Farleigh Court Golf Club BANNED me from their driving range today!!


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Maybe they think I'm an idiot for being there for free and want me to get a real life/job so I can have some of that 'money' stuff that everyone else seems to have :p Whatever the reason being banned isn't really feeing complimentary right now, but thanks for your sentiment, appreciated el marko:thup:


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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I would imagine that Pros are very protective over their own patch and even the tiniest sniff of someone doing the same job as them, on their range whether paid or unpaid is going to make them feel uneasy.

I don't reckon it's a case of them not believing that you're not a PGA pro (your dress sense would indicate otherwise) or not charging and that the people you teach are more friends than 'clients'. I just reckon that the pro wants to be the only person in that postcode doing the teaching and whilst he could let go the 'one off' sessions, he'll be feeling a little vulnerable and UNCOMPETITIVE by you rocking up once a week for hours on end.

Of course, this is completely ridiculous and if you were out there for 5 hours a week with your son or wife there would be absolutely no questioning of your intentions, you would still gain the attention of those practising (we had an AUDIENCE at one point) and the range would be happy to sell a load of balls and lucozade.

Don't know what to suggest mate- time to buy a 300 yard field I think!


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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The same thing happened at our local range a while back. The guy was teaching his mate but was a pro teacher, English but working in USA. The problem was that he gave odd tips to locals if they asked and was eventually seen as a threat and banned. Pros are bound to protect their patch!


Tour Winner
Sep 15, 2011
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As its private property he would need nothing more than not liking the colour of your socks to ban you, just like Asda could do the same if they so desired.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Not surprised.
I think the least you could have done is ask permission from the Pro's before starting. That would be good manners.
You say you do not receive a fee but how are they to know that. They will see you as someone who is threatening their earnings.
Also what you are coaching may be completely at odds with the range ethos and you may earn them a bad reputation if customers view you as a resident coach.

I used to manage a large range where six PGA pros earned a living.
We had no problem with local PGA pros coaching as long as they asked permission.

We would have taken exactly the same action as the pros at the range you were using as we would have viewed you as someone who was using the range to make money/advantage.


Aug 5, 2011
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It may be worth talking to someone about the law of competition and whether the range can lawfully interject with your coaching. There are various UK and EU laws that regulate competition, maybe a word with CAB would help.

I think the devil may be in the detail. They should have terms and conditions (They probably don't though) if they do then it should have an explanation on whether private coaching is prohibited. If they do it does not mean this is legal though.

I would be inclined to ask them for a copy of their Terms and Conditions as you wish to refer their actions to the relevant authorities on the basis of restricted practice.

All this is irrelevant with a private club, their rules-which they can change at will- plus the fact they could ban someone for any reason whatsoever.

Logic dictates though you should have just communicated to them your plans as I don't know anyone who spends all day a a course teaching amateurs unless they are employed there. If you owned the range I'm sure you might have reacted the same way.

I'd mentioned previously about a register, wouldn't that have been the way they would have known you weren't qualified.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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I'm surprised it's taken this long to come to this. All the good ranges I've used have had signage on the range and some even displayed it at the reception stating teaching is forbidden. I know of one school group who took their own coaches to a certain range and ended up getting banned as a result. I think what Doon says above would be the approach most ranges would adopt.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 16, 2008
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A mate of mine works in a special needs / behaviour school. As a treat he took 5 kids to a local range. He bought them all a bucket of 55 balls and hired some old clubs. As they are hitting them he is telling them about grip and a few beginner tips (he plays off about 9). The range was empty and they went right down to the bottom, so that they would not disturb anyone. Low and behold the pro came down and basically kicked them off 'his range' as him and his team are the only ones allowed to teach there. He said fine, they can just hit the balls, but the pro said it was too late and asked them to leave. My mate kept his trap shut, but the 5 kids called him every expletive under the sun, loudly and too his face.... The pro and his team no longer run the range....


