Everything that is wrong about golf!!!


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 4, 2014
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So, as some of you will know, I recently moved home and have relocated to Sevenoaks. One of the very first things on the agenda for both me and my partner (both 28 years old), was to join a golf club and start getting involved.

After a telephone call a few months ago, we both turned up yesterday for a tour of the course and to find out more about joining. Unfortunately, whilst the membership secretary was welcoming enough to me, he barely addressed my partner or spoke to her, it was all directed at me as if she was an after thought. He also said that we'd need to speak to the Pro who has a big say in members that join, and unfortunately, the pro was rude, condesending, and was very reluctant with my partner. It almost seemed as if he sent us to the Pro to do his dirty work.

Whilst I am towards the top end of the handicap bracket and my partner would be slightly above it, I would have thought the fact that there were two young potential members that lived 2 minute drive away, they'd be snapping both of our hands of. They even send they needed more members, particularly female! We explained our situation in detail and made it really clear about our ability, our intentions to play a lot, get lessons, etc.

However, my partner was made to feel like a complete idiot, unwelcome, and was talked to like a child. Which obviously upset me as well. It was very much a 'we'll decide if you're of the right standard to be a part of our club'

Their entire attitude was just terrible, and it's probably why they only have about 40 active female members.

The course, and facilities are top notch, and whilst it is a tricky course, it's something I would have liked to be a part of, but the PRO even said if I don't break a 100 in my playing in round I would need to do a 6 month academy course with massively restricted membership. It just didn't set things in the right tone. I would much rather get lessons and keep playing the course... the scores will come down. Such short sightedness. I explained that my scores have been mid to high 90s at Richmond Park, and to begin with at this course I would be slightly above that I imagine, but wouldn't take long to get back down. He didn't really care.

We could have been members of that club for the next 40/50 years!!!

Instead, we visited a few others, and whilst one might not be the same quality of course for a purist, it is still a great course that suits both our needs, has great facilities, and also allows me and my partner to play golf together... which is what we enjoy! It also had a much more thriving male and female membership, and even turning up on a Monday the clubhouse was busy.

Reading about all of the bad stories on the forum and in GM, I often thought it was a bit of an extreme, but having experienced it first hand, I now realise what a problem the sport of golf has on its hands, and hence the decline. My partner, who would also be paying best part of £1000 a year, might as well have not been there. I was basically being told yes you can join, but there was always a little caveat after. Shocking.

Fortunately my partner and I love playing the game, and we have joined another club that works for us. What a shame the original club that we wanted to join is missing out on what would probably be over £100k between us in our lifetime in membership fees.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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That all sounds rather sad mate and I feel for your partner.

Im glad you are all sorted now and are happy.

If it was me I would go back and tell them why you decided not to join their club.


Q-School Graduate
Oct 7, 2014
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So, as some of you will know, I recently moved home and have relocated to Sevenoaks. One of the very first things on the agenda for both me and my partner (both 28 years old), was to join a golf club and start getting involved.

After a telephone call a few months ago, we both turned up yesterday for a tour of the course and to find out more about joining. Unfortunately, whilst the membership secretary was welcoming enough to me, he barely addressed my partner or spoke to her, it was all directed at me as if she was an after thought. He also said that we'd need to speak to the Pro who has a big say in members that join, and unfortunately, the pro was rude, condesending, and was very reluctant with my partner. It almost seemed as if he sent us to the Pro to do his dirty work.

Whilst I am towards the top end of the handicap bracket and my partner would be slightly above it, I would have thought the fact that there were two young potential members that lived 2 minute drive away, they'd be snapping both of our hands of. They even send they needed more members, particularly female! We explained our situation in detail and made it really clear about our ability, our intentions to play a lot, get lessons, etc.

However, my partner was made to feel like a complete idiot, unwelcome, and was talked to like a child. Which obviously upset me as well. It was very much a 'we'll decide if you're of the right standard to be a part of our club'

Their entire attitude was just terrible, and it's probably why they only have about 40 active female members.

The course, and facilities are top notch, and whilst it is a tricky course, it's something I would have liked to be a part of, but the PRO even said if I don't break a 100 in my playing in round I would need to do a 6 month academy course with massively restricted membership. It just didn't set things in the right tone. I would much rather get lessons and keep playing the course... the scores will come down. Such short sightedness. I explained that my scores have been mid to high 90s at Richmond Park, and to begin with at this course I would be slightly above that I imagine, but wouldn't take long to get back down. He didn't really care.

We could have been members of that club for the next 40/50 years!!!

Instead, we visited a few others, and whilst one might not be the same quality of course for a purist, it is still a great course that suits both our needs, has great facilities, and also allows me and my partner to play golf together... which is what we enjoy! It also had a much more thriving male and female membership, and even turning up on a Monday the clubhouse was busy.

Reading about all of the bad stories on the forum and in GM, I often thought it was a bit of an extreme, but having experienced it first hand, I now realise what a problem the sport of golf has on its hands, and hence the decline. My partner, who would also be paying best part of £1000 a year, might as well have not been there. I was basically being told yes you can join, but there was always a little caveat after. Shocking.

Fortunately my partner and I love playing the game, and we have joined another club that works for us. What a shame the original club that we wanted to join is missing out on what would probably be over £100k between us in our lifetime in membership fees.

Golf clubs forget that they are there to serve the members which includes future members. The old school thinking is really ridiculous and is a barrier within many clubs. I would say from what you have said that they were unwelcoming to both of you. I would never think of saying to someone you will need to go on a course to prove you can play here. How many of their coffin dodging members (every club has them!) break 100?

The one that really gets to me is joining fees. I approached a club that wanted £1000 a year but it's £3000 to join!

Find the courses you want and then see how friendly the membership is. If you walk in and people say hi it's a much better club!


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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Sorry to hear that, mate. Westerham wouldn't treat you or your partner like that, I can assure you! ;)


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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What a very disheartening story and I'm sure you were livid. It's like some kind of arcane throwback to the bad old days of the 60s and displays an arrogant attitude that should have no place in the modern game.

At least you have both found somewhere but how maddening for you both.:confused:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Wow. absolutely unbelievable behaviour from the first club! I am sorry clubs like that give the whole club scene a bad name.
I am very pleased you found a good club though and I do think from what you have said that you actually had a lucky escape and that will will enjoy your time there so much more.
Whilst I accept that the second club may not have as good a course as the first, a golf club is about so much more than it's course. Many clubs in my experience would do well to remember that. An "all round" club with a good course, good facilities, good membership and good social side, is in my view so much better than a club that views it's "great" course as a reason to treat it's members and prospective members badly. To do so is to be complacent and is just plain bad business practice.
As they say, things happen for a reason. Good luck in your new club!


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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That sounds awful. I just wonder what the genuine members are like, away from the secretary and that miserable pro. How many players can really break 100 out there?


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 4, 2014
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For two young people who are desperate to take the past year and a half's golfing experience into a proper club, it was just so frustrating!

We are the few that make it through the pay to play scheme, make the time to play regularly, want to improve, want to get lessons, want to play through the winter, so to be made to feel like we weren't worthy was just so dissapointing.

I really was shocked tbh. Especially when they mentioned they used to have a waiting list, don't anymore, need members, etc. Then just epitomised everything the sport should be trying to get away from.

Thanks all for your kind words and yes, everything happens for a reason! 😃


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 4, 2014
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That sounds awful. I just wonder what the genuine members are like, away from the secretary and that miserable pro. How many players can really break 100 out there?

The pro was an ex PGA tour player for 15 years.... And unfortunately seemed to treat entrance like you needed to be a PGA player rather than people who are newish to the game, but can actually play it, and yes... As I suspect probably better than some of their members!!! What a shame.

Deleted member 15344

Poor behaviour from the club

Did you tell them exactly how you felt ?

Half the issue with some of the ingrained idiots within clubs is they believe what they are doing is how it should be - need to tell them and also highlight on social media as well

Shaming them is the only way to get these clubs moving forward

Last summer I looked to move to another club - I spoke to the secretary who gave me a form - in the office was an elderly gentleman and lady and they asked me a number of questions - first was age then HC and then my job - when I was ex forces their eyes lit up until I said I was just a NCO - they then rolled their eyes and told me they are full and I would be on a waiting list !! Now I know the club now is struggling due to very high age numbers and no one coming through - in about 10'years the club will struggle and it's one the best in the area


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 17, 2013
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Poor behaviour from the club

Did you tell them exactly how you felt ?

