Golf Christmas Presents

Subject has me reflecting…Stocking fillers were inexpensive and small bits and pieces that we’d like, and that would give us more than the one or two ‘big’ presents that our parents could afford - though one would be from our parents and one from Santa. A typical stocking filler would be a golf ball or two; an orange; an apple; bar of chocolate or two; a dinky or corgi car; maybe a wagon or set of points for my train set…nothing at all expensive. Cost was not the point. Little inexpensive things bought with thought and care was.

So dear Santa, a sleeve of three golf balls would be nice…but first please just ask my pro what I play.
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Subject has me reflecting…Stocking fillers were inexpensive and small bits and pieces that we’d like, and that would give us more than the one or two ‘big’ presents that our parents could afford - though one would be from our parents and one from Santa. A typical stocking filler would be a golf ball or two; an orange; an apple; bar of chocolate or two; a dinky or corgi car; maybe a wagon or set of points for my train set…nothing at all expensive. Cost was not the point. Little inexpensive things bought with thought and care was.

I just happened to be watching Martin Lewis' Money Show last night and thought most of his comments and guidance towards Christmas and the giving and receiving of presents was absolutely excellent.
Subject has me reflecting…Stocking fillers were inexpensive and small bits and pieces that we’d like, and that would give us more than the one or two ‘big’ presents that our parents could afford - though one would be from our parents and one from Santa. A typical stocking filler would be a golf ball or two; an orange; an apple; bar of chocolate or two; a dinky or corgi car; maybe a wagon or set of points for my train set…nothing at all expensive. Cost was not the point. Little inexpensive things bought with thought and care was.

So dear Santa, a sleeve of three golf balls would be nice…but first please just ask my pro what I play.
Great memories. Even now we put a satsuma in each of our children's stockings even though they are both in their 30's. It was good enough for me all those years ago!
I would really like one of those devices that M&S do where you can stencil three initials on to your golf ball. That sounds ideal.
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