Bit unfair on the 6h/capper?


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 4, 2009
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Played our monthly medal yesterday,our course is par 71 ss 69

28h/c won with gross 91 net 63, I came second 18h/c gross 84 net 66, 6h/c came third with gross 73 net 67.

Now the 6h/c has had a really great round and only came third, don't seem right somehow.

Most of our comps. Have a scratch prize and a h/c prize but not so in the monthly medal,would it not be fairer to have two medals for one for the best gross score and one for h/c?
That's what the handicap system is about so it's not the lowest gross score that always wins. I know a lot of clubs have a separate prize for the best gross score off the competition so it's just life I am afraid!
Nope that's what handicaps are for the guy who shot the 91 nett 63 played the best on the day and deserves the win, well done on your 2nd place.
How do you measure 'played better than your ability?'. A 28 h/capper has more shots to play with.

You could argue that the 28 hcapper played (handicap/gross over sss) = (28/22) ~ 1.3 times better than his handicap, whereas the 6 handicapper played (6/4) ~ 1.5 times better than his handicap.

This is where the current handicap system fails in my opinion, in that an excellent day for a high handicapper will always be better than an excellent day for a low handicapper. Perhaps some sort of coefficient as outlined above would be more consistent for all handicaps.