Major Champion
We've this year had completed four large level teeing areas built side-by-side at top end of our range - each with four mats and plenty of room in each teeing ground in front of the mats for practice off grass (when permitted - though only permitted prior to main board or open comp ). Plus we have two covered bays. Range balls are provided and collected by greens team once a week - and we've recently had delivery of a large batch of decent range balls. Range is long enough for the driving of all but the BDCs amongst us.
All this is free (at the point of delivery...of course we have to pay for it through our subs). It is a great facility for members and visitors. I consider us very fortunate.
All this is free (at the point of delivery...of course we have to pay for it through our subs). It is a great facility for members and visitors. I consider us very fortunate.