equipment you bought but wished you had not bothered

SLDR 2 Hybrid. Utter waste of money. Horrible club. Learned from that to never buy a club off the shelf without trying it. HATE that club, don't know why I still have it. Should go in the bin.
Bought some callaway x20s off the shelf at American golf, couldn't hit any of them! Sold on and got custom fit for ping g25s then stopped playing, now back keener than ever!
The Perfect Club. A gimmicky club from the US, similar and previous to a hybrid. As usual I would have been better getting a lesson. I think it's in the garage somewhere. If anyone wants it they're welcome to it.
Putter central for me....
Odyssey 2 ball fang works
Couple of scottys
Yes Callie
Ping nome
Ping Scottsdale
Probably a few more if I think a little harder.....let's not get on to drivers either....
Tour bag, it's a cracker and I still have it and still love it. Holds far too many spares for my liking now and in reality it was too big for me to lug about and too large to leave in my locker. It sat great on my trolley too

If anyone fancies it I'm open to sensible offers :rofl:

Bought The Radar by Zelocity a couple of years ago, was so unreliable it was tat and never used it again after a couple of goes. Off to put it in the bin as its in the wardrobe.
2 x Odyssey putters. Both lasted less than a round before I decided to get rid of them immediately. Horrible plasticy things.

Hoping lesson has been learned!

Various training aids. Not a substitute for lessons and trying to figure what works best for you.
A cart bag and trolley.

Wasn't a massive amount of cash but just the general idea was wrong and I played one round with both and absolutely hated it. Much prefer the idea of a good walk with my bag strapped to my shoulders!
Game Golf

Persevered with it for too long. Just a faff to edit etc.
The first Scotty I owned and still got I used for years, won't get rid of it, but always liked the look of the Del Mar, bought the California Del Mar, stunning looking but wish I One Planer said.....Vanity and just a piece of over engineered dross. Now defunct in my room upstairs.
RBZ stage 2 25° hybrid
Bought it untried and keep bringing it out the spares bag now and again but I can only remember a handful of shots I've struck well with it