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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A mate of mine works in a special needs / behaviour school. As a treat he took 5 kids to a local range. He bought them all a bucket of 55 balls and hired some old clubs. As they are hitting them he is telling them about grip and a few beginner tips (he plays off about 9). The range was empty and they went right down to the bottom, so that they would not disturb anyone. Low and behold the pro came down and basically kicked them off 'his range' as him and his team are the only ones allowed to teach there. He said fine, they can just hit the balls, but the pro said it was too late and asked them to leave. My mate kept his trap shut, but the 5 kids called him every expletive under the sun, loudly and too his face.... The pro and his team no longer run the range....

Where was this Karl? Was it the range at NW National? If it was, then the new owners are a great team and the resident Pro does absolutely loads of local charity work. I'm sure he wouldn't have any issues if it was explained to him now..:thup:


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I am really not surprised that the range took exception. They must have thought that nobody in their right mind would spend all day teaching someone for nothing. Of course, we know that JO is not in his right mind, but the range maybe didn't.

Although their best clue is that he taught all day. No professional does that, as people have a limited amount of ability to absorb stuff and that ability fades with time as they get tired.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Sadly being a pro is quite hard financially, so being protective of his business is kind of predictable. Perhaps you have a business model. You buy a field, you do bed and breakfast, you teach and you pupils buy a night, pay for balls etc... And you mix it with normal range activities. I would love to own my own range and was looking at buying some land, perhaps you may find like minded people on here ...


Aug 5, 2011
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Sadly being a pro is quite hard financially, so being protective of his business is kind of predictable. Perhaps you have a business model. You buy a field, you do bed and breakfast, you teach and you pupils buy a night, pay for balls etc... And you mix it with normal range activities. I would love to own my own range and was looking at buying some land, perhaps you may find like minded people on here ...
I've had ideas for years on how to have a range that is really interesting and people want to go. There was a thread on this awhile back, have a search.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 16, 2008
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Where was this Karl? Was it the range at NW National? If it was, then the new owners are a great team and the resident Pro does absolutely loads of local charity work. I'm sure he wouldn't have any issues if it was explained to him now..:thup:

Yeah it was. It was when it first opened (within the first few months) and it was the Glen Turner golf school. The new owners are top and the pro's are as well. They deserve a lot of credit as to where the club has gone in the last couple of years.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2008
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Morning all, I was amazed at the attitude yesterday , James had been in during the week and informed them that he had someone else meeting him on the Sat and he would be showing them a few things. If there had been a issue with this , then surely it should of been mentioned to him when he went in and confirmed it with them.

I was very hacked off about it as they could not seem to get it into their heads that , someone would give up their time for nothing. It was almost as if they were calling him a liar for wanting to do something/help someone for nothing.

I still can not understand that if a mate who is good at golf wants to help you out with tips and give you the information to improve you game (whether you take the info or not ) is not allowed to do it??

Anyway , I had a cracking time , learnt loads, will it improve my game ? In my opinion without a doubt as long as I stick/practice what I have been shown. I will be having another session with James if we can find a range ???:D


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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James, next time just show the guy all your posts from the forum.... he will instantly know you are not a pro by some of your ravings;)

on 2nd thoughts maybe not, he may ring the local mental hosp to see if you had escaped:ears:

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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For the posters who think that owning a range is a good money making opportunity I would advise them to 'do the maths' and think very carefully.
When my range was 20 bays a very successful businessman said to me my range must be making fortune.
I asked him to explain to me why he thought that.
Half way through his thinking he stopped and said. Yes, I see what you mean.

As part of a larger golfing/sport/retail structure a range can be very valuable but a stand alone range will struggle unless it was on a very good urban site. They tend to be expensive to buy/lease.

Deleted member 1740

I think you've got some front to be complaining about being asked to leave tbh.

You've given 3 "lessons" at that range, how much have you paid for hiring a bay for those?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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make sure you don't ever take this out on the course. the pro will come running down the fairway shouting, "I charge £150 for this service" !

jamsie - when are you doing your tour of the north west? ;)