Has anyone else got snow?

We have more work starting on the house today so I had to go out and shovel the drive and dig out the pile of snow in front of the drive from the plow yesterday. I don't have a snow shovel, so it took a while....just not worth getting a snow shovel for living here. Skip delivered a while ago....good thing I shoveled since even the little tiny bit of snow still sitting there was causing the truck to spin quite a bit. Slightly warmer than predicted so far, about 2c with wind so things are melting a bit. All the roads not major around here are one car only.....should be better in a day or two.
We had more snow overnight and sleet this morning but it hasn't stuck, however the weekend snow hasn't melted yet so our course is still white and closed.
Looks like the temps are getting pushed back here in the north.....it was supposed to get warmer on Saturday, but looks like it isn't going to start warming up until Sunday. The guys we have working on the house still couldn't get out of their own drives this morning and were an hour late.....all the other people on the road having trouble as well. Just snow that had melted a bit and then froze....I tried to push a guys car this morning and he gave up and went for a shovel.

No floods like in the south though......
Looks like the temps are getting pushed back here in the north.....it was supposed to get warmer on Saturday, but looks like it isn't going to start warming up until Sunday. The guys we have working on the house still couldn't get out of their own drives this morning and were an hour late.....all the other people on the road having trouble as well. Just snow that had melted a bit and then froze....I tried to push a guys car this morning and he gave up and went for a shovel.

No floods like in the south though......
Was he going to sledge to work on it? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Was he going to sledge to work on it? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Nah....it was a young guy in a little work van. Stuck at the bottom of his hill in that crusty/frozen crap. Stuck in between to higher frozen chunks and it just wouldn't move......of course if had just went easy on the gas pedal he might have....didn't know how to drive in ice, but there are a lot of those around.
Just 2" of frozen slush now. Can hear the odd car (or Prime van) crunching past the house. Garden thermometer shows -1* outside.
its been really icy and cold here the last week, but it snowed Sunday night and most of yesterday, was licking my lips as it was a chance to get out on my fatbike last night. got home it had rained in Inverness and turned to slush. same again today:mad:
Still no snow at ground level on Leven Links today.

Haha... rubber tees on a string. Haven't seen a set of them for a while. :D :D
I've got the same in my bag. Along with 53000 golf gloves, 12,000,000 tees of various sizes, rain gear, a bazillion golf balls, 15 hob nobs, 2 cans of diet cherry pepsi.......Yeah....I have issues.
Snow been down for two days. Oddly schools shut yesterday, more snow overnight, so they, some, opened today🤯 Dead funny though. Young lad in family hates school and his place hasn't shut. He's fuming😆
had a nice big dump of it last night, went out on my fat bike at 9.30 not a soul about, crisp virgin snow. went up the mast was so light up there i even turned my lights off. out for two hours lovely, though coming down the hill with snow over ice was sketchy :ROFLMAO:
I don't know if the council is saving money or what....but everything around here is still in bad shape. The gritters have only evidently covered the bus routes. All the other roads around here are iced up. There are some areas where you can drive in.....but you won't get back out if there is any kind of a hill at all. A lot of schools still shut and the plumber that we were supposed to have working tomorrow has already got hold of us and said he might not make since his kids school is closed again tomorrow.....and he isn't sure he can get out of his road as well since there is a slight hill. No warm up until Sunday at the earliest.