Flags Out????

Sorry guys, I think my original post came out all wrong and not in the context it was meant, I'm a very considerate playing partner which I will let you judge if we ever get the pleasure to partner, just think flag attending is unnecessary with the new rules changes of last year and can't think of any example why this would be needed. once again I apologise if this is against the grain.
I agree that’s it’s not really necessary, I prefer to leave it in from range, and take it out close up.
But if a PP wants it tending I’ll gladly do it.
Thank god I started playing in the 20th century, when we had standards, and kept to them
It always amazes me that people take up the game and then instead of adjusting themselves to fit in with the game spend more energy trying to change it to just suit themselves

It’s as if respect , integrity , standards are dirty words - I’m happy that Golf has rules and codes of conduct along with dress codes - gives people some guidelines to follow and maybe other sports should take notice.
Sorry guys, I think my original post came out all wrong and not in the context it was meant, I'm a very considerate playing partner which I will let you judge if we ever get the pleasure to partner, just think flag attending is unnecessary with the new rules changes of last year and can't think of any example why this would be needed. once again I apologise if this is against the grain.

Nothing to apologise for, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

The instances of people asking for the flag to be tended with have reduced and be rare but there is always someone that likes it that way and golf is good in that way that we always try and accommodate everyone
Isn't it lovely that those at the world handicap system took up the game and just left it as it was

And those who took up the game when women didn't really have a place on the course left it as the norm and didn't grow the women's game

And Augusta was never challenged for its caddies views everyone just respected it

Isn't it lovely that those at the world handicap system took up the game and just left it as it was

And those who took up the game when women didn't really have a place on the course left it as the norm and didn't grow the women's game

And Augusta was never challenged for its caddies views everyone just respected it


Sorry, you have lost me completely.

What point are you trying to make?
Change is an important part of golf

History has it place but certain things are best left there forever.

Ah, yes. I somehow mistakenly thought you were tying racism, sexism, elitism in to the debate of leaving the pin in, or taking it out. It's a tenuous link, that I don't think plays well.
It always amazes me that people take up the game and then instead of adjusting themselves to fit in with the game spend more energy trying to change it to just suit themselves

It’s as if respect , integrity , standards are dirty words - I’m happy that Golf has rules and codes of conduct along with dress codes - gives people some guidelines to follow and maybe other sports should take notice
I’m intrigued to know if those that want to change everything about the game actually enjoy playing it?
I’m intrigued to know if those that want to change everything about the game actually enjoy playing it?

It’s the same as complaints about dress codes at certain courses and then declaring you wouldn’t play there because it’s too expensive as well

Thankfully with golf there are courses and clubs to suit all desires.
30 yards ? Why 30 yards and let’s be honest how many times will it really happen to that extreme ? I have been asked once or twice maybe and done it with no issues , it doesn’t harm me or indeed anyone , it’s not selfish just like having the flag in or out isn’t selfish or wanting someone not to stand behind you or someone who likes to tee off first or last etc etc - we all have our quirks on the golf course and each one of us works around each other’s quirks.
Besides...with the device we have on the flag to lift the ball out of the hole I will always ask the player about to putt if he wants the lever ‘spun behind’ - as if I was tending the flag. This takes me time but is more time efficient than the player himself having to do it.

Tending the flag is just one of the things we do for other players, this one being something a player‘s caddy would do, but as mostly today we don’t play with a caddy it’s our responsibility - as is offering to ‘spin the lever’.

And if and when we can return to flag in/attended/out then of course we offer to attend or accept without question or thought, any request received.
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