Ryder Cup Winner
I am guessing that a lot depends on where you main market/customer base is. If it is predominantly UK based then I imagine there will be more chance of them wanting to get out as I imagine they get a lot of burdens without that many benefits. Where as if they export a lot to Europe and even globally then I imagine they will be more inclined to want to stay in. And I expect neither are right or wrong.
In fact I'd welcome a good economic argument/discussion by people wanting to leave as it will make a refreshing change to the focus on the immigration topic which I still say, in the grand scheme of things, is a minor consideration. Let's debate the economics of it all.
From my perspective both me and my wife work for global companies and also I see how a lot of our investments are influenced by European and global economies. So that's why I'd rather stay in, economically it makes more sense to me for myself, my family, my company and the UK economy. But more than happy to listen to any economic arguments otherwise.
JCB seem to be comfortable with us leaving: