Bit unfair on the 6h/capper?

Our medals are done in three categories 0-11, 12-18, 19+. Whilst I have no issues with the handicap system, it seems daft to have everyone against each other.
Having different divisions is imo a good way to go.
I suppose it all depends on the amount of entries on the day.
I do think the lowest gross deserves something.
I also think all people want is a level playing field,imo as long as all handicaps
are legite and up to date you will have that.
I presume most of us have had higher handicaps in the past and have won comps
on the way down,and have the capability of winning again.
If getting a low handicap was all about winning the monthly medal what would be the incentive.
Low handicaps move onto other things ie- playing for the clubs A team,scratch comps,etc.
We have 3 divisions and it works well.

The trouble with another prise for lowest gross is that it will only be won by a small percentage of the field, so in effect it's being subsidised by the higher handicappers. Now if they had another comp running alongside for lowest gross similar to the two's pot then that would solve the problem.

We also have a few scratch comps through the year.
I was surprised that our medal last week had the first three places filed with a 3, 4 and 6 handicapper.

The reason for my surprise was that we are still enjoying the summer run on the ball and we have not had high winds.

When we return to British weather -wet and windy- watch the golfers with the ability come through the field and dominate. They just have the skill to master adverse conditions better.

High handicappers ...... enjoy this time and the win if you are indeed skillful enough to head the field, it is a long winter!
We have 3 divisions and it works well.

The trouble with another prise for lowest gross is that it will only be won by a small percentage of the field, so in effect it's being subsidised by the higher handicappers. Now if they had another comp running alongside for lowest gross similar to the two's pot then that would solve the problem.

We also have a few scratch comps through the year.

Came here to post this... Agree.
If you have lowest gross every comp then you'll have a few low handicappers taking the money every week, paid for by the other players.
When I was in Germany, everyone had to pay DM5 to enter the comp.
Then, if you wanted to you could pay another DM5 to enter the gross comp.
Then if you won it, you won the total paid in for the gross comp.

However, when I was at a golf club in W-S-M, I shot 2 under gross off 3 and won nothing. No gross prize and not a sniff in the net section.

So basically, every club's different.
No he didn't, the guy who shot 73 played the best on the day. Handicap golf doesn't reward the best though.

Evahakool, do you not have divisions?

No divisions for monthly medals,most of our comps.are nett and gross prizes,a few of the bigger comps. Have divisions.
Chances are the 28 handicapper has just played the best round he's ever managed (you don't stay on 28 long if you have hit 90 before) whereas the 6 handicapper might have scored that low half a dozen times before.

I do get annoyed at these threads - you'd think low handicap players never win comps the way some people talk.

The 6 h'capper could also have played the best round he's ever managed.

Well said, the lower handicapper will have won his fair share coming down. I know I have won a fair bit over the years. I love to see a high handicapper win as it gives them a moment of glory and the chance to play off a new lower handicap.

Not all low h'cappers have held an high h'cap. I myself have never held an official h'cap higher than 12 and I only played off of that for 1 week.

That's not to say I begrudge high h'cappers winning. I think the h'cap system has it's flaws but overall works well although I do believe it favours high h'caps.

The thing that I don't agree with is that the best player on the day is often overlooked, but that isn't entirely the fault of the h'cap system.
Chances are the 28 handicapper has just played the best round he's ever managed (you don't stay on 28 long if you have hit 90 before) whereas the 6 handicapper might have scored that low half a dozen times before.

I do get annoyed at these threads - you'd think low handicap players never win comps the way some people talk.

No divisions for monthly medals,most of our comps.are nett and gross prizes,a few of the bigger comps. Have divisions.

So the 6 h'capper won the Gross prize?
It can be a bit of a sore one when you play a great round, beat the field by several shots (gross) and miss out to someone who wasn't even close to your score. Handicaps exist to artificially create competition where otherwise there wouldn't be; and there are good reasons for doing that.

I'm another who has no great interest in winning a handicap competition, they're a bit of a lottery really.

However I don't think they overly benefit the high handicappers. I've had good scores a few times this year and been pipped for the net prize but also, this month, I did win the monthly medal; 9 shots clear gross, 1 shot nett. That was my best round of the year so far which is possibly the sort of benchmark needed to win a handicap comp (off any handicap).

We also give a best scratch prize for most comps which, to be fair, you can tell from the start sheet which players have a chance of winning and it usually comes down to no more than 2 or 3 possibles. In fact, sometimes it's apparent that I'm certain to win it unless I have a complete meltdown.

Even without sweep money I'd be keen to try to shoot the best gross every time out. Which feels more of an achievement than best nett.

I think it's a progression; I won lots of nett stuff in my first year as my handicap was tumbling and it helped motivate me at the time although I always felt slightly embarrassed being congratulated by someone who had played and scored much better than myself.
I played the other afternoon with Jimboo (from the forum) at Canterbury, a decent 6300 yard par 71. He is a member at a local club, has never played in a comp and offered to play off 10 handicap against my 12. He was great value for the 10 h/c and outplayed me and i'm certain that if he put 3 cards in at his place he would be single figures or very close, brilliant given that he has never played junior golf and was probably an 18 h/c when I first played with him 18 months or so back. I, on the other hand, started playing about 15 years ago from never holding a club and have had numerous wins in comps at the two clubs I have belonged to and have been on the Honours board too, coming from a 26 h/c to 11 over the time.

