Tour Winner
Right then chaps.
As some of you know I plan to take my first tentative steps towards entering competitions at my club next season.
Having never done anything like this before I wondered if there was any procedure to be followed. Not wishing to look a total novice I would prefer to get on the course for the comp without having to ask the first person I see "What do I do?"
I appreciate clubs will have different ways of running competitions but imagine they follow a similar format.
The main things I would like to know are the procedures to follow when arriving at the club for the competition up to stepping onto the first tee. (Yes, I can imagine my kneecaps will be dancing the Tango with nervousness!!!)
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
As some of you know I plan to take my first tentative steps towards entering competitions at my club next season.
Having never done anything like this before I wondered if there was any procedure to be followed. Not wishing to look a total novice I would prefer to get on the course for the comp without having to ask the first person I see "What do I do?"
I appreciate clubs will have different ways of running competitions but imagine they follow a similar format.
The main things I would like to know are the procedures to follow when arriving at the club for the competition up to stepping onto the first tee. (Yes, I can imagine my kneecaps will be dancing the Tango with nervousness!!!)
Any assistance greatly appreciated.