Do you score most games you go out

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21258
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Assistant Pro
Nov 10, 2015
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Try to score every round if I can, one format I like if i'm out myself is to play Match play against the course. This keeps me focused and helps when it comes to Medals. Have found myself on the course wasting time but not 100% concentrating but bringing in structured practice has changed this so I am always focusing one scoring well.


Medal Winner
Mar 20, 2017
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Played a social game a while ago and this discussion came up.

I don't bother scoring most of the time and the person looked really surprised.

Do you score for most rounds irrelevant if it is a social or comp round ? If you do why do you almost always score and what do you think it brings to your game?

I always score all my rounds, it's the only true way of knowing your actual ability. I have a friend who plays off 6 who NR on 5 or 6 holes when in comps, if he was to play out these holes his scorecard would resemble one of a much higher handicapper. In my opinion counting every shot and completing every hole is the only true way of scoring.

Deleted member 21258

If I didn't I would loose focus, get bored and start experimenting to amuse myself

This is probably one of the reasons I don't score, I would prefer to play around, try different shots/swing thoughts or even different movements. Go find it in the trees and try something else. Maybe I haven't got the point of the game :D

Seems a lot of people will score most of the time in one form or another from the replies so far, does scoring each time actually improve you as a golfer tho and is improving what you want from golf. Hmmm, have to think more about this more :unsure::unsure:

Deleted member 1147

I always have in mind what my score is, whether I'm playing a comp' or just having a friendly knock with a mate, or on my own.

It's not hard to keep in mind whether you are x shots under-or-over, par or handicap!


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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This is probably one of the reasons I don't score, I would prefer to play around, try different shots/swing thoughts or even different movements. Go find it in the trees and try something else. Maybe I haven't got the point of the game :D

Seems a lot of people will score most of the time in one form or another from the replies so far, does scoring each time actually improve you as a golfer tho and is improving what you want from golf. Hmmm, have to think more about this more :unsure::unsure:
one thing that helped me improve was cutting out the experimental rounds.

When i was a member at Torvean, which is around the corner from my house i used to pop up most days for a few holes, esp those summer nights. But when i joined Nairn, that is a good 30 min drive away so cut out most of the times i just went a hit 2 or 3 balls on every shot. all my games were with people and usually much better players, i learn from that and stopped me buggering around. might not be the same for every one but def focused my game more

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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90% of my golf through the spring and summer is club matches. I never, ever, write down any scores when playing a detracts from the only relevant focus.

The other 10% are strokeplay competitions so defacto get scored.

I have played 1 'social' game this year, which was an opportunity to take out some different clubs and try a few things.


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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If I'm playing a game (social or otherwise) then l keep a score. If you dont keep a score (either in your head or written down) then you're just hitting a ball , and not playing golf. But whether one retains a record of the score beyond the end of the round is an entirely different thing altogether (and i dont, unless it was a seriously good performance)


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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When I play with others I am virtually always playing in a swindle or just for a drink - so yes.

The odd occasions I am playing on my own - never because these rounds I treat as practice rounds and am trying out different techniques and shots


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Pretty much always.
It helps me to understand whether the margin of my defeat is increasing or decreasing!
I also plot fairways and greens hit in regulation and putts I've taken.


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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No, only interested in scores under competition conditions. Social golf we tend to play match play, so no score card required. Only exception is playing a different course where I am interested to see proper score.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 3, 2015
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I record all my rounds including when playing solo. It’s my way of seeing whether I am improving or not. If I don’t score I feel that I lose focus.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I don't always keep a score when I'm flying solo but if I'm out with CVG and/or Fragger then a score is always kept.
We play pretty competitive non-competitive golf most of the time.
With a bit of luck we can start putting more supplementary cards in next season as we don't get many competitive - that is if Fragger stops "seeking attention":LOL:


Head Pro
Apr 20, 2011
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I never score if playing on my own because I can never manage 18 holes without hitting more than one ball. Even playing social games I’m not bothered about scoring, if whoever I’m playing wants to score then fine but I know in my head wether I’ve played well or not.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Certainly don't get out a pencil and write down my score. I can keep track of how I am doing in my head and will know if I am in the 70s or 80s.

We play match play games when not in comps.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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For me it literally depends on what I'm on course for.

In past I've always had mental note in my head of score.

If I was playing match play never see the point of recording individual score, never understood why people care how many under or over they are to Par. The only thing that matters is are you up or down in a match, couldn't careless if I won a hole with birdie, bogey or concession as long as I won it. Matchplay for me is about beating the opponent and quality of how that happens is secondary, just my opinion of course.

Other than that often used rounds to practice what different shot types there are etc if I do this in a round score is irrelevant again to me it's about did I do what i wanted to do.

Then if I know I had a comp coming up the few rounds before it I would go out on course and just play bogey against the course trying to use decent course management and track scores this way so when it came to competitive rounds I had a plan in mind...

As I say though that's how I used to do it, now I've started playing again recently I'm happy to just go out enjoy the walk keep a rough idea of where I'm at.

Once I join a club again I will probably revert to old habit as always worked best for me. Though who knows could change depending where I join and who I play with and less pressure on myself to perform every time.