out when Mrs T decided coal from bolivia would be much more attractive, as a result their were no opportunities for middle aged men to get work, the outcome an entire generation of people on the dole and little or no chance of your situation ever improving.

Oh and I live in Anfield my friend if you want to talk about problems first hand come and live on my street I have a smack dealer 2 doors up, one five doors away, packs of feral kids roaming about causing mayhem , 3 murders in the last two weeks including a man beaten to death outside the pub at the end of my street at least one car a week burnt out behind my house and no chance of getting out because a load of bankers have inflated the housing market so much I need a deposit of 10K before they will even give me an appointment at the bank (that gambled my pension and savings in the first place)