Cherished Number Plates.

There was rumour that Levi roots had purchased a house local to us, today I saw RR54 UCE on an x5x

RR 54UCE - reggae reggae sauce.

Looks like he did buy the house.

What I like is that would have been a cheap plate, less that 500.00 and is totally unique to him, fair play.
Last week I drove a scooby with the plate SU13 ARU

Hyundai have lots with HYU as the last 3

There was an entertainer a few years ago, someone like Des O’Connor who had the plate D1TTY 👍
And British junior champion at the All England Tennis Club 1966.

He was an orthopaedic surgeon.
It was jokingly said that he would try to create customers when playing rugby.
Bristol cars used to own 100 MPH. I’d often see it in the car park when I worked at BAe Filton as Bristol cars had their Head Office on the same site. Once saw RR 1 (on a Roller of course) as it passed Harrods.
They used to make Bristol cars on the aircraft site, originally it was part of the Bristol Aircraft Company, they were built to the same engineering specifications as the aircraft.