Great Lesson today


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Have been a bit in and out with my game of late and decided I wanted a fresh evaluation of where my game was so booked myself onto a trackman based lesson with Alistair Davies at The Forest of Arden (wanted to see a pro who I hadnt seen before and who had the most up to date technology).

The session was a group of 4 where everyone got an initial 1/2 hour session with Alastair with it all on trackman and high speed video and a discussion about what needed working on and the best drills to work on it.

After your session had ended there were then unlimited balls to work on the provided drills and then an hour or so later went back in to see Alistair again, see how different the swing looked on camera and how the numbers had started to change. Then a final review with what to work on and how over the coming weeks.

In addition Alistair also emails a full review of the session, including all the trackman stats and notes on what and how to change.

For me the initial numbers in most cases werent too bad. Clubhead speed was fine as was angle of attack and the levels of spin I was getting. The 2 numbers that stood out like a sore thumb however were the swingpath angle and also the clubhead relative to the swing path.

In short my average swing path was 7 degrees in to out (I knew I hit from the inside just didnt realise how much) and to counter this path my average clubface was in effect 4 degrees closed. Hence my ball shape being anything from soft draw to violent hook!

We looked at the causes on the video and at this point Alistair introduced various gadgets with extendable foam arms to get me to hit the ball with a better path. We worked on both better hip action and also swinging more to the left but holding the club head off rather than "flipping" the club as I am inclined to do.

I then had some time hitting balls to work on what I had learnt and then went back in and hit balls again. We had managed to reduce my average path to 3 degrees in to out with a clubface that was all but neutral. Very early days but some encouraging signs for sure and something to work on for the next few weeks at least.

Ive known for a while my main faults but not really how to fix them, I now have a decent insight into what and how I need to change!

As for Alistair, for me he now comes highly recommended, has all the technology you could want but also clearly has a lot of knowledge teaching golfers, and is excellent both technically as well as explaining his point and providing drills to work on. He also has talked to me about how I should work on it when practising and how to try to use it when playing on the course.

I will certainly be returning to see him a bit further down the line, hopefully when some of the changes are ingrained and also to attend one of his short game clinics.

If you are local to the Forest of Arden and looking for a teaching professional then Alistair would be an excellent option imo


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Sounds a different way of doing the lesson, an initial session, drills and a summary. Can I ask how much he charged and how long the process took? I like the idea of that format as opposed to the lesson, drills and then go away and come back another time and see what's happened


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Sounds a different way of doing the lesson, an initial session, drills and a summary. Can I ask how much he charged and how long the process took? I like the idea of that format as opposed to the lesson, drills and then go away and come back another time and see what's happened

There were 4 people there who went in after each other then hit balls then went back in in the same order. The process for 4 took 3 hours in total but obviously for each individual it was really a 2 hour process (obv if you were first you were finished early, if you were last you got time to warm up first or arrive late as i did due to traffic!) All the time you werent in on the trackman bay then there were free balls to hit as many or few as you wanted (pre as a warm up, in between to groove and even afterwards to continue practising if had any energy left!) Cost was £50 a person


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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There were 4 people there who went in after each other then hit balls then went back in in the same order. The process for 4 took 3 hours in total but obviously for each individual it was really a 2 hour process (obv if you were first you were finished early, if you were last you got time to warm up first or arrive late as i did due to traffic!) All the time you werent in on the trackman bay then there were free balls to hit as many or few as you wanted (pre as a warm up, in between to groove and even afterwards to continue practising if had any energy left!) Cost was £50 a person

Fantastic value for money and a great format. Shame the location is so far away. Decent enough range at FoA from what I remember and quality short game set up


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Fantastic value for money and a great format. Shame the location is so far away. Decent enough range at FoA from what I remember and quality short game set up

Yep was glad to be on the range considering the weather today! the short game area was partlky under water!

He also runs various other courses, short game clinics, pitching lessons (again with trackman), playing lessons and even a trackman session on the Arden course (to check you get the same numbers under pressure as on the range), all in groups of 4 or less

He's relatively new there (having come from the Belfry) but seems very keen to develop various methods as well also developing a team to include a mindcoach and a golf specific fitness trainer so that he can offer multifaceted coaching days


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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Sounds awesome and glad it went well! What did your ball flight(shape) look like in the final session. I guess 3 in to out and square it must have been like an arrow. That must be a bit of a culture shock!?

what was the aid he had you use, what's it doing?
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Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Sounds awesome and glad it went well! What did your ball flight(shape) look like in the final session. I guess 3 in to out and square it must have been like an arrow. That must be a bit of a culture shock!?

what was the aid he had you use, what's it doing?

Ball flight was ridculously straight (for what im used to!), just got to learn to repeat it now, especially with the longer clubs

The aids were just things to give visual aid as to where movements needed to change. So I had a tour stick stuck in the ground across my legs to make sure they didnt travel towards the ball. He then has a variety of foam rollers at different angles and I had one of those set to try and ensure I swung more to the left (again I will replicate this when practising with a tour stick in the ground).


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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well that was an experience taking it onto the golf course with very little practise. Bar 2 double crosses off the tee where it went way left I pretty much felt like I hit blocks almost all the way round the golf course. Actually I was hitting it pretty straight but aligning as usual up the right expecting the ball to draw. Pretty sure I have neutralised the face angle pretty well, still may well be a bit more in to out than ideal and definitely need to work more on getting the hip action I require but all in all some very encouraging signs (quite strange seeing such a shapeless ball flight compared to my norm!). And we won our match 3&2 despite being 3 down early so no damage done either!


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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The margins are so close that such a small change with such a big result must be a little shocking. If there is one thing you know for sure you ball will have done in the past is move from right to leftt.... Usually a lot! If the changes stick you have a fair bit of visualisation changes to make.

Persinaly I have always loved your 15 yard draw :)

let eat me know if you want to borrow the Swingbyte2, if not I'll flog it.
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