Half the issue with some of the ingrained idiots within clubs is they believe what they are doing is how it should be - need to tell them and also highlight on social media as well

Shaming them is the only way to get these clubs moving forward

Last summer I looked to move to another club - I spoke to the secretary who gave me a form - in the office was an elderly gentleman and lady and they asked me a number of questions - first was age then HC and then my job - when I was ex forces their eyes lit up until I said I was just a NCO - they then rolled their eyes and told me they are full and I would be on a waiting list !! Now I know the club now is struggling due to very high age numbers and no one coming through - in about 10'years the club will struggle and it's one the best in the area

NCO, How dare you not be a privileged rupert who relies heavily on the experienced NCO's to show them how its done!

Poor behaviour by clubs and out dated rules to treat people this way.

Deleted member 1147

Golf clubs forget that they are there to serve the members which includes future members. The old school thinking is really ridiculous and is a barrier within many clubs. I would say from what you have said that they were unwelcoming to both of you. I would never think of saying to someone you will need to go on a course to prove you can play here. How many of their coffin dodging members (every club has them!) break 100?

The one that really gets to me is joining fees. I approached a club that wanted £1000 a year but it's £3000 to join!

Find the courses you want and then see how friendly the membership is. If you walk in and people say hi it's a much better club!

I was told at my old club, by the chairman himself, that his job isn't to make the members happy.
I didn't say any more to him as, if my feeling had been properly expressed, it may have gotten me blackballed at all the clubs in Derbyshire .


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 17, 2013
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I was told at my old club, by the chairman himself, that his job isn't to make the members happy.
I didn't say any more to him as, if my feeling had been properly expressed, it may have gotten me blackballed at all the clubs in Derbyshire .

Shame you couldn't just iron the old guy out. Members are the life blood of any club this sport has too many out of touch f'wits playing and deciding things.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 4, 2014
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I was told at my old club, by the chairman himself, that his job isn't to make the members happy.
I didn't say any more to him as, if my feeling had been properly expressed, it may have gotten me blackballed at all the clubs in Derbyshire .

It's exactly why we both just grinned and beared it yesterday!!


Assistant Pro
Apr 29, 2013
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Clubs just can't be like that in 2015, it's no wonder the majority of them are struggling.

When I joined my last club, because I only had one proposer, I had to have a "handicap assessment" with the pro, where he just looked at your swing, and assessed your personality. I imagine it's to check whether you'd hack the course up. If he thought you'd struggle to break 100, he'd recommend you a course of lessons before they accepted your membership. Luckily, he was a lovely fellow, and it just ended up being a free 20-minute lesson, after which he signed my form, saying that I'd break 100 every time. The secretary was a bit snooty when she was processing the reduced student membership, but when she asked what I was studying, and I told her what and where, her eyes lit up, probably because her kids of the same age were doing a Mickey Mouse subject like Film Studies at some slap-dash ex-Polytechnic uni :D


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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I definitely write to the both the gents captain and ladies captain and explain where their section of the club will continue to struggle to attract members.

Really really poor showing.

Deleted member 16999

Clubs just can't be like that in 2015, it's no wonder the majority of them are struggling.

When I joined my last club, because I only had one proposer, I had to have a "handicap assessment" with the pro, where he just looked at your swing, and assessed your personality. I imagine it's to check whether you'd hack the course up. If he thought you'd struggle to break 100, he'd recommend you a course of lessons before they accepted your membership. Luckily, he was a lovely fellow, and it just ended up being a free 20-minute lesson, after which he signed my form, saying that I'd break 100 every time. The secretary was a bit snooty when she was processing the reduced student membership, but when she asked what I was studying, and I told her what and where, her eyes lit up, probably because her kids of the same age were doing a Mickey Mouse subject like Film Studies at some slap-dash ex-Polytechnic uni :D
Yep, nothing like a bit of snobbery to get your back up:whistle:

Deleted member 16999

For two young people who are desperate to take the past year and a half's golfing experience into a proper club, it was just so frustrating!

We are the few that make it through the pay to play scheme, make the time to play regularly, want to improve, want to get lessons, want to play through the winter, so to be made to feel like we weren't worthy was just so dissapointing.

I really was shocked tbh. Especially when they mentioned they used to have a waiting list, don't anymore, need members, etc. Then just epitomised everything the sport should be trying to get away from.

Thanks all for your kind words and yes, everything happens for a reason! 😃
Very sad to hear, but better finding out before they got your cash and you'd regretted it.