Bitter Sweet Victory


Assistant Pro
Jan 16, 2009
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Arrived at club this morning for the first trophy comp of the year to be told,it would be a non qualifier because of the wind conditions! Admittedly it was blowing a gale but I was cheesed off as I am trying to get my handicap down this year.

Anyway it is a Flag comp , I managed to play well and walked off the 18th with one shot left. Arrived at the 1st to see the flag on the fairway, so I wound myself up and hit a decent drive past the flag. I was right at the end of the field and managed to win.

When I got in everybody was very pleased for me as I played to 4,but there was some comments about the other lady who also went up the first.
They said it was unfair because she had the same score as me, but I was always going to win as I hit a long ball off the tee. As there was no second prize I I felt sorry for her and it did'nt feel like I had really won the trophy.

And I did not even get my handicap reduced after all my hard work!

Sneds, you are not alone.

Wacky, why was it non qualifying because of the wind? It is the same for everyone, so it just affects CSS.
Is the flag thing a bit like the kids play in the HSBC Wee Wonders thing? When your handicap shots are used up you stick a flag in the ground and the winner is the person whose flag is furthest round the course?
Flag competition is when the first person out takes a flag out with them, then they add their handicap to the Standard scratch of the course. For instance mine was 5 + SS 74 = 79 shots. When you have used all your shots up you stick the flag in the ground. If the next person has more shots left over they will carry the flag until they run out and place the flag in the ground and so on. Furthest on win comp. Hope that made sense!

Murph - I totally agree with you about the CSS, but was told it is a new rule. Anybody heard about it? It could just be EWGA ruling.
Well done on playing so. I can't understand why they declared it non-qualifying. Our ladies do it too if the weather looks a bit iffy. Surely just adjust the CSS and everyone is playing of a level playing field. It seems far to easy for ladies to change the status of their competitions. Unless we are on temporary greens or we get by monsoon conditions and the course becomes unplayable it remains a qualifier unless declared as a non-qualifier in advance.
You should only run a non-qualifying competition for a valid reason - ie not a measured course, bunkers all full up of water but I would say 'wind' would not be really seen as a valid reason....but as long as yoou tell everyone before they go out you can....

The problem with women is that in general the fields are very small (Wacky - how many played in total?) and therefore that despite that the CSS can change (ie if it is windy) it tends not too due to the lack of numbers (HNJ - it just does okay - stats rule BTW!!!)....

The other problem with women is that they hate having their handicaps go up and so will change the 'rules' to suit them as much as possible, which is strange as if they had more qualifiers they might have handicaps they could play to....

Well done on winning too!!!
SammeBee - 50 started off but I think only about 30 finished the course.

I really cannot understand why they do not want to play in qualifiers. The thing is if you cannot play to your handicap, then you need to go up!

The weather conditions do get extreme up here but that is why we have a high Standard Scratch.

I will just have to put it down to experience and wait for the next individual comp in a fortnights time.
You should only run a non-qualifying competition for a valid reason - ie not a measured course, bunkers all full up of water but I would say 'wind' would not be really seen as a valid reason....but as long as yoou tell everyone before they go out you can....

The problem with women is that in general the fields are very small (Wacky - how many played in total?) and therefore that despite that the CSS can change (ie if it is windy) it tends not too due to the lack of numbers (HNJ - it just does okay - stats rule BTW!!!)....

The other problem with women is that they hate having their handicaps go up and so will change the 'rules' to suit them as much as possible, which is strange as if they had more qualifiers they might have handicaps they could play to....

Well done on winning too!!!

Should I put some facetious comment in brackets naming someone or just leave it for those who follow the crowd in the playground :D no I will just leave it there I think?
When I got in everybody was very pleased for me as I played to 4,but there was some comments about the other lady who also went up the first.
They said it was unfair because she had the same score as me, but I was always going to win as I hit a long ball off the tee. As there was no second prize I I felt sorry for her and it did'nt feel like I had really won the trophy.

Well done Wacky. To play better than your h/cap is good at any time - let alone in the conditions that you describe. Cuts to come I think :)

Don't feel to sorry for the other lady. To match you for 18 holes by not being a long hitter would indicate that another aspect of her game is strong. She should have used those strengths earlier to shut you out.

A well deserved winner I think. :) :) Well done.
If I get this flag system right, after 18 holes the comp can continue round again till shots used up (correct me if wrong). If that is the case it is not an official measured 18 hole comp so it would be hard to justify as a qualifier :D wouldn't it?