Gym advice


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Jul 22, 2021
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I have been going to the gym now for a few weeks, only really go 2/3 days a week but from Monday i am going to make sure i get down 5 times mon/fri. I have never really been into gyms so don’t really know what i should be doing. I find myself currently just doing 30 mins of cardio on the treadmill or crosstrainer and just trying to blitz it for 30 mins and then go for sauna. So looking for advice if anyone can recommend any workouts, a friend was saying doing weights is better for loosing weight is that true ? Ideally im looking to shift 2 stone and get a more stripped out look not looking to get any bigger as i have quite a large frame already.

Deleted member 29109

Losing weight is predominantly a diet issue. Quite simply, burn more calories than you consume.

You won't lose much doing a bit of cardio on a treadmill. That will be good for overall fitness though.

Lifting using your bigger muscles has the potential to burn more calories than running.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I've always found lifting weights a much better way of losing weight. Not only losing it, but keeping it off as well.

Find yourself a simple weights plan on the internet somewhere. Learn some solid form, and have some fun. Be prepared to be in a bit of pain for the first week or 2 as you get used to lifting the weights, but that soon becomes a thing of the past (relatively).

Also, I've found it better to use a decent low sugar protein powder as a supplement. I have it as a lunch accompaniment - 2 scoops with water.

I'm sure others with much more knowledge will be along to give you detailed advice soon enough.


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Get a skipping rope, I started using one during lockdown 1 and still use it now. Lost 2 1/2 stone and still keeping it off. Do 10-15 minutes a couple of times a week after your normal session, or instead if time is short.
Also, eating less and moving more is good advice. I didn’t really cut anything out but smaller portions and a few non meat meals a week have really helped.

Red devil

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2021
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Find a weight training programme that combines 3 compound exercises eg. Bench press, seated row, squat. Then 3 different ones for next time, dead lift, shoulder press, lat pull down. This will give you an all round workout and target more muscles than isolation exercises.
Then instead of doing 30 mins boring cardio look for a HIIT, programme for beginners, same cardio workout done in less than 10 minutes


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Jul 22, 2021
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I noticed a gym was doing squats with A medicine ball on Friday and i was watching him while i was on the crosstrainer. So after he left i copied what he did OMG i was a little sore yesterday but today ive just been to the toilet and i can honestly hardly walk. My legs are in bits there so sore. It was a 15kg ball and i did 3 sets of 12 it’s absolutely destroyed my legs :ROFLMAO:

Red devil

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2021
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I noticed a gym was doing squats with A medicine ball on Friday and i was watching him while i was on the crosstrainer. So after he left i copied what he did OMG i was a little sore yesterday but today ive just been to the toilet and i can honestly hardly walk. My legs are in bits there so sore. It was a 15kg ball and i did 3 sets of 12 it’s absolutely destroyed my legs :ROFLMAO:
Yes,2nd day is always the worst. We think we're fit until we find out the hard way that we're not!

Deleted member 16999

If it’s a decent gym they should have staff who can advise you on the correct use of equipment and come up with a programme for you.

Be careful copying others (no matter how easy it looks) as they may be doing the exercise incorrectly and you copying could lead to you injuring yourself.

Most of all enjoy it.(y)


New member
Oct 12, 2021
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Hey I would really recommend investing some money in a good coach to help you with this. Yes you can certainly find a decent resistance training program online but working with someone 1-1 will ultimately yield better and faster results.