Bullying In Schools

  • Thread starter Deleted member 15344
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Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Sadly bullying is part of our DNA.... Just got to look at the amount of anger aimed at cyclists... Which is just a form of bullying...

Middle grandson was doing his cycling proficiency (or whatever that call it nowadays) all the kids were riding line astern as part of the test and some WVM felt the need as he passed to hurl foul mouthed abuse at the kids... Real tough guy eh?

MS, don't think cycling is a fair comparison, if you speak to my son who drives a class one Lorry he has seen idiots on the rd in all guises inc cyclists.


Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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In no way am I blaming the victim in this video but the Kid needs to at least try and stand up for himself.

Deleted member 16999

In no way am I blaming the victim in this video but the Kid needs to at least try and stand up for himself.
That’s a bit unfair mate, like you say we’ve only seen one video, but he could of been getting bullied for months and previously stood up for himself and been beaten, no one taking his side, no one helping him.
It could just be the best way for him was to just walk away.
Unfortunately not all bullies step back the first time someone confronts them.

Deleted member 15344

In no way am I blaming the victim in this video but the Kid needs to at least try and stand up for himself.

That’s very easy to say but a lot harder to do. He could have done something back and ended up getting worse. It take a bigger person to walk away from it and then let the appropriate people deal with it - people should be protected in these situations

Saying they should stick up for themselves is a step up from the old “man up” saying


Sep 11, 2011
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I've stayed out of this thread because of 'baggage.' As a quiet 11 year old, we moved 150 miles. New school in a rough area, and me with a strange accent, ugly, quiet nature and always told no fighting. I got ripped to shreds on a daily basis. The playground was a war zone. My uniform was ripped, my football boots were stolen, my school books were thrown off the bus and I was taunted several times a day for a couple of years by half of the class till I snapped. One punch broke his jaw, an operation and me in court. Coincidently we moved again, only this time to another country. Racist bullying, racist beatings and a good knifing to cap it all. Baggage, hell yes!

Bullying leaves a mark that stays with people throughout their lives. It impacts on their ability to make friends, and to progress in their career. There's bullies at work and in almost any social group you care to think about. People who think its a good joke to belittle someone in front of their peers, in meetings in whatever.

What do bullies respond to? A cosy chat, a please don't do that? A "look what you've done?" NO! THEY NEED HITTING WITH A PROVERBIAL BASEBALL BAT!

People who behave like animals only respond to being treated like an animal. Shove a cattle prod up their ar5e and I guarantee they will behave in future.


Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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As a kid, I grew up on a rough council estate on the outskirts of Glasgow, bullying, fighting and beatings were daily occurrences. Bullies arent all cowards as most people like to think, some of them a tough nasty MOFOS from tough mean families and they don’t all run away when they get hit “because they really are cowards” so yeah I agree he might’ve got worse, but through experience I have noticed that even if you lose in a fight, if you show you’re not prepared to be an easy target it might make a difference, and as sad as it is they will move onto a weaker victim.
I was never bullied as such with regularity, but it did happen, it happened a few times before I starting fighting back, I didn’t always win but i wasn’t going to be anybody’s punchbag and like it or not the strong prey on the weak, it’s how the world works.
I agree with hobbit, sometimes violent people only respond to one thing-greater violence.

Deleted member 18121

Bullying leaves a mark that stays with people throughout their lives.

Absolutely right, knowing the kind of person you are now how do you feel about what happened to you? (feel free to not answer).

Mine all started in year 8 at school, my best mate at the time (whose family were relatively poor) stole a pair brand new trainers from me....he disappeared for 2 hours and then turned up claiming he'd just been shopping with his nan and bought them, between my parents and I we chose not to do anything because of his family life, but my mistake was telling another mate what I thought had happened.....shortly after that the mate who stole from me confronted me about the accusation and the bad times started from there.

What didn't help either was that I suffered really badly with growing pains that year and put on a lot of weight as I was unable to do PE.....so not only was I getting daily threats from him but many other kids picked on me for being fat, I lost a lot of friends that year.

I was followed home from school by groups of lads with knives who would run past me and then wait for me to walk past again whilst shouting abuse and shoving me around. Getting threatened every play time, every lunch time, even during classes. I never did retaliate, its not in my nature. I remember talking to teachers and the head, I was made a vague assurance that something would be done.....it wasn't. I lived no more than 15 minutes walk from school, yet I got picked up by car every day so I didn't have to suffer yet another harassment on the way home.

I remember hearing one day when we were 16 that he'd been hit by a car and knocked off his bike and had gone to hospital, I remember hoping he was dead....he wasn't.

Those experiences have shaped who I am now in good and bad ways, but because of that I will protect my son to the nth degree if anything every happens to him. He's nearly 6 now and has been doing kick boxing for the last year, hopefully he'll never need it.

As for the news story on the afghan lad.....I've read today that the lads sister had been bullying an english girl and had attacked her with a hockey stick leaving her in hospital needing stitches around her eye. What we then see on the news is someone retaliating over that issue.


Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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His arm was broken from an earlier 'incident' and he was nearly a foot and a couple of stone smaller than the bully.
He did the right thing.
Passive resistance takes courage...ask Gandhi.
That stookie counts as a good weapon, should’ve knocked the clown senseless with it!


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Absolutely right, knowing the kind of person you are now how do you feel about what happened to you? (feel free to not answer).

Mine all started in year 8 at school, my best mate at the time (whose family were relatively poor) stole a pair brand new trainers from me....he disappeared for 2 hours and then turned up claiming he'd just been shopping with his nan and bought them, between my parents and I we chose not to do anything because of his family life, but my mistake was telling another mate what I thought had happened.....shortly after that the mate who stole from me confronted me about the accusation and the bad times started from there.

What didn't help either was that I suffered really badly with growing pains that year and put on a lot of weight as I was unable to do PE.....so not only was I getting daily threats from him but many other kids picked on me for being fat, I lost a lot of friends that year.

I was followed home from school by groups of lads with knives who would run past me and then wait for me to walk past again whilst shouting abuse and shoving me around. Getting threatened every play time, every lunch time, even during classes. I never did retaliate, its not in my nature. I remember talking to teachers and the head, I was made a vague assurance that something would be done.....it wasn't. I lived no more than 15 minutes walk from school, yet I got picked up by car every day so I didn't have to suffer yet another harassment on the way home.

I remember hearing one day when we were 16 that he'd been hit by a car and knocked off his bike and had gone to hospital, I remember hoping he was dead....he wasn't.

Those experiences have shaped who I am now in good and bad ways, but because of that I will protect my son to the nth degree if anything every happens to him. He's nearly 6 now and has been doing kick boxing for the last year, hopefully he'll never need it.

As for the news story on the afghan lad.....I've read today that the lads sister had been bullying an english girl and had attacked her with a hockey stick leaving her in hospital needing stitches around her eye. What we then see on the news is someone retaliating over that issue.

there did appear to be more to it as the bully is asking the kid something in the clip


Tour Rookie
Oct 26, 2015
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Watching the news last night it basically said that school had previous.
One girl was getting a massive beating.
No way should that boy have retaliated.

Bullying should never be accepted and schools need to have tighter controls in place to prevent it, I noticed on SM last night that you young guy had form for dishing it out but you never really know all the facts


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Jul 10, 2012
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It’s ok saying let the appropriate people deal with it.

But that doesn’t always work.
I know this from experience.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I was bullied in school and didn't retaliate until one day I just snapped, flew across the desk and knocked six sorts of the proverbial out of the protagonist. After that he couldn't be nicer to me. He saw me as a soft target and, tbh, I was but there are times when you can only take so much.
When my son started infant school a kid bullied him in the first few weeks and he stood up for himself. I went in to see the headmistress who apologised and said it was being dealt with. In fact, they brought it to my attention. I said I was glad it was being sorted but also glad my son stood up for himself. The headmistress said that, off the record, so was she.
The trouble is that we are in a world now where errant kids can't be disciplined like they used to. The parents seem to absolve responsibility to the school and then complain if their child gets disciplined. We are now in the third or fourth generation of this attitude sadly.


Sep 11, 2011
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Once upon a time, if you told your mum you'd been clipped at school you got clipped again. Nowadays the parents are up at the school giving the teacher hell. I can remember getting a gentle clip of the village bobby for being in school uniform with my shirt out. Told my mum, and she gave me a rollicking too. Nowadays there'd be a claim going in. But I tell you what, my shirt is always tucked in.


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Jul 10, 2012
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What I don’t get is why a fundraising site as been set up for the victim.
Apparently his family are set to receive £150k.
For what?

Deleted member 15344

So another video of a young girl getting bullied this time isn’t allowed on the forum despite being all over social media ? How come the thread was allowed then ?

Deleted member 16999

The video of a year 8 girl being attacked by another older girl in Kent on thursday is absolutely sickening, it is far far worse, imo, than the video posted in this thread.
I’ve dealt with some nasty things and that video had my stomach churning, if it was my kid I’d do time for what she suffered.
3 people have been arrested in connection with the attack.
Personally, imo, if you wish to see it find it on twitter/Fbook etc, but be warned, somethings can’t be unseen.