He is very happy to have never won anything to get so low and I am delighted with what I've won on my quest for single figures

You pays your money you takes your choice springs to mind - we are all different!
Our medals are done in three categories 0-11, 12-18, 19+. Whilst I have no issues with the handicap system, it seems daft to have everyone against each other.

I can see both sides of it, and would suggest that what's relevant for one club isn't necessarily the best for another.

We don't have divisions for any competition, and have only 2 competitions in the year with handicap limits - one up, one down!

However we do not have a lot of throughput of members and with the exception of juniors (who get free memberships as family members and play in anything once they have a CONGU handicap) we get extremely few 'beginners'.

Every year we analyse whose winning, and look at the proportions of categoy winners v cat. entries and, since we have been doing it, and the results have matched the inherent bias in favour of the lower players exactly ie cat 1 won slightly ahead of their arithmetic norm, and cat 4 slightly behind.

So, to me it seems 'daft' to reward a player who (as an example) simply happens to be the better player in that handicap category on that day when they would have been 10th overall.... but I've played at other clubs over the years when it's exactly the right thing to do because of the huge percentage of new players quickly working their way through the handicap categories! (ESR's hasten the process but aren't relevant in this context).
Our medal events are run in three divisions so in essence you are only playing against your handicap peers. Honours board events are open to all and are usually net results with the exception of the club championship. However surely the fact that this was a medal event in the OP means the higher handicapper has more chance to chuck killer holes in because of his inconsistency. Because he didn't and played arguably as well as he can on the day he deserves to win. Simples

The winner will be cut and so may struggle to repeat the feat. For me, it isn't so much going into a competition to win but more a case of trying to shoot the best score I can on that day and hope my handicap gets cut
The object of the comp is to play the best relative to your handicap, in other words to your usual ability. If it was a gross comp, the object would be to shoot the lowest score regardless of handicap. That is a different comp.
My club, like many, has a best gross prize. All but maybe 8 players have no realistic chance of winning it. Yet we all pay in to contribute to the best gross prize in our entry fee. I don't hear too many complaining about that.
28 hc are a farse.

Realy ? to be honest i was expecting your sig to say single handicap ..

No man should get more than one shot a hole.:whistle:

Someone had to pick up the mantle i guess :D:D

Why are they a farce because you never got one, 28 is the max for a male.

Lots of negative comments on here directed to high handicap players.
I have no problems with any handicap so long as its an honest handicap . nett 63 won in our place last weekend by a 23(i think) handicapper , this guy plays every weekend , hands in every card & tries HIS best every time ive played with him at least.. i for one will shake his hand and congratulate him
Two ways of looking at results .. the best golf of the day or the weeken will win the gross prize ,, end of
The best golf in relation to handicap will win the overall .. end of

Anyone who has issues with handicaps or high handicappers go play in senior , junior or intermediate scratch cups/opens and you have nothing to fear then ..
It's quite sad that few people respect someone playing well and above their supposed ability. Winning stuff is secondary, the primary objective is to get cut, have a low handicap and play a really good standard of golf. If you are one of those players who doesn't practice or put the effort in and expect to win off your handicap, your kidding yourself.
Secondly my experience is that the mid handicaps in the divisions struggle to win stuff out right but are good for the placings. We have 2 divisions 0-12, and the other is 13 up.. So you see the 10-12s winning the nett stuff in div1 and you see the 21-23s winning div 2 nett. I have to say I don't care what handicap wins the prize overall, my wife complains about my golfing trinkets anyway.
At my club the medals are split into 3 divisions however the board competitions are 1 division only with a max handicap of 18. We don't have a best gross prize for any of our competitions.

The one thing that annoys me is the count back rule, where someone wins just because they have a better nett back 9. I don't see how this is a fair way of deciding who has one the competition. In my eyes if the nett scores are tied then it should revert to the best gross score but I'm sure others will have a different opinion of this.
At my club the medals are split into 3 divisions however the board competitions are 1 division only with a max handicap of 18. We don't have a best gross prize for any of our competitions.

The one thing that annoys me is the count back rule, where someone wins just because they have a better nett back 9. I don't see how this is a fair way of deciding who has one the competition. In my eyes if the nett scores are tied then it should revert to the best gross score but I'm sure others will have a different opinion of this.

Couple of old clubs had Divisions which was sensible given the numbers involved - 1, with 2 courses, even split Medals across 2 days, so separate comps really.

There has to be some way to decide a winner and countback is the obvious way. Back 9 is as good as any and in a Nett comp, Nett countback seems the 'best' way to me.

Gross win is always my preference, though I'd also be happy with a nett one. If someone has a 'better' day than me, then that's also fine. I've had a couple of really good days here I've been 2nd (to different players) in both Gross and Nett! Didn't irk me at all! :rolleyes: