Bit unfair on the 6h/capper?

Coming from a 20 handicap, yeh right your at the wind up.

Im not actually. I agree wholly with JP5 above. For instance round my track im easily capable of Birdieing most holes and I often get Magic 2s on the 3s. In terms of stsbleford, if I birdie on a hole im gifted 2 strokes on I deserve 5 points? Doesnt seem right to me.
Im not actually. I agree wholly with JP5 above. For instance round my track im easily capable of Birdieing most holes and I often get Magic 2s on the 3s. In terms of stsbleford, if I birdie on a hole im gifted 2 strokes on I deserve 5 points? Doesnt seem right to me.

Well your handicap says otherwise does it not.
My problem is inconsistancy. Ill have a string of really bad holes then a few blinders. My scores for stableford always look better than stroke play? I just think there has to be a fairer way on making a level field for all. As has been said. A high handicapper has alot more scores to play with.
Jesus! Please don't let this descend into another handicap bashing/snob piece of pants thread. Seeing far too much of this on here now and I don't think this is the main intent of the op. Not to long before the "banter" starts if it hasn't already.

Clubs need to reward achievements in a way that gives everyone something to play for.
My club tends to give prizes for the following.

Overall: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Gross.
Sections: 0-9, 10-18, 19+
Also Seniors, ladies and juniors.

If they only ever gave for gross then you'd pretty much only have Cat 1 players entering comps.
If they only ever gave for nett then you'd find a lot of Cat 1's leaving to play somewhere else.

One important thing is also forgotten. Did the 28 handicapper go out wanting to win the prize? If he is anything like me, or many of the golfers I know, then he didn't. He went out to play against the course based on his handicap and would have probably been happy with anything that got him a cut. You say the 6 handicapper had a great round. Well the 28 handicapper obviously also had a great round for his ability. Now has the joy of a prize, a hefty cut and a want to get out and keep trying to do better. I would be willing to bet the 6 handicapper will place in the prizes more often than the guy who used to be off 28.
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Chances are the 28 handicapper has just played the best round he's ever managed (you don't stay on 28 long if you have hit 90 before) whereas the 6 handicapper might have scored that low half a dozen times before.

I do get annoyed at these threads - you'd think low handicap players never win comps the way some people talk.
Chances are the 28 handicapper has just played the best round he's ever managed (you don't stay on 28 long if you have hit 90 before) whereas the 6 handicapper might have scored that low half a dozen times before.

I do get annoyed at these threads - you'd think low handicap players never win comps the way some people talk.
Well said, the lower handicapper will have won his fair share coming down. I know I have won a fair bit over the years. I love to see a high handicapper win as it gives them a moment of glory and the chance to play off a new lower handicap.
I sounded a bit sexist in that. His/her handicap coming down.
Jesus! Please don't let this descend into another handicap bashing/snob piece of pants thread. Seeing far too much of this on here now and I don't think this is the main intent of the op. Not to long before the "banter" starts if it hasn't already.

Clubs need to reward achievements in a way that gives everyone something to play for.
My club tends to give prizes for the following.

Overall: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Gross.
Sections: 0-9, 10-18, 19+
Also Seniors, ladies and juniors.

If they only ever gave for gross then you'd pretty much only have Cat 1 players entering comps.
If they only ever gave for nett then you'd find a lot of Cat 1's leaving to play somewhere else.

One important thing is also forgotten. Did the 28 handicapper go out wanting to win the prize? If he is anything like me, or many of the golfers I know, then he didn't. He went out to play against the course based on his handicap and would have probably been happy with anything that got him a cut. You say the 6 handicapper had a great round. Well the 28 handicapper obviously also had a great round for his ability. Now has the joy of a prize, a hefty cut and a want to get out and keep trying to do better. I would be willing to bet the 6 handicapper will place in the prizes more often than the guy who used to be off 28.

Good reply,the last thing I wanted was this to decend into a h/c bashing thread.

I know both players well and they enter a lot of comps. Pleased for the 28h/c he played well and deserves his prize.As I've already stated most comps. Have two prizes just think it would be fairer if we had it in our monthly medal as well.
Good reply,the last thing I wanted was this to decend into a h/c bashing thread.

