Forum day at Craigielaw in October


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Jul 22, 2006
GM Towers
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Evening all

I am coming up to Scotland on a family holiday to North Berwick in October and keen to get a game of golf in with some of the Scottish forum contingent

So, having spoken to John_Findlay and Madandra looks like we will have a game at J_Fs home club Craigielaw (

I have made contact with the Derek the manager and he's keen to have a forum day there and will do us a very nice deal on the day.

I now need to get an idea of numbers and a preferred date.

Although Derek says Craigielaw can acomodate us any day that week Mon-Friday (20th - 25th) they do already have a society Tuesday and Wednesday so Monday Tuesday or Friday looking favourites.

Can you note your interest/preference for day here and we'll get it the ball rolling

Hope to see a good few of you in October!
Great stuff Mike.

Looking forward to seeing the lads negotiate my home course. I might even put up a wee prize myself.


Quite a few driveable par fours for you long hitters, including the 1st here. Bring your putting boots, guys. You'll need them.


Hoping as many as possible can make it and that we have a day like this.

Needless to say, I'm available


friday would do for me,I will make that date no problem,one of the few courses I havnt played in the area so looking forward to all the greens have dead elephants buried under them cos that is the way it certainly looked from Kilspindie??!!
I am intersted. I will check my holiday sitution on Monday. Think i will be ok.

Any day is good for me.

John. There has been some serious photoshop editing going on there. The pins on those pics are almost upright!!!
I would be interested chaps. Hope you will still have me, I know I haven't posted in a wee while (would you believe so busy at work I don't have time to surf the net! An injustice!).
Friday looking favourite for everyone - I will get in touch with the club. I guess with forumers coming from far and wide a late morning/12 noon start would be good?
Also interested, any idea of costs please. Junior number 2 on the way.