GM staff v GM forum - The Result


GM Staff
Jan 24, 2007
GM Towers, London
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As many of you know, today saw the Golf Monthly staff take on four members of this forum in a long awaited match. The results, which have just been phoned in to the GM office (can't believed they left the best player here to man the phones!), are as follows:

Fergus Bisset & Jeremy Ellwood bt John Findlay & Birdieman - 1up
Madandra & Atticus Finch bt Michael Harris & Paul O'Hagan - 4&3

So there you have it, an honourable half. The action was caught on camera by a GM photographer and you'll be able to see these pics and read a full match report in the mag soon. If you can't wait that long here are a couple of extra details courtesy of our esteemed editor...

Madandra should be called Birdieman (he had three on the spin)
Fergus and Jezz were 3 down with 4 to play

Cue an avalanche of posts detailing every good & bad swing, missed putt and angry word...


Tour Rookie
Nov 27, 2007
West Lothian
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John and Birdieman 3 up with 4 to go and LOST!!!!!

Hang your heads in shame :eek: :eek:

If there is to be a rematch I am sure dozens of us will demand you are dropped :D :D


Assistant Pro
Sep 19, 2006
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Sounds like it was an epic game. I like the idea of introducing the editor's cup. Also, if there's a rematch I'd like to throw my hat in the ring although I shouldn't think the forum guys who played will be willing to give up their positions.

More importantly perhaps... I want to hear how the forum lot rated their opponents. Are they fit to hold such positions within the golf industry?


Tour Winner
Jul 15, 2007
Well done everyone involved. Pretty lucky to get out and have a round. We've had over 48 hrs of heavy rain here rendering many courses virtually unplayable, unless you have no scruples about carving up the course.
Never played golf in wellies by the way but presume it's a bit difficult.


Medal Winner
Dec 20, 2007
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Apart from a few singles, they had the course exclusively to themselves. Weather was not as bad as forecast, but they had to endure a number of showers and the wicked pin placements from a warped Greenkeeper heh heh! Hope the guys enjoyed it.


Tour Winner
Dec 9, 2007
19th hole
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Well done guys. Can't wait to hear your stories.

Thanks Neil for letting us know the result so quickly. Good job you had nothing important to do today other than answer the phones :p


Q-School Graduate
Jun 20, 2007
West Country
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Great stuff, lads!
Bad luck John and Birdie. 'andra and Atticus - woohoo!
Remember Bannockburn!

Looking forward to the details



Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2007
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Hello everyone. Just got back.
Cracking day had by all.
Met up at 10am got all our team photographs taken and then we were off.
John, Birdieman, Fergus and Jezz were off 1st and then our group.
Four solid pars at the first & second meant there was nothing between us, but with myself and Madandra both stroking at the 3rd we went 1up after we both had birdies(net eagles). Within 2 holes however we were 1 down after a rally from the GM boys.
This is when Madandra must have took some kind of crazy pill and went on his birdie frenzy. Birdies at 6,7 & 8 took us to 2 up with Madandra even having the audacity to start calling shots before he hit them. ( "Yeah, What I'm gonna do here boys is punch a low 4 iron in with a hint of draw and run it up to the pin. It's my go to shot") He had a makeable 8 footer for 4 on the bounce , but the crazy pill must have started to wear off at this point and it just agonizingly trickled past. By the time we reached the 14th, the forumers were 4up and looking to close the game early, but the GM boys rallied again to take it to 15, but with everyone having a bit of a 'mare on 15th we managed to close the game out on there.
After that, all that was on Paul's mind was chips and he must have found his motivation because he played his best golf on the last three holes.

Back to the clubby for a couple of drinks, bit of grub and an in depth analysis of every stroke.
Clubby shut at 4.30. So over to The Jigger we went.
That's all from me, No doubt other will come on and give you their impression of the day. From my point of view it was an absolute pleasur to play with these guys and I would like to personally thank Mike,Paul,Jezz,Fergus,John,Birdieman,Madandra and not forgetting David, the cameraman who followed us all round and will provide you with the photos for you lot to beat us over the head with for the rest of time.



Head Pro
Jun 6, 2007
Addlestone Surrey
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Sod the result, can't wait to see what you all look like. An honorable half was always the favorite outcome, though Findlay and birdie will have a hell of a time explaining their match.

Well done all.


though Findlay and birdie will have a hell of a time explaining their match.

Not at all, great days golf, JF and I had absolutely no right to be 3 up, we were outplayed by Fergus and Jezz for much of the day but were luckier with the putter for the first few holes to get our noses in front.
Towards the end Jezz had a nice 9 iron in to 8 feet on the 15th which we couldn't match and then Fergus holed a long putt for birdie on 16 to leave us one up. On 17 we should have gone dormie 1 but 3 putted so down the 18th all square and although no-one found the green in 2 JF and I left our short games several holes back and neither of us could hole out from 20 feet or so for a half! Such is golf, 1 down is no disgrace, justice was done to be honest, Jezz hit 100% fairways with a superb display of accurate driving and Fergus is a strong player off 1 who let us off a bit with some missed putts after hitting a lot of greens. Jubilee is a great course, weather much better than anticipated, 10c and a light breeze, wet to start but dried up after 2 holes. Happy with my lot, some good, some bad but got 2 birdies and a bunch of pars on the day on a tricky course at St Andrews from the medal tees. Great day, bacon rolls and coffee to start, haddock and chips after, couple of beers etc all courtesy of the GM team - thanks very much indeed gents for a very memorable day! :rolleyes: