Tour Rookie
Right guys (and gals) I have an interesting question.
If you have an iPhone and use a golf distance measuring app (such as golfshot) do you think the ruling on the use of such a device should be reviewed???
My point is you are allowed to carry a GPS such as a skycaddie and also allowed to carry a mobile phone on you. But you can't combine the two and use an iPhone as the GPS in competition play because of the iPhone capability to access windspeeds, gradients and temperature. But surely anyone choosing to carry a skycaddie can easily pick their mobile phone up and check windspeeds and temperature as nearly all modern mobile phones have internet access.
So why should the use of an iPhone be punished?? As long as you don't start placing it on the green checking gradients I can't see an issue.
With that thought in mind should the clubs start banning mobile phones on the course because of their capability to access the same information an iPhone does (except for the gradient)????
I've applied to my home course to review the local rule of banning them as Im under the impression the R&A allow local rulings to stand in place over such issues.
If you have an iPhone and use a golf distance measuring app (such as golfshot) do you think the ruling on the use of such a device should be reviewed???
My point is you are allowed to carry a GPS such as a skycaddie and also allowed to carry a mobile phone on you. But you can't combine the two and use an iPhone as the GPS in competition play because of the iPhone capability to access windspeeds, gradients and temperature. But surely anyone choosing to carry a skycaddie can easily pick their mobile phone up and check windspeeds and temperature as nearly all modern mobile phones have internet access.
So why should the use of an iPhone be punished?? As long as you don't start placing it on the green checking gradients I can't see an issue.
With that thought in mind should the clubs start banning mobile phones on the course because of their capability to access the same information an iPhone does (except for the gradient)????
I've applied to my home course to review the local rule of banning them as Im under the impression the R&A allow local rulings to stand in place over such issues.