I know both players well and they enter a lot of comps. Pleased for the 28h/c he played well and deserves his prize.As I've already stated most comps. Have two prizes just think it would be fairer if we had it in our monthly medal as well.

Something you should definitely raise to the committee. Gross should always be recognised in club competition. Nett can then let an uneven field compete on something just a little bit smoother.

Here's a question though. What would people be thinking if the 6 handicapper beat a 4 handicapper that shot a gross 72
A touch unfair in terms of gross score maybe, but the competition is nett so when you start you fully understand there is a full range of handicaps playing unless there are divisional prizes.
we are lucky there are 3 divisional and gross prizes but overall winner for the monthly medal is best overall nett.
It does work the other way sometimes club champs for example then a 28 h/cap cant compete with a 6 for a gross prize.

at the end of the day all 3 played well and below h/cap so cuts all around. :thup:
If he has been blackballed for what he has written on this thread its a shocker. Nothing that bad to get someone banned.
If he has been blackballed for what he has written on this thread its a shocker. Nothing that bad to get someone banned.

Birchy, click on his name and read the threads; the majority appear to be wind-ups to me. I take your point that in terms of what has passed before it seems a tad harsh, but maybe because of recent events the moderators are now having to adopt a different position. Not saying it's right or wrong, just offering a possible explanation.
Birchy, click on his name and read the threads; the majority appear to be wind-ups to me. I take your point that in terms of what has passed before it seems a tad harsh, but maybe because of recent events the moderators are now having to adopt a different position. Not saying it's right or wrong, just offering a possible explanation.

He must of been one bullet from the firing squad then :)

Seemed a valid enough argument on this one but i havent seen his other stuff yet.
This place has lost the plot. So many people displaying mock horror and offence.

For what it's worth the handicap system is what it is. Sadly in my opinion its geared towards the higher handicap golfer and will always favour them. Like Richart my old club used to operate first second and third class winners plus a separate scratch winner which to me is the fairest way to run a medal.
So long as everyone stands on the 1st tee with an equal chance of winning then, for me, their handicap is fair. True bandits apart, I believe everyone has their day as the low handicapper would have done too.

I disagree with the earlier post about competitions being "to get your handicap down" I enter to try and win, winning gets your handicap down (usually). Tiger doesn't play for the prize money and if you arnt playing to try and win why bother playing, just put in some supplementary cards.
Birchy, click on his name and read the threads; the majority appear to be wind-ups to me. I take your point that in terms of what has passed before it seems a tad harsh, but maybe because of recent events the moderators are now having to adopt a different position. Not saying it's right or wrong, just offering a possible explanation.

Appear is the clue. Depends on how you decipher what has been written.
So long as everyone stands on the 1st tee with an equal chance of winning then, for me, their handicap is fair. True bandits apart, I believe everyone has their day as the low handicapper would have done too.

I disagree with the earlier post about competitions being "to get your handicap down" I enter to try and win, winning gets your handicap down (usually). Tiger doesn't play for the prize money and if you arnt playing to try and win why bother playing, just put in some supplementary cards.

I've never once entered a strokeplay event with the sole aim of winning. I will always enter it wanting to play well and break my handicap. Too long in the tooth and know only too well that there will always be at least one ridiculously low score in the field that blows the rest out of the water.

For me medals and strokeplay events are only about trying to better my handicap.

(Sorry - forgot, I always enter the 2's so try and get a magic two!)
We have handicaps for a reason, you must be a handicap snob. Get over yourself

If you had stated that he played the best off his handicap on the day I would have agreed with you but you stated that he 'played the best on the day' when it is clearly not the case.
When someone in the clubhouse asked you what your score was did you say 66?
If so I think you will find that it is you who needs to 'get over himself'.
Nope that's what handicaps are for the guy who shot the 91 nett 63 played the best on the day and deserves the win, well done on your 2nd place.

No he didn't, the guy who shot 73 played the best on the day. Handicap golf doesn't reward the best though.

Evahakool, do you not have divisions?