Best golf course and experience of a course you have ever had?

Stayed and played at Turnberry a few years ago for my 30th.

Everything was perfection, even the weather. Personal highlight was sneaking back to the Tiger tees and hitting off the 9th and 10th over the rocks, magic!
Monte Rei on the Algarve; recently ranked best course in Portugal and in top 20 in mainland Europe. Nicklaus' best design this side of Atlantic, immaculate condition, clubhouse experience up with the very best.

One of those old style corporate freebies where nothing was too much effort or expense. Pity I'm now retired!
Pebble Beach for me. The peninsula is incredible, the course fantastic and the views just stunning. That said I have never played a true British or Irish links, so lots of those on the must play list for me.

That is interesting reading. I have several friends who have played Pebble Beach and all said it was distinctly average. A couple of good holes but the rest were mediocre although in very good condition. Most of them said that they thought that Spanish Bay was better.

I have been very lucky to have played a lot of top courses. The best golf course I have played by some considerable distance is Royal County Down. A majestic golf club that gets better every time I play it and learn a bit more about how to tackle it. Just a wondrous links in a terrific and dramatic setting. If you stay at Slieve Donard for a few days and play 2 or 3 rounds at RCD, it is a really special trip.

However, in terms of the overall golfing experience, I would rate Gleneagles as just a shade better. The hotel is just superb and the Kings Course is lovely. The golf, food on offer, standard of accommodation but most of all, the brilliant service from the staff, all combine to make Gleneagles a very special spot. Probably the top of my list as golfing experiences go.

I also think a notable mention should be made on the clubhouse and welcome at the 2010 course at Celtic Manor. They really do look after you there and it is a very nice environment. However, I think the course is nothing to write home about so it takes the shine off the experience markedly.
that reminds me of when I met an old friend from years ago, and he asked me if Jane (not real name) was still my girlfriend, I said she wasn't and he launched into "I never liked her anyway, bit of a gold digger and I didnt trust her", so when I said 'she's now my wife' he went purple and I swear he was gasping for air:rofl: we parted quickly and I've never seen him again.


But seriously, is she a gold digger?
Nicest Place
Brocket Hall's Millennium Course is probably the best quality course (and club) I've played at. Is the fact that I was asked to remove my cap when indoors an indicator? It's the only place that's happened to me in. A better indicator was when I drove in and pulled up to ask a young member of staff to ask where I should park my car he then offered to take my clubs to clean them for me! Why I tell ya I thought I was in heaven.

Sadly I'd already cleaned them the night before.

Most Interesting and Enjoyable Course
The course I've liked the most though is probably Shirley Park Golf Course (in Croydon). I played the first four holes as a playing lesson with my teacher then he said I could finish the rest of the course on my own. I didn't play well but the course is just really nice and interesting without being too challenging.

Kirkbymoorside in Yorkshire. All i take with me on holiday are my shoes, glove, putter and some balls. They provide me with some old clubs, and let me loose. The first time I ran out of balls (it was a bad day) losing my last on the 14th tee. The pair of club members behind me donated me a few old balls they had in their bags to let me finish the round. Second visit I was invited to make up a four-player Texas Scramble team in a charity Shotgun competition. And the third time, while nothing in particular of note happened still everyone I spoke to was very friendly and accomodating.

Most Enjoyable Individual Round
Breaking 100 for the first time with a 94 at Addington Court's Falconwood earlier this year (28th April, to be precise) rates pretty highly, but perhaps the 95 I scored at their Championship Course (6th October) was more enjoyable as I felt like I played better, on a more difficult course, AND I knew my score after 16 so had to hold my nerve to avoid my almost customary, score-ruining, blow-ups!
Turnberry for me. Played both the Ailsa and the Kintyre on separate occasions and both times were wonderful golfing experiences from the clubhouse to the course.
I love Royal Dornoch...both courses infact.Muirfield loses points for me because of the jacket and tie nonsense.

My own personal favourite course is Brighouse Bay, a caravan park course near Kirkcudbright.Cheap, excellent conditioning, portacabin starter and friendly people...and when the wind gets up, oh my days.
I think you mean Melbourne Course - with the ferry across to the 18th green. The other course is the Palmerston.
As it happens you're both wrong and right. We played the Palmerston course.

Although my addled brain is convinced the Melbourne course was called The Millennium course when we were there in June 2011. Has it changed its name? Whatever it was called then, I've not played it.
Was going to say Turnberry, but being just along the road makes it too close to call it extra special. My vote would therefore go to Kings Course at Gleneagles. Just a fabulous play golf, from the quality of the dormy house, through the course and back in to the dormy house was extra special, just amazing
Another vote for Dornoch, an awesome course with what was a few years back such a laid back approach by the pro and the other staff. Not what we were expecting but much appreciated. Not sure what it is like now though.
Another vote for Dornoch, an awesome course with what was a few years back such a laid back approach by the pro and the other staff. Not what we were expecting but much appreciated. Not sure what it is like now though.

It's still a fantastic experience, from the pro shop to the starter to the clubhouse staff. I was there in September and made to feel very welcome :thup:
Ive been racking my brains on this one and I still cant think of a single one that has been a better all round experience than the Berkshire with lunch :) In terms of Links then St Endedoc in Cornwall I play every year is a fun track if the wind behaves itself.

I like the West on Wentworth but it is overrated and far to expensive if you don't have an invite. West Hill was lovely but I didnt like the club house much. I have played and enjoy the Dubai courses but there is a sense of "plastic" and clinical set up with these newer tracks in the Middle East. I have to say I've played some of the Ocieanica courses in Portugal including the Victoria and The Old course and they were very good and very well maintained and difficult to beat.

Id love to play more in Scotland and will plan a trip in the next couple of years with the boys but what puts me off playing at the home of golf (which I must do soon as its a sin!1) is all this ballet thing when you cant even be sure you will get a game?? :(