Old Skier
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Changes to the CONGU UHS System have recently been announced. In view of the proposed introductionof the World Handicap System (WHS) these changes have been kept to a minimum and take into accountsome of the options likely to be adopted in the WHS, principal of which is to encourage players to submitmore scores to their handicap record.
The changes, which come into effect on the 1st of January 2018, are:
Changes to the CONGU UHS System have recently been announced. In view of the proposed introductionof the World Handicap System (WHS) these changes have been kept to a minimum and take into accountsome of the options likely to be adopted in the WHS, principal of which is to encourage players to submitmore scores to their handicap record.
The changes, which come into effect on the 1st of January 2018, are:
- Retirement of Club & Disability Handicaps – As a result of their low impact these have been removedand replaced by a new Category 5 for Men and Category 6 for both Men and Women, providing for amaximum handicap of 54.0 for all golfers. Players will be able to maintain a Competition Handicap inall six categories. Upward adjustment for all categories will remain at 0.1 and downward adjustmentsfor Net Differentials below Buffer Zones will be 0.5 for Category 5 and 0.6 for Category 6.
After 1st January 2018 Handicap Committees can increase handicaps above the current limits of 28.0and 36.0, and they will also increase above those limits automatically as a result of above Buffer Zonereturns in Qualifying Competitions and Supplementary Score submissions. - Supplementary Scores – Relaxation of the rules to allow an unlimited number of score submissions peryear and removal of the restriction of one per week. However, the restriction on Category 1 playerswill remain in place.
- Mixed Tee Competitions – Reinforcement of the single CSS Adjustment Calculation. Having a single CSSadjustment for two or more competitions will provide a more equitable value when one of thecompetitions has a very low number of players. To overcome the technical IT implementation issues,the approach agreed will be to enter all scores into a single competition (and so a single CSS AdjustmentFactor is calculated) with a facility within the software to allow the results to be separated for eachgroup of competitors.
- Definitions – Confirmation that cards submitted for Initial Handicap Allocation are included in thedefinition of Qualifying Scores for handicap purposes. Accordingly a player whose handicap is allocatedon the basis of such submitted scores under Clause 16 will automatically be allocated a CompetitionHandicap status.
- 9 Hole Competitions – Introduce the option of 9-Hole Medal Competitions and 9-Hole OpenCompetitions. For handicap purposes, the 9-Hole Medal scores will be converted to Stableford and willappear as stableford on the players handicap record.
- Handicap Adjustments – Confirmation that the adherence to Appendix M (Guidelines for HandicapReviews) is mandatory, not optional.
There will be no new hard copy of the CONGU® Manual, but an updated online version will be available onthe CONGU® website, where a full summary of the changes will also be posted.
This document represents the substantive changes for 2018 – other changes, which are largely forclarification purposes, will be highlighted in the online documentation