Journeyman Pro
Nobody has the answer.I don’t think it’s correct to judge them against their times, lives were worthless, the gap between have and have nots were unbelievable by any standard, poor people had no say in their lives etc.
Genuine question, if it was acceptable for men to sleep with 12 year old kids “in their time” would we have the same attitude?
Their times had very little of social conscience and what was right or wrong, just because they did it, doesn’t mean it was ok.
I agree we can’t change it, but we can’t condone some that behaviour and turn a blind eye.
If we are going to remember the past, learn and move forward as a society then we have to be honest about it.
As the main ports in the land are built on money from The slave trade.
The make up of my city would change a lot if we just eradicate all mention of it.
We have tinkered around the edges of this debate for to long .
But one wrong word and your branded a racist this needs to stop if we are going to debate a solution.
People are very scared to voice an opinion for this reason .
This imho is why it hasn’t been on any agenda to sort a solution.
But there needs to be one and not just put off again.