Handicap Lookup Post 1st April 2024


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Mar 6, 2022
Nelson Golf Club
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On Monday 1st April (Easter Monday), the updates to WHS will come into effect across GB&I. The changes will affect your Playing Handicap (PH) for most formats. The link below will allow you to download a Playing Handicap Lookup spreadsheet.

Before the ‘Usual Suspects’ pop up on here and say, “why don’t you just download the one available from EG”? I did, and I found it a bit ‘clunky’ to use, and limited to entry of two or three player HC’s in places where there should be four!

The problem is when you design a layout using a 23” PC monitor it looks and works well, unfortunately it does not transfer very well onto a 5” mobile phone or even a 10” tablet.

There are limits on how condensed you can make the layout and still maintain a comfortable degree of legibility. It becomes a balancing act. One of the problems with Excel on a phone or tablet is that the display of the ‘current’ cell tends to obliterate the surrounding cells. To avoid this there is a cell called ‘Android Park’ where you can ‘park’ the cursor and it does not interfere with any of the cells containing data.

In the ‘Player Data’ area you have all the information you need to work out your PH for various formats. The most common formats have already been done for you and are laid out below the Player Data area.

Remember to remove data that isn’t relevant. If only a 3-ball delete data for Player D etc. otherwise the figures will be taken into account.

The data examples in Appendix I (V2.3 of Rules of Handicapping) were used to verify calculations and then tested with alternatives.

You can do ‘Mixed Tees’, though I suspect most will be using it for a Single Tee.

You can only enter data in the relevant cells, all others are ‘locked.’

Download is free.

Handicap Lookup V2024/1.5 (see later post for latest update)

The Tee List is just in a generic format, if you would like a ‘customised’ set of colours etc. then let me know and I will do one for you.

No payment for this is required, though a commitment to donate to PROSTRATE CANCER UK would be appreciated.


(Keep It Simple System)
If you find an error let me know, it can be fixed.
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Handicap Lookup V2024/1.4

This should take you to the file, you can then Save As, to get your own copy. There is apparently a Security block on direct downloads from my Onedrive from third party sites.
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Played with someone today who had actually heard of the forthcoming changes. First one I've encountered at my club.
This year's captain.

There might even be a few more.
EG's regular email newsletter (to all registered members) that went out yesterday included some information and the new player reference guide.

Our club newsletter with an overview of the upcoming changes has already gone out to members and there's a poster on the main noticeboard.
EG's regular email newsletter (to all registered members) that went out yesterday included some information and the new player reference guide.

Our club newsletter with an overview of the upcoming changes has already gone out to members and there's a poster on the main noticeboard.
Why do you have to hijack every thread you don't agree with to the extent the original post gets lost?