Comps. Should I play or should I wait


Club Champion
Jun 18, 2007
Cheshire, UK
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Im new to the golf club scene and have a dilemna I'd appreciate your comments on. I play off 24 and would describe myself as a hacker. I was thinking of playing in the July medal in a couple of weeks but am feeling a bit overawed as my standard of play does will not come up to the standard of other members in my group. Also I am not sure of scoring other peoples cards with penalties etc. Am I better waiting or just go for it ?
There is no problem with playing in a medal off 24, some of the guys at my club play regularly of 28. They are on 28 because thats as high as mens handicaps go, but they should really be off about 40!
There is no excuse however about not knowing penalty situations - you need to read the rules, they are not complicated, just read a decent summary of them.
I would say Im 95% confident of the penalties, eg. If a ball lands in rough and someone wants a penalty drop, does it have to be agreed with the playing partners.
I guess Im just nervous of getting something wrong and P*&&^&" someone off.
Ive tried the rule book and get lost in jargon. Where can I see a summary version ?
Andy, a player would need consent from partners on a free drop but not a penalty drop, you can declare a ball unplayable anywhere you want and take relief with a one shot penalty.
Remember a free drop is within one club length from nearest point of relief not nearer hole whereas a penalty drop is within 2 clublenghs of where the ball lies not nearer hole. Of course with a penalty drop you can also go back to where you played your last shot or go back on a straight line between the flag and your ball position as far as you like within the boundary of the course and drop.
With this wet summer and heavy rough you really want to use these drop options, they can get you out of serious s&%t with only one shot extra. If you play the ball, very often you will be worse off when it stays in the rough or you may damage a wrist etc trying. It really is a mental game.
I started playing Comps when I was off 28 about a year ago, I found it was the best way to gain experience. People in my club helped with the rules, they still do now. I was a little overawed at first and came last the first 3 or 4 times, but once the nerves had gone, I have won 3 Medals in the year and finished in the top 3 on a regular basis in our regular Sunday Comps, my handicap is now 23 and I play a Saturday 9 hole league where the max handicap is 18 with no problems. I say go for it you may finish last but don't let it get you down, things will get better.
I am definately doing the July medal and the club president has said I can play in his group and help me. What puts me off and knocks my confidence is when I see comments in these forums like "If you cant get round in under 100 then you shouldnt play in comps". This puts the pressure on, I guess my attitude needs to be stuff em....
The club president sounds like a good one- Playing in competitions with experienced players will help you pick up the rules in no time.
Sorry Andy, that 100 comment looks like one of mine, it wasn't meant to put you off it was just that if players are continually hunting about in the rough every other shot it can put other players off their game as you cant get any rhythm going and you are being harassed by frustrated groups behind being held up. I remember myself burning with enthusiasm to get out there in competition as a youngster but it is better if you can have some semblence of a game, 24 is fine you should get it round mid 90's.
No need to apologise, being new to the game I am wary of other peoples opinions and am also wary about holding others up, I guess its natural. However on this and similar forums I have to say that I have had nothing but encouragement (like yourself) but there is always a golf snob hanging round the next tee trying to knock you back, thats the side of golf that dilutes my enthusiasm.
BTW, I broke 100 this weekend in poor weather so mid 90's is def. achievable soon.
Thanks for your support birdieman.
I really wouldn't worry about being off 24 and holding people up - I've played with people off single figures who constantly loose their balls in trees and spend ages looking for it as they don't want to drop a shot or take ages lining up a putt, walking around the green and viewing it from every angle.

Playing in comps is a great way so improve your game so you just need to go for it!
You should go for it, especially as you have people to support you there. And don't give up if you do mess up your first comp round, it's normal to feel extra pressure. I'm a woman and have only just got under 28 handicap , but now I play in any comp becuase the more you do it, the less pressure you feel and this year I've had a win and a 2nd already.
Anyway, that's what handicaps are for, to give us a chance! ( Hope that doesn't get anyone going on high handicappers ... or woman golfers. I haven't seen many ladies on the forum?)
Agree with Ali, Go for it. My course is pretty tight and a few wayward tee shots can result in scores in the high 90's for a 15 handicapper like myself. I've only been playing a few years and when I started I found that going out early relived a little pressure as the course was a bit quieter.

Good luck
Well Im in for my first comp on the 7th July. Unfortunatley I am not going out early as Im playing with the president who will help with the scoring and he wants to start at 1:00pm. Never mind will allow me to go to the range before hand and get some practice in for that first tee shot.
You have everything going for you. Nobody will expect you to do well. The old hands are under a lot more pressure than you because they will be expected to perform to their handicap. You in your first comp can relax and enjoy the ride and concentrate more on what you are going to learn. You will not be alone in hitting a ball into the rough or fluffing a shot. Just concentrate on hitting the ball, don't try to be clever just move the ball nearer the hole each time.

I hope that helps.
More recently Ive been trying just as you say. Left my driver at home, laying up rather going for it, putting to a bin lid rather than a hole. To the extent Ive gone from being eratically between 105 and 115 to being consistently 100 to 105 and sub 50 for 9 holes.
Thanks for the advice.

I was in the same position as you earlier in the year. I have been a my club a little under a year and gave myself a few months to get used to the course etc. I entered the medal in March and asked the club sec if he could recommend a couple of knowledgable player who would not mind a new medal player. The experiance was great. Not only did I learn a lot about rules but also the course! I finished 53rd out of 90 and have entered each month since. I still shank, hook, slice but by playing the medals, my handicap has come down to 22.1 and I have made many new friends.

Good Luck!
With all these supporters. I would greatly appreciate if any of you can come to Royal Marple on the 7th of June for a tee off of 1:00pm to give me support. It would be great to hear a shout of "Get in the Hole" or "Your the man"
ANDYTROW – I fully sympathise with your feelings towards playing in your first medal. If it’s any consolation I guarantee you that every golfer on this forum has felt the same way at some point in their golfing careers . You’ve paid an annual membership fee and therefore have every right to play in a medal just like everybody else. Don’t let your handicap put you off entering either. Monthly medals are there for the benefit of everyone, not just the low handicappers. My first medal of the year at my new club was absolutely priceless. Playing off 7 I promptly shanked my tee shot off the 1st tee with a 4 iron and never saw the ball again. Highly embarrassing.

Get out there and give it your best shot, and most of all enjoy it.
