Big hitters


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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If the R and A go to golf clubs during the year to measure average drives (I believe they do this twice a year), and the club average is 200 yards, which hasn't changed in 5 years, then how come we as a forum seem to have amassed all the big hitters.

There are a surprising amount of people who are hitting around 300 yards on this forum.

Now either the R and A do this during the week, when all the strong boys are at work, and the old fogeys are topping their topflites less than 200, or what we are looking at is the one off drive on a down wind, down hill, hard fairway, at altitude being used as the bench mark.

Most driving ranges, especially near me, have a back fence at around 260, and with range balls, I don't see many (any)people knocking it through the back fence. This would clearly be dangerous, and the range would have to stop it, as someone could get hurt. I know real balls go further, but another 40 yards is a long way.

There are quite a few pros who don't hit 280, so something is wrong. Also, if the national average is 200, if we (not me) all hit 300+, then a lot of golfers must be hitting less than 100.

Any ideas what is happening?


Tour Rookie
Oct 15, 2006
Norn Iron
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Good question. I imagine it's one of two things:

1. No one ever claims to be a short off the tee so when only the big hitters talk about how far they hit the ball, it gives the impression that everyone smacks it 300 yards.

2. Most golfers like to think they hit it further than they really do.

Hopefully the first one is the case. I imagine all will be revealed at the Forum Golf Society outing!

I always think there seem to be a disproportionate number of category one players on here too. Maybe it's just that people who are that good are more interested in talking about golf than most and are therefore more likely to join a forum like this to talk about it.

Also, if the national average is 200, if we (not me) all hit 300+, then a lot of golfers must be hitting less than 100.
That doesn't necessarily follow. You could have a tiny handful of people hitting it 300 yards and a lot hitting it would still average out at 200.


Tour Winner
Jan 15, 2007
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I don't think we're hitting it as far as we think we do, murph.

As you say, my range has a back fence at 260 yards (I've measured it with my laser rangefinder!) and flat ground before it. I'm only hitting the fence with my sunday best drives or if there is a bit of wind behind. Typically my carry is only 230-240 yards and I'll hit the fence on the trundle. And I think I hit a half decent ball. These are my typical drives below.

I think we all get deceived by the yardages presented to us from our scorecards and the amount of run we get. If you watch the pros "live" you'll see that actually their carry is far greater than ours (280 plus) and the ball flight much higher.


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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How do they measure this? Questions? Lasers?

Like you said they must be going mid week when all the coffin dodgers are out.

I reckon with a modern driver and ball most half decent golfers can smack it 200 yards.

Really like your swing John.

Looking forward to out meet, perhaps a long drive challenge could be on the cards? Would provide massive bragging right s on the forum.


Assistant Pro
Sep 5, 2007
Kent - England
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I'd love to claim that I can hit the ball 300+, but alas this is not so.

I reckon I average around 240ish, with the longest being about 260, and the odd squirter coming in at around the 200 mark.

There are some really good golfers at my club, although the number who can hit it 300 yds is minimal.

I think that people tend to over rather than under estimate, its amazing how long a good one looks when yr standing on the tee box, then when you get to the ball and measure back the average is around 240-260.

I think i need to eat more spinach!!!!


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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There is one word we are forgeting to focus on ...... AVERAGE
I can tank a ball and I have hit some drives recently that were measured at 320 and 326 respectively (PGA National at the Belfry where yardage to centre of green doesn't change, only pin position) . This was full run out distance and unless you find a pitchmark and trackback to measure carry it is a bit of a guess. However, my average is probably 240-250 because there can be 4-6 drives a round that pop up too high or catch the rough and stop dead.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Hence my comment on people quoting a sunday best as their 'driving distance', rather than the actual distance they would expect to hit over the course of a round.

Yes, at the range, out of 60 odd balls, you are going to get a spread, and yes, if you try to lump a ball as far as poss, then every now and then your timing will be right, and it will fly. But this is not 'real' in that you would never do this on the course, you would loose too many balls.

240/250 on the course is a fair strike, and has more in common with the guys I play with.


Assistant Pro
Nov 20, 2007
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I hit the back fence of my range in the summer at 260yrds sometimes clear it I have cleared three ranges in my area.
In the winter i tend to roll up to it i average between 270-290 in summer the odd 300+ my best at 330

I normally out drive every one i play with by normally 20yrds so i dont know many Big hitters I play with people of all levels and ages. Especially at the driving range aswell

I haventy hit anything less that a 8 iron on a par 4 all summer, this winter im hitting even 4 irons

anyway back to the point everyone on the forums who hit it 300 yrds regular are LYING HAHAHAHA
i am a rare long hitter there are a few at my club not loads


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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with my old driver, my absolute maxed out best was 280+, and never got near the back fence at the range. (average low 200's. less if I count <u>all</u> the bloopers!)

with my new driver, the lovely Sharon O (colourful and loud), I was hitting the back fence first time out - though as you say not every time. can't wait to get her on the grass!

as for over-estimating drives - definitely. just look where you find balls as opposed to where people look for them.


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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MEDIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will someone get a doctor to examine Floppy as I think he has been smacked on the thrapple with a Top Flite 3000. Why else would he type so much PI5H ???

I bet all your eggs are double yolked too Floppy ?


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Have to admit being guilty of over-estimating drives. Found the truth when had use of a buggy with sat nav measuring the distance from the tee. The average was about 230 yards.

Part of the problem, I think, is that holes are measured along the ground whereas shots go as the crow flies. As such, even though you may have driven a green on a 300+ yard par 4, the shot may have cut a corner and, in fact, only travelled 250 yards. Could be wrong on the way in which holes are measured.


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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It's all my fault the average drives are down. Blame it all on Dave.....I can take it.

It's like all these things....put enough numbers in the mix and the average will always be low. 80% of Golfers would be lucky to hit the thing even vaguely well, so factor in all the topped/skyed and pathetic hacker attempts and you've got only 200 yds.

If this is the real average, I'm actually a beast off the tee. (I'll tell my therapist!!)



Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
My range fence is 260 yards. With range balls I hit a decent drive to the fence with 1 bounce. With real golf balls they hit the fence without bouncing.

This is probably because I am a fat b@stard so get plenty of power & weight behind the shot, that is what the pro says anyways

I know a lot of golfers better than me who don't drive as long as this. Distance isn't everything at the end of the day.