Cherished Number Plates.


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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I've just watched a cherished plate being sold at auction .................................... £162,500!
Wow, what I could have done with that money.
Bristol cars used to own 100 MPH. I’d often see it in the car park when I worked at BAe Filton as Bristol cars had their Head Office on the same site. Once saw RR 1 (on a Roller of course) as it passed Harrods.
I used to own a Saab with R31SUT. People would often ask how much I'd paid for it. I never figured out what they thought it might mean.
Around 1980 in Newcastle I used to regularly spot a brown Capri with


A few years ago there used to be a car in my next street with

RU 12
apparently Max Bygraves owned MB 1. Mercedes Benz asked him to name his price for the number plate.
A few cars back, at the height of my golf obsession and with some thoughts of being off scratch, I bought (cheaply!) XV03 PAR 😬🙄

I don't think it ever actually got on a car!!
One of my customers was selling his car with the plate JIM1V I was going to buy it until he said it did not include the number plate ( I was bit more ignorant about number plate retention back then).
Didn't Peter Alliss have 3 PUTT on his car?
Saw that when he was entering the car park at St Mellion (the Rolls Royce was a bit of a give away that it was 'somebody')
I used to own a 180C JOE
Gave it away cheaply to my head greenkeeper 'for his wife' for £800
The so and so then had great pleasure in telling me he sold the numberplate on for £400 [